Remember, while driving if someone is unable to see the people or objects, which are in front, rear or at the side of the vehicle, that zone, is referred as the blind spot area. Now, here seeing the potential area around the car is mainly done via car’s window or standard mirror.
However, the blind spot area is something, which cannot be avoided even with these two provided solutions. As a result, the probability of any sudden hazard or accident increases, especially in case of larger vehicles. Therefore, to protect yourself against Blind Spots while driving, consider buying vehicles with devices that can reduce the blind spot risk.
Ways to Tackle Different Blind Spot
There are two ways of confronting and resolving the problem of the blind spot. One is to retrofit the vehicle with devices, which can lessen the blind spot and the other one is to properly adjust and carefully access the already installed mirror in the vehicle. And, to comprehend both the ways in detail let us consider looking at these methods one-by-one.
1. Automatic Side Mirrors
When the vehicles are turning, these mirrors move a little more outward thus, providing the view of side blind spot.
2. Fresnel Lenses
These lenses enhance the behind and below the view of the car’s blind spot zone. Therefore, using them on the window is wise enough to prevent any accidents, which can otherwise cause serious injury. Moreover, being manufactured from a sleek and lean plastic, these lenses do not occupy much of the space.
3. Rear, Front and Side Sensors
To protect yourself against Blind Spots while driving, use this device as it provides audio and visual warning of an object to the driver, which is present in the certain area around the vehicle. Moreover, these sensors can be used for any type of vehicle, be it a small car or a large trailer.

Besides this, the intensity of flashing LEDs or beeping sound in the sensors increases automatically as the objects get closer to the vehicle. To add on, these sensors can also be activated manually. Otherwise, in case of automatic activation, the front sensors activates at low speed, the activation of side sensors takes place with the use of indicators, and the rear sensors stimulate on the use of reverse gear.
4. Adjust Rear and Side-View Mirrors
If your budget doesn’t allow for purchasing these blind spot equipment then, it is mandatory to adjust the rear and side-view mirrors. In fact, these adjustments are essential as the mirrors eliminate the blind spot, responsible for causing most of the accidents.
Rear-View Mirror Adjustment: For the appropriate view through the rear mirror, it is best to first adjust your driver seat. Next, sit comfortably and adjust the mirror in a way that the whole windshield at the back is visible.
Side-View Mirror Adjustment: The modification in the positioning of the side mirror is successful only with the help of some other person. To begin the adjustment of the left-side mirror, make a person stand at ten feet behind vehicle in lane. Next, make an adjustment in a manner that you can view the farthest distance behind the car without losing the person from the view. To confirm the correct adjustment, the overlapping of the view in the rear, as well as side mirror, should occur. Afterward, the same process can be repeated for the right side-mirror, too.

Hence, after knowing the ways to protect yourself against Blind Spots while driving, it is now equally important to learn some of the driving tips about the use of these mirrors while changing lanes.