Car mechanics are an expensive affair, not to forget the time for which your vehicle will be out of use will directly affect the total expense on the repairs. Although it depends on the type of repair for which the car will stand in the garage, there is a clear line between proper business conduct and taking too much time. It is here many car owners start to question how long can a mechanic keep my car and get restless. We will provide you the guidelines on what to do in such a scenario.
How Long Can A Mechanic Keep My Car?
In the case of smaller repair and fixes, it would not take more than a few hours for the mechanic to complete the task. However, you might get a bit irritated if there is a delay in the repair time, which is the case with significant repairs and damage. There is no proper limit on how much time the car garage would need to keep the vehicle. It also depends on the level of activity and workload in the garage.
We recommend you browse online to find the best maintenance tips to keep the car running smoothly without any issues.
Now, let us look at what to do if there is a delay in the servicing of your vehicle.
Communicate Clearly
You need to be clear about the estimated time for the mechanic to fix the particular issue in advance. The mechanic would not want to stretch the time it will take to repair the problem due to the risk of losing a customer. You need to set limits in advance to be safe against unexpected delays. Moreover, a written record of the cost and time will hold the mechanic responsible for sticking to their words.
Remember, although it might not be an issue with minor repairs, but can be a cause of concern with significant damage. It is the first tip to follow if you want to know how long can a mechanic keep my car.

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Unforeseen Issues Can Increase Repair Time
With car repair, things would not always be so simple. Although the mechanic might offer you an accurate time for the repair, any additional issue can extend the timeline. Moreover, there might even be some personal issue with the car repair expert. You should ask the car repair expert to keep you posted about any latest developments with the car repair.
With that said, let us now look at the solution to the issue.
What to Do If the Mechanic Takes Too Long to Repair
In case you suspect the repairs are taking too long to happen, consider going to another shop for the same issue. Make sure to compile all the information regarding the repairs and take a second opinion about the repairs and fixes.

Thus, the problems described above are the leading cause of why many car owners ask how long can a mechanic keep my car at the garage. You can always take the vehicle to another car expert to get a second opinion on what is causing the issue in the first place.