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Car From Japan online platform hands Africa PR roles to Brand Vision Agency

ByPhilipp Meister-February 06, 2018

Car From Japan today announced they had zeroed on Brand Vision Agency to lead their PR onslaught onto the Africa market. The ground breaking move will see Brand Vision take over the PR role of managing Japan’s second leading website in terms of car uploads in their outstanding African markets that include Uganda, Tanzania, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Malawi.


About Car From Japan


Car From Japan is a platform to trade used Japanese cars, parts and machinery and has over the years garnered thousands of loyal customers who are guaranteed of direct and easy access to thousands of used cars from Japan, at unbeatable prices.

It was founded on the basis of “enriching lives” by connecting people and facilitating trade, IT and business solutions. With a shared vision, the car from Japan platform is run by professionals from different countries but who share a similar vision. Together, they believe they can make trade easier and profitable than ever before.

This is one of the fastest growing car dealership platforms in the industry with a commitment to listen, collaborate and listen in a bid to retain happy customers rather than making sales. Car From Japan can be accessed on


About the collaboration


Speaking at the signing of the Car From Japan and Brand Vision Agency MOU in Tokyo, Japan, Enam Eftekhar the Car From Japan CEO was delighted at the partnership. “We believe we have chosen the right partner. Brandvision will fast track our philosophy of delivering commendable car to our customers in these very growing markets. I am impressed by Car From Japan’s growth pattern in Africa. I can assure you we will be the market leader soon.” He said as Brand Vision Agency CEO JP Ssemyalo looked on.

The Car From Japan CEO added “We are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices. We take care of all the paperwork for our customers, make sure that their payment is safe. Moreover, we ensure that they in turn get what they pay for, in the best perfect condition”.

Brand Vision Agency CEO JP Ssemyalo was also upbeat about Car From Japan’s vision for the African markets. He asserted “Cars are a very important work and life tool in Africa. They facilitate and make easy too many aspects of our daily lives. I believe Car From Japan has made the right decision by trusting Brand Vision to manage their public relations for these markets. They are a solid, growing brand and so are we. This is a good partnership which will bear fruit” . JP added “We will give Car From Japan the best that we are known for”

Get access to 20,000 Japanese used cars with discount 90% MAX >> Start here



For Further Press Information, Please contact:

JP Ssemyalo

Brand Vision Agency


Tel: +256 794 001132 


Enam Eftekhar                                                           

Car From Japan         


Tel:  +81-90-1973-4309






Philipp Meister is an amazing part of Car From Japan’s blogger team. After obtaining a degree in Automotive Technology from Technical University of Munich, Philipp worked as a technician in various Volvo dealerships. He has long been a car owner and enthusiast. With over 20 years experience in the automotive industry, he has great discussions about car that provide you interesting information of most famous cars. If you are a car lover and want to get most-updated trend of automotive industry, Philipp’s blog is a must-visit site.
