A smooth ride in the car while driving to the office, home or any other destination gives a pleasant feeling unless the vehicle starts making noise. And, fortunately, you aren’t the first individual to hear car squeaks when turning.
In simple words, this is one of the most common car issues with many culprits at play.
3 Main Causes Explaining – Car Squeaks When Turning
Whenever a driver gets behind the wheel of a car, they should listen carefully to the sounds and feelings as they turn your car. Any unusual noises the car makes while driving is a sign that something is wrong and it’s time for the owner to have their car checked by a professional.
Hearing a sharp and high-pitched sound on turning the car while driving is alarming. Moreover, the car system is so complex and interrelated that a small problem can affect the entire structure.
Hence, it’s important to find the main cause of this issue and get the car repair done, immediately.
1. Damaged belt connected to the steering wheel
One of the major causes of steering wheel squeaks when turned is the worn out or broken belt.
Popularly known to provide power to the car’s system, this belt needs to be replaced immediately. Or, else it may affect the fluid pressure coming from the power steering pump. In the worst scenario, the broken belt may interrupt the wheel movement by freezing the functioning of the power steering system.
And, this is the time, when the car produces a screeching sound on turning the steering wheel. Therefore, you must seek periodic car maintenance to keep the car in good condition. Otherwise, the old power steering system of the car has to push hard to create the desired amount of fluid pressure.
2. Low-power steering fluid
When the steering wheel is not centralized, car squeaks when turning. It occurs because of the low level of fluid in the system. As a result, the fluid is unable to enter the system, which otherwise would have lubricated it.
Even the contaminated fluid can be the major reason for producing this irritating sound. And, changing this oil may work as a magic against the steering problem.

3. Faulty ball bearing
On hearing the squeaky sound in the car front, it’s most likely that the ball joints of the power steering system have failed or worn out. Therefore, immediate replacement of this component must be done or else, the vehicle may start vibrating. It can also cause the tires in front to dwindle, which may result in a car accident.
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4. Tires
If you hear a squeal when turning left or right, it may be due to the road surface conditions in some places. However, this problem can also indicate that the wheels need alignment, the tread on the tires is worn or uneven, or the car’s tires are not properly inflated. Drivers can prolong the life of their tires by regularly maintaining them.
5. Suspension system
If the car squeaks when the driver is turning, it could also be due to a bad CV joint in the suspension. This can be the result of wear or lack of lubrication. Even friction between the wheel and the housing can cause squealing, especially if the driver has lowered the suspension or modified the vehicle in a way that makes it easier for the wheel to rub against the arches or other components in the setup. Set up suspension system. This is more likely to happen on cars that enthusiasts like to “modify” like the Nissan 370Z or even Chevrolet Camaro models.
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Some Other Reasons for Car Squeaks
After checking the above-stated reasons, you can also look for other car components to find the real cause of squeaky steering wheel. For example, a damaged power steering pump, tread wear or underinflated tires, and dry steering or suspension components. Additionally, a loose or worn fan belt can cause a screeching noise similar to a slipping sound on a pulley. Replacing the fan belt will solve the problem. Other belts can also be the cause; it could be a belt anywhere, or even a worn or loose pump pulley.
Note: If the squeaky sound is heard once in a while from the car front then, there’s a chance that the tires have come in contact with the sticky or slippery surfaces. In such situations, don’t worry and keep driving.

Mechanical problems can cause many types of unusual noises, but squeaking noises are quite common. Leaks can be the result of some initial small problems, but if left unchecked, such potential hazards can become a much larger and more costly problem. Knowing why your car is making noises while driving or turning can give you an idea of what needs to be looked into, which can save you both time and money.
Keeping in mind these reasons for car squeaks when turning can certainly help you in understanding the actual problem and schedule the service timely.