Using car AC in hot weather could be a tricky business because the auto air conditioning system gets a workout during the summer season. When the temperature rises so high that it seems to melt away even the asphalt on the road, you just want to turn the AC at a high speed, hoping to beat the heat. Most people don’t know how the system works, so they use it the incorrect way and burn more fuel than required.
Using Car AC In Hot Weather: Tips To Maximize The Performance
It’s a sunny summer afternoon and you just want to get home after your office. Well, get into the car and you will feel like being roasted inside an oven! It takes a few minutes for the AC to kick in and work in full swing. However, you don’t need to sweat anymore as these tips will help to cool the vehicle faster. Let’s check some best ways of using car AC in hot weather.
1. Pump out the hot air

Nobody likes to sit inside an oven, even if it’s for just a couple of minutes. So, your first step is to cool off the interior (or get the super-hot air inside the vehicle out). Before getting into the car, roll down the rear windows and successively open and close the driver’s door for several times. It will force out some hot air within seconds.
2. Pump out more while driving
The AC works much better while you are driving because is compressor runs faster with the rotation of the engine. Switching the AC on before driving will just be a waste of time and fuel. Keep the passenger seat windows open for half a minute to pump the hot air out of the cabin. Don’t make the mistake of opening up the front windows because it will clear up the front side only while the rear cabin is still hot.
It will be quicker if your automobile has a sunroof. While driving, keep it open for a minute and all the hot air will rise and get out through the hole.
Read more:
3. Turn on the AC at low speed

You already know that the temperature inside a vehicle tends to be higher than the outside. Set the AC at the lowest temperature so that it draws air from outside the car and cools it down. On the flip side, turning it to the ‘Max’ will force the machine to take air from the passenger’s cabin, which is hotter than the outside air. So, the AC needs to work harder if you set it to the top speed at the beginning.
4. Change the dirty filter
Using car AC in hot weather most efficiently does not only need tuning up the system but also checking on a few components. You won’t get the optimal airflow if the cabin’s air filter is dirty. Check it regularly to see if it’s clear or collecting dirt. You will need to change it if it becomes grimy and greasy. It’s relatively easier to reach and change in newer cars, but you have to take the help of a mechanic in the case of an older model.
The video will show you how to get Auto AC ready on hot summer days.
5. Use the recirculation mode
When you start the AC, set it to “recirculation” mode. This prevents hot air from outside from being drawn into the cabin, allowing the system to cool the air more quickly. Once the interior temperature is comfortable, you can switch to the “fresh air” mode to introduce outside air.
6. Park strategically
Whenever possible, park your car in shaded areas or use sunshades to block direct sunlight. This helps prevent excessive heat buildup inside the car, reducing the time and energy required to cool it down.
7. Set the temperature correctly
Set the AC temperature to a comfortable level rather than the lowest setting. Cooling the air excessively can strain the AC system and waste fuel. Aim for a temperature that keeps you comfortable without having to wear heavy clothing.
8. Maintain your AC system
Regularly maintain your car’s AC system by cleaning or replacing the cabin air filter as recommended by the manufacturer. A clogged filter can reduce airflow and efficiency.
Watch more in this video:
In Summary
By implementing these tips, you can enhance the efficiency of your car’s AC system, resulting in a more comfortable and enjoyable driving experience while reducing fuel consumption and environmental impact. Stay cool and drive safely!
My ac works only on max setting (18°). If i move it to any other setting it blows heat. Can you tell me whats the problem. Nissan sylphy. Thanks
Thanks 4 all u ar helping me with my car
The tips are so educative, thanks so much.
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Carlos Ntsambe
Does Nissan hard body have cabin filters
Thanks a lot.Your ever tips has helped me to maintain my Sterlet Toyota Japan car well.Keep on.
Arigatou. Thank you. Your comments encourage us a lot.
My name is Martin, I have a Nissan wingroad new shape, recently I went for a change of plugs and after removal cleaning and fitting back the plags , the dashboard indicator ‘ check engine’ indicator is always on.
My question is what went wrong and how can that sign be made to disappear from the dashboard.
Thank you for contacting Car From Japan. However, we cannot answer your problem because there are many things we need to see at your car. I suggest you bring the car to a local mechanical shop to solve your problem.
Thank you very much for the information. I ve known how to use the air-conditioning in the car. But my question is what makes the car consume more fuel when the a/c is on?
Thank u for your comment. We will reasearch more and update later
Thanks for this rich information, you don’t just sale vehicles but also teach how to enjoy them. Keep it up.
thank you for information
At what mileage should I change fan belt for Audi A6 2004 model?
Beautiful tips to maximize AC capacity and save fuel. Having a broken down air conditioner during hot weather when you’re in the middle of the road is such an terrible experience. It happened to me once on my road trip across my country when my RV air conditioner compressor not coming on. It took me almost one day to find the root and have the mechanics guy fixed it.
I never realized that turning the AC at top speed right off the bat isn’t always the best thing. My younger brother just got his car and is looking to get some new car air conditioning put in it. I think I will talk to him about working with a professional in order to get more helpful tips.
I never thought about how just keeping the front windows open wouldn’t get the hot air completely out! That is quite a clever observation! I must try this out this summer. I hate a hot car.
Thanks for the great tip to avoid switching the A/C before driving and keep the passenger windows open to get rid of hot air. When I read this tip, it reminded me of my mother’s new car. She told me that hers isn’t cooling fast enough. With that being said, any tips on where she can get her car A/C fixed?