10 Interesting Facts About Toyota

Toyota company, without question, is one of the most revered names in automotive production across the world. But it didn’t get there overnight. Nearly every 8 out of 10 cars on Africa’s roads are emblazoned Toyota.

Also, almost every family in the world that owns a car has a Toyota in the range. For most people in Africa, the fact that Toyota is a Japanese car manufacturer is enough to help them make their decision of whether or not they want to buy that car.

However, Toyota history is the long expansion in the Japanese market, this famous brand has some interesting notes on the books. Here is a list of 10 cool Toyota facts that you probably don’t know.

It was originally Toyoda, with a D.

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Toyota in Japanese was thought to bring luck and prosperity. (Photo: Drive)

Kiichiro Toyoda who is the eldest son of Toyoda Loom Works founder Sakichi Toyoda, made the decision for the company into the automobile manufacturer industry, Toyota Motors Corporation was established in 1937. 

From the beginning, Toyoda (in English) and its kanji version were used as the official. However, as the growth and expansion goals for exporting into the US, an emblem which would work in Japanese and English was more appropriate. 

After a competition for a new name held by the company, Toyota was voted as a popular choice among many because of its association with the lucky number eight in Japanese.

Fastest Selling Car 

Since 1966, Toyota has been manufacturing and selling Corolla every 37 seconds on average. As of 2013, the rate has gone much faster at every 27 seconds on average. 

The sales have hit an unprecedented 40 million, which is mind-boggling. The Toyota Corolla is the most common Toyota brand on African roads.

Best Resale Value

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Toyota becomes the most popular brand with the best resale value in the market. (Photo: The Ghana Report)

According to many market types of research that have been carried out in the last decade, Toyota has the most models for cars with best resale value in the market. 

From Toyota Land Cruiser for premium utility vehicles to hybrid Toyota Prius for alternative fuel vehicles, Toyota’s units sell like hot cakes in the previously owned vehicles businesses.

Old Toyotas are Still on the Road

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A Toyota could be used over 20 years with its long-term durability. (Photo: Car From Japan)

One famous point of Toyota facts is its durability. People say that Toyotas run forever, and that is not far from the truth. 

Statistics show that eighty percent of Toyota that was sold 20 years ago are still on the road today. Think about it for a minute — just how many older Toyota do you see in a day? 

See — you didn’t know as much as you thought you did about Toyota. However, now you probably learn more about the history of Toyota than you ever thought you would.

The Leading Green Brand

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Toyota was crowned as the leading of Global Green Brand. (Photo: Car From Japan)

It is official. Toyota has surged ahead of competitors and other famous brands to be crowned as the leading Global Green Brand. 

Last year, the company was ranked by the Inter brand Survey as the number 1 out of other Green brands. Toyota cares for the environment.

Best Selling Nameplate

According to the statistics, Corolla is the best-selling nameplate for vehicles all over the world. 

As of 2013, the total number of Toyota Corolla nameplates that have been sold is 30 million, which is astonishing. 

What is even more astonishing is that it has been the best-selling nameplate since 1997 when the cumulative sales went over 30 million units. 

You would think that it would have a stronger competition in today’s automobile market, but Corolla still stands out as the best-selling one.

Highest Number of Patents

The record stands at over 1000 global patents. And it is held by Toyota! The company is all set to introduce numerous new models in the coming future. 

It means that we are set for some more innovations coming from this famous brand. We cannot wait!


Best New Technology

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Toyota is always the leading auto manufacturer in new technology development. (Photo: Toyota Europe)

In 2016, Toyota will be the first auto manufacturer to sell a hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle commercially.

The Toyota Mirai is in production right now with 700 of the cars in the works. Toyota has been working on fuel cell technology for over 20 years with the creation of the first fuel cell stack.

The World Wide Business

One of blowing mind Toyota facts is this brand even more famous than Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola may have gone beyond merely 100 nations.

On the other hand, Toyota has business operations in a large 170 countries and is growing. Toyota has made sure they are reachable to car lovers nearly in every country in the world.

A Huge R And D Budget

Just think about this: each year Toyota spends over 9 billion dollars (that’s American, by the way) on R And D (Research And Development) towards the future concepts, ideas, designs and all kinds of automobile technologies.

All this is in a bid to provide the best for their customers.

>>> You can find a car from used Toyota list with great condition and affordable price


In summary, Toyota is a globally recognized automotive giant known for its commitment to continuous improvement, pioneering hybrid technology with the Prius, and producing the ever-popular Toyota Corolla.

Toyota’s influence spans from its luxury division, Lexus, to its focus on sustainability and safety innovations, shaping the automotive industry worldwide.

These fascinating facts highlight Toyota’s enduring legacy, dedication to innovation, and its significant impact on the automotive landscape.

As Toyota continues to evolve and adapt to changing trends, it remains a key player in the global automotive industry, shaping the future of transportation with its innovative technologies and commitment to excellence.