You can do side post to top post conversion for seamless car battery performance. To do so, you need to know how to change side post battery terminals to top post in the first place. This step-by-step guide will lead you through a smooth conversion procedure.
The trend of side post car batteries is over. But don’t do a double take if you find one after lifting your car hood. Some cars still come with side post batteries, and you might own one of them.
How to Change Side Post Battery Terminals to Top Post
You might be asking yourself if you can put a post car battery on a side mount without the help of a professional. Yes, you can!
Follow these steps for a successful conversion of a side post terminal.
1. Remove Car Battery
As you will be dealing with side post batteries, removing the battery from the car will be more convenient. Place the removed battery in an outdoor or ventilated place, far from anything inflammatory.

2. Prepare the Tools
Now is the time to get ready with all the necessary tools. You may already have some items in your garage.
- Pliers
- Wrenches
- Post Converter
- Positive and negative wires with Clamp-on ends
- Gloves and Safety glasses
3. Remove the Cable
The car battery has a negative terminal of black color that you have to detach. Be cautious and keep it away from the positive terminal (red color). If the loose wire touches any metal, a spark will occur, which you need to avoid.
4. Change the Cable Position
Let’s move on to the next part of how to convert side post to top post, which is removing the positive cable from the battery terminal.
Strip off the insulation by about a half-inch from the loose cables to expose the wires. Proceed to attach the clamp-on ends to these two cables.
These easy-to-install ends are compatible with almost all types of battery terminals.
5. Replace Both Battery Terminals
At this stage, you have to convert side post battery to top post by replacing both side-post terminals with post converters.
These converters must reach the top of the battery while stretching between the sides. Use lead terminals for the best results.
6. Connect the Positive Cable
Reattach the red positive-side cable to the converter. You should not have any trouble attaching the clamp-on ends to the battery terminal.
Check if the cable is firmly attached by putting pressure on it with your fingers before moving to the next step.

7. Attach the Negative Cable
Follow the same procedure mentioned above to connect the negative side cable. Keep the negative cable and your hand away as much as possible from the positive side because close contact may trigger electrical arcing.
8. Apply Spray to Avoid Corrosion
The last step of car battery conversion is applying corrosion-resistant spray on the terminal and cable. It saves the whole connector from wearing out too soon.
This is how to change side post battery terminals to top post at home. You can do it easily just by following this procedure and taking proper safety measures. Such a conversion will make battery maintenance much easier.
1. Can I convert any vehicle’s battery terminals from side to top post?
Most vehicles can be converted from side post to top post terminals, but it’s crucial to first ensure that the battery compartment has enough space for a top post battery and that the new terminal orientation won’t interfere with other components or the closing of the hood.
2. What tools will I need for converting side post terminals to top post?
The basic tools required include wrenches (for removing the side post terminals and securing the top post adapters), wire cutters (if cable modification is necessary), and potentially cable end crimpers if you need to attach new terminal clamps to your existing cables.
3. Are there specific adapters for converting side post to top post terminals?
Yes, there are adapters designed specifically for this purpose. These adapters screw into the side post holes and provide top post terminals for your battery connections.
Ensure you purchase quality adapters that provide a secure, reliable connection.
4. How do I ensure a secure connection when attaching cables to the new top post terminals?
Ensure that the terminal clamps and cables are clean and free from corrosion before attaching them.
Tighten the clamps securely to the top post terminals to ensure a good electrical connection. Consider using anti-corrosion washers or spray to prevent future corrosion.
5. Can converting from side post to top post impact my battery’s warranty?
It’s unlikely, as the conversion primarily involves changing the terminal connections.
However, it’s a good idea to check with your battery’s manufacturer just in case. Modifications that cause damage to the battery could potentially void the warranty.
6. Is there a significant cost difference between maintaining side post versus top post battery systems?
The cost difference in maintenance should be minimal. However, the initial conversion may involve purchasing adapters, new cables, or terminal clamps, depending on your vehicle’s setup and the condition of your existing components.
7. What should I do if the converted top post terminals are too loose or too tight?
If the terminals do not fit well, it might be necessary to adjust the clamp size with a battery terminal spreader for too tight connections or by gently clamping down on the terminal for loose connections.
Ensure adjustments are made cautiously to avoid damaging the terminals or battery.
Check out this video from Nigeltv101 to learn how to adapt side post battery to top post for CHEAP price!
Final Words
Converting from side post to top post battery terminals can be a straightforward process with the right tools and adapters.
It offers flexibility in choosing batteries and can make connections more accessible for some vehicle configurations.
As always, ensuring proper fitment and secure connections is key to maintaining your vehicle’s electrical system’s integrity and performance.