It would be very annoying when you discover someone using spray paint to draw unwanted graffiti on your car. So how to get spray paint off car easily? Don’t worry! We will equip you with the solutions to tackle this situation. Now, grab your tools, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get started the process with us:
How To Get Spray Paint Off Car: All Methods?
Stuck with unsightly spray paint on your car? And you’re wondering how to remove overspray without damaging clear coat? Let us show you all the tips and tricks to remove the spray paint from the painted surface of your car whether it’s a chrome surface or the plastic surface.

What should we do before paint removal?
Before starting the process of removing the spray paint from your car, here are some important notes to take:
Put your safety first
- Wear a safety glass, gloves, and a respirator to protect yourself from chemical exposure.
- Work in a well-ventilated place to avoid inhaling harmful smells from paint removers or solvents.
- Knowing what type of spray paint you’re dealing with (latex, enamel, etc.) can help you choose the most safe and effective removal method.
Prepare necessary tools:
- Microfiber towels, rags, or clothes
- Car wash soap
- Scraper tools
- A commercial paint remover or alcohol
- Marking tape to protect surrounding areas
- Car wax
To facilitate the removal process, you should wash the affected surface with a favorite soap to remove any loose paint particles or dirt. You also should park your car in the shade and avoid direct sunlight to slow down the drying process of the paint.
Now, that you have everything you need, let’s move to the paint removal process:
>> Read more: 3 Easy Ways to Do Car Paint Scratch Repair at Home!
How to remove spray paint without damaging paint underneath?

1. Use soap solution mixed with warm water
This is a surprisingly effective method. When you notice that your car has paint spray that is still fresh and not yet dry, you can mix mild dish soap and warm water.
After that, use a soft cloth dipped in this solution and wipe on the area where the car has paint stains. Warm water and soap work very well to remove the paint when the paint stain is still new and has not yet adhered to the surface.
2. Use nail polish remover
Nail polish remover (you should use the non-acetone type. Acetone has strong cleaning properties, so it is likely to destroy the car’s old paint layer) is quite effective at removing surface paint. You just need to pour a little nail polish remover onto a soft towel, then gently rub it on the paint stains on the car.
This method can be applied to thin and light paint stains (non-enamel spray paint). Thick and dark spray paint are more difficult and take more effort to remove. To ensure safety, you should test the solution in a hidden area first.
3. Use a car polishing machine
This is a more elaborate and costly removal method, but the result is quite amazing. The polishing kit includes:
- Spray lubricant
- Specialized polish
- Clay
First, you use a piece of clay to rub on the paint stain to remove the spray paint, then use a soft cloth soaked in lubricant to brush the paint surface.
Once the defective paint stains are removed from the car’s paint surface, use a specialized polishing agent to polish the car’s surface to create a beautiful shine for the car’s paint shell.
4. Use a commercial paint remover
To get rid of the spray paint, use a small amount of specialized car paint remover mixture on a soft dry towel or sponge, then rub on the unwanted graffiti on the car until the paint stain is removed.
You can wipe clean with a towel and polish with car wax to make the car’s paint shine and protect your car’s paint job This method can give you a fast effect but always read and follow the instructions carefully. Choose a remover designed for car paint and always test in a hidden area first!
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5. Use gasoline
Gasoline is a pretty good cleaning solution for oily paint stains that stick to the surface. To do this, soak a little gasoline solution in a soft towel and then brush it on the surface where the paint was sprayed until all the paint stains are gone.
This method of removal may cause the old paint surface to fade, so use a moderate amount of gasoline and rub not too closely, then you can use a polishing agent to renew the car’s paint layer.
Above are 5 very effective and simple ways to remove unwanted paint stains on your car. Hopefully with the topic “how to get spray paint off car” you can learn and apply these methods on your car when you encounter them. Safety is first! If you’re unsure about any method, consult a professional detailer to avoid damaging your car’s paint.