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Things to Do Before Selling Your Car – Looking at the Tips and Suggestions

ByPhilipp Meister-March 01, 2021

If you are a car enthusiast and lured by a new car in the market, trading off the old one is the best available option. This can help you to get some money that can be invested in the new one. But, is selling a car at a good value an easy job? No, it isn’t! For a valuable transaction to occur, you need to prepare your car for it. This ensures that you are getting a fair price for your used car without regretting on your decision later. There are certain things to do before selling your car. What are they? Read on and know for yourself.

Things to Do Before Selling Your Car – A 3 Step Process

Transforming old to look and perform like new is important when selling your car is in question. The following tips and suggestions can help you big time when you need to know how to prepare your car before selling it.

1. Sedulous Cleaning

One of the things to do before selling your car is sedulous cleaning. It is a well-known fact that the first impression is the last impression. So when questions like “should I clean my car before trading it in” dominate your mind, know that it is the first major process for trading in for an expected quote. Cleaning both the exteriors and the interiors become important as it makes your car look like an automobile that just budged out from the showroom.

Wash the exteriors with soapy foam and water and fresh coat it with wax. Moving on with the interiors, wash the mats, vacuum clean the seats, and change the seat covers if they look old and worn out. This will surely increase the value you will get for your car as it is the new and the clean looks that would attract buyer’s attention.

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2. Small and Big Fixtures

Having answered “Should I detail my car before selling it”, it is important to know that fixtures are important too, for boosting up your automobile’s value, greatly. When the potential buyer goes on a test drive, he should experience a smooth driving experience as this would be a major reason behind him making the purchase. Also, look for industry knowledge to find what attracts a potential car buyer.

Small and Big Car Fixtures. Source: Carfinesse

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Start from fixing the exterior issues first. Like, look for worn off paint, dents, headlight issues, tire quality, and windshield malfunctions to start with. Also, checking for fluid levels should be a must be it the coolant level or the engine oil. Sending your car for inspection to your dealer or a local mechanic is advisable as they would identify the issues small or big and fix everything to help you get a better overall value for your car.

3. Accessorize Your Car

Everyone likes added comfort and accessories. It is like you get more by paying comparatively less. This is the very idea that would help you get a better resale value for your car. Accessorizing the car can lure a buyer as he would not have to invest extra in all of it later.

A lot of people have a question down their mind, “Should I accessorize my car before I trade it in”. If you are one of them then knowing the fact that this small investment can add to the returns is important. Cleaning and repairing car interiors and exteriors is an important thing. Other things you could detail include repairing or adding a new audio system, maintaining an extra set of keys, adding a mobile charger, or any other customizations that would end up giving you more selling value.

Accessorize Your Car to sell it easily. Source: sifotography/123RF


These 3 things to do before selling your car can help you grab on the expected price without putting extra efforts. Also, remember to gather all important documents and ask for expert advice in order to ensure a higher value for your precious old car.

Philipp Meister is an amazing part of Car From Japan’s blogger team. After obtaining a degree in Automotive Technology from Technical University of Munich, Philipp worked as a technician in various Volvo dealerships. He has long been a car owner and enthusiast. With over 20 years experience in the automotive industry, he has great discussions about car that provide you interesting information of most famous cars. If you are a car lover and want to get most-updated trend of automotive industry, Philipp’s blog is a must-visit site.
