Buying Guide
As you are looking at a list of Used 1960 Mercedes-Benz for sale page and trying to find your next car, we want to help you with some related information in this section. We, CAR FROM JAPAN's research team, have been working in this industry for 5+ years and from our experiences, we have hand-picked the below topics for you. Hopefully, after reading our topics, you can easily find 1960 Mercedes-Benz used cars for sale for yourself.
Set up a total budget is important to help you buy a 1960 Mercedes-Benz cheapest price
Your total budget should include tax, registration fee, periodic maintenance fee, etc. This helps you to avoid overspending before you even receive the car.
Our website offers you a choice to input your final destination, with that we will show you the estimated cost of 1960 Mercedes-Benz in the CIF term (Cost Insurance and Freight to your nearest port). You can sort the CIF price from low to high from the 1960 Mercedes-Benz price list. After that, you can choose the best car from the list that fits your budget.
One more thing should be considered when you purchase a used car is the maintenance fee. The cheapest car is good on some points, but make sure you compare the maintenance cost in the long term with the up-front savings. Our advice is: Firstly, you should pick up several Used 1960 Mercedes-Benz for sale on our website, take its condition status and compare to what features you have in mind. If a car is in good condition, has a healthy engine, plenty of useful accessories, give it some extra points. It is always good to ask a car mechanic about the car status if possible. They may also be able to tell you more about the approximate value of the car.
Smart tips for Buying a low mileage 1960 Mercedes-Benz
Mileage is a key factor in your decision of buying a used car. Cars are not manufactured to last forever. The mileage of a car shows how much it has served, it gives implications about the car condition. For example, a car that is covered only 80,000 miles worth a lot more than one with over 180,000 miles.
With that said, buying a 1960 Mercedes-Benz good mileage is an intelligent way to reduce the risk of getting a bad quality car. Of course a car with low mileage will cost you more than higher mileage ones. One way to avoid the price hike, you should also look for a well-maintained car besides the low-mileage one so you will have more options. If a car receives good maintenances regularly, high mileage will not effect too much on the way it operates.
Useful guide for buying a Best gas mileage 1960 Mercedes-Benz
To check whether the 1960 Mercedes-Benz fuel consumption fits your needs or not, here are 3 steps to follow:
1. Research carefully on the Internet
The skyrocketing development of technology allows you to easily reach huge user-friendly tools for comparing the fuel consumption of several cars. After you have listed down some options, use those kinds of tool to compare the fuel consumption of those cars.
2. Pick a car which has the right size and the right power for your everyday needs
To buy the 1960 Mercedes-Benz with good fuel consumption suitable your demand, you should calculate precisely your space and cargo need. Do you still want to buy a minivan when a compact car gives you the same thing? A passenger car with small engine has the ability to deliver better fuel consumption compared to one with larger engine.
3. Think about extra accessories
Power features and accessories have a big influence on an engine, rising fuel consumption. Do you think it is necessary to use all those gizmos? Are they worth the greenhouse gas emissions and extended fuel consumption?
Make sure your car is for the right purpose.
A good deal on the wrong car is actually a bad deal. So, how to avoid making mistake when Buying an old 1960 Mercedes-Benz ?
1. Let us ask you in the first place do you really need a car? If you live in the suburb and have to commute to office inside the city on a dusty road, yes, you will need a car. But if you live 5 mins from your office, and will use your car only for traveling once in a while, renting is also a good option.
2. If you confirm that you really need a car, the next step is to list up all of your needs. Then, put your needs in the priority order. This priority list will be super useful if you have a tight budget; you will need to know which criteria to compromise when you have to choose. There is no right car for everyone, because each person has a different set of the needs.
On CAR FROM JAPAN website, we do offer many other Used cars for sale as well as more options to choose, so don't forget to compare all of them in order to find the best car for yourself.
Why importing Japanese used cars directly at CAR FROM JAPAN is better than buying in a local showroom?
First, you save cost! By importing cars directly from Japan you can avoid all the middlemen in the between. Besides, in a local showroom, a car usually sits there for 3-6 months until it is sold. Just imagine how much it costs for the storage and management during that period. And, where does the cost go? Just directly to your car price. By importing cars directly from Japan, you save on these costs immediately.
Second, you can be sure about the car condition and what you are going to get. Usually, when you import a car directly from Japan, you will receive the export certificate and inspection certificate. Those document will tell you how much is the real mileage and also guarantee to the condition of your car. If you buy a car from a showroom, you will never know whether the mileage is re-wired or anything has been replaced anymore.
Many people are concerned about paying a full amount to an un-known exporter. To solve that concern, CAR FROM JAPAN provides you with two special services. One is Buyer Protection service which secures your payment. Once you make a payment, CAR FROM JAPAN will hold the payment and secure it for you until the car is shipped out to you. If the exporters fail to ship the car to you within 60 days, you can request for 100% refund payment. Another service is 50-50 payment option. You can choose to pay 50% of the total amount before shipment, and 50% after shipment (by confirming the Bill of Lading Copy of the car). This 50-50 payment method will cost you $200 but it will bring you more peace of mind. It is totally up to you.
In short, buying a car directly from Japan helps you to reduce the cost, be sure about the car condition, and have a totally safe transaction, much better than buying from a local showroom. Now, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and choose your best Used 1960 Mercedes-Benz for sale here.