One thing you do not want to touch in the car is the extremely hot exhaust system. The exhaust pipe starts burning after a long continuous drive. People often refer these tailpipes as mufflers. These mufflers expel hot gases from the automobile. The vehicle’s combustion chamber drives out waste gases from the engine. One might wonder how hot can exhaust pipes get. So, why not find the answer to your question first?
Here we go!
How Hot Can Exhaust Pipes Get? Find Here
The average temperature of an exhaust pipe can be anything ranging from 400-500 degrees. It all depends on how long you are driving. The temperature can be as low as 300 degrees or as high as 900-1000 degrees sometimes.
The exhaust system and muffler remove the heat from the engine. An automobile engine produces enough heat and fumes when driving. Extreme heat inside the combustion chambers can destroy the components as well.
The exhaust pipes are made of stainless steel or aluminum to handle high temperatures.
The temperature touches 1200 degrees mark if the engine components are not in good shape. Any fault inside the combustion chamber will also lead to the same issue.
There are many cases of explosions under cars, the main cause of which is the exhaust pipe being heated beyond the standard level. When heated, the exhaust pipe can reach temperatures of up to 1000 degrees Celsius. If the drivers do not detect it in time, the exhaust pipe can catch fire when exposed to flammable agents on the road. This phenomenon often appears in SUVs, pickup trucks, or vehicles with large cylinder capacities.
Such high temperatures of the engine might result in destroying the catalytic converter (Exhaust Emission Control Device) as well.
Generally, as the part is in direct contact with exhaust gases from the engine, the lifespan of the exhaust pipe is not high. Common defects are: making loud noises, clogging, emitting unpleasant odors, creating sparks… Among them, the most dangerous is the phenomenon of the exhaust pipe being red-hot.
Now, let us discuss the top signs of a faulty exhaust system.
Extreme heat and fumes
The exhaust system drives out hot gases from the mufflers or exhaust pipes. But there is something bad with the engine when fumes start to leak in the car.
When the exhaust system generates extreme temperature heat, the heat enters the car in various ways. This is not at all good for the health.
One should never ignore exhaust temperature when wondering how hot an exhaust pipes get. It is so to avoid any issues that might bother you later.

See more:
- Does an Exhaust System Affects the Car Performance? Know Here
- Top Symptoms of a Burned Exhaust Valve- Explained
Odd noises from the exhaust system
A bad exhaust system will always result in odd noises. And it is necessary to examine the complete system to avoid further damage.
According to expert maintenance tips, loud noises from the exhaust system are not good for the engine’s health. It will only add extra expenses to your regular services and nothing more.
You might have to deal with catalytic converter damage or various engine troubles by overlooking the issue.
Higher fuel consumption
It is time to repair or service the exhaust system when the car results in lower fuel efficiency. The car starts to consume more fuel when the Exhaust Emission Control Device is not working properly.
It is essential to check the entire exhaust system first when the question of how hot an exhaust pipe or muffler can get strikes your mind.
Exhaust system malfunctioning always results in higher fuel consumption.

When you notice unusual signs from the exhaust pipe, car owners need to have timely solutions to protect the engine.
- Replace the filter: This is the fastest and safest method but the cost is high, from $100 to $300. With high-end vehicles, the number can reach $500 or even more.
- Clean the filter or remove it with specialized chemicals. This low-cost method can be performed at reputable garages but only applies in cases of minor damage.
- Replace the filter periodically according to the manufacturer’s recommendations so that this part operates best.
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The Final Words
That is all about the exhaust system and its increasing temperatures. Hope you now have the answer to how hot an exhaust pipe or muffler can get.