Car TalkCar MaintenanceTurn on AC Correctly to Cool Down the Car Fast and Save...

Turn on AC Correctly to Cool Down the Car Fast and Save Energy

How often does it happen that you switch your car AC on, but even after 2-3 minutes, the car is still hot? Odds are that you are not using your car AC properly. Did you know that if you don’t turn on AC correctly, you could be losing energy and delaying cooling? 

Yes, there are certain steps you must follow for optimum cooling and save energy at the same time. You often come across cars whose air conditioners are as good as broken. And, it happens more so with the relatively old cars

It’s perhaps a result of decreased efficiency of the AC due to improper use. The fact is that not all drivers know how to use aircon properly!

How to Turn on AC Correctly for Optimum Cooking and Energy Saving

Most people think that turning on the car’s air conditioner is as easy as pie. Well, in a way it is, but if you apply some basic technique, you will end up saving a ton of energy in the long run. 

These basic things also ensure that your car is cooled very quickly and optimally.

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Step 1: Open the Windows Partially

It is common sense how hot the car cabin can get when locked up in the sun. Due to the absence of circulation, the hot air gets locked up inside. 

When you open the car, roll down the windows partially to expel most of the hot air out of the car.

Turn on AC Correctly to ensure fast cooling
Turn on AC Correctly in your car to avoid any issue. (Photo source: Jay Pichardo/Youtube)

The AC mechanism in all cars works by expelling the hot air out of the car. So, one way to ensure fast cooling is by ensuring reduction of hot air in the cabin.

Step 2: Turn Off Recirculation Mode

As you start the engine, turn off the recirculation mode. This will enable the hot air to escape through ventilation and it won’t be blown back inside. 

Once you start feeling that the air is cooler than before, switch to recirculation mode. This will allow the now cooled air to circulate within the cabin. 

It is a very crucial step before you turn on AC correctly. It adds to the efficiency for the car AC.

Step 3: Hi Speed AC at the Time of Start

Tips to turn on AC correctly
Turn on AC correctly to allow the cooled air to circulate (Photo source: MaxPixels)

If your car has been parked out in the scorching sun, doing this would be a great idea. The cabin, in this case, gets pretty humid. 

Roll down all the windows completely. Blast the manual AC at full speed, and keep rolling for 2-3 miles. 

When you feel that the cabin has cooled down, and the AC vents are throwing cooler air, roll up the windows. Now turn on the recirculation mode to reduce the pressure on the air conditioner.

Step 4: Low Speed on Auto AC

If your car features an automatic air cooling system, or climate control. You must always start the AC at the lowest given speed. This is the shortest possible route to bringing the cabin temperature down. Once that is done, you can adjust the speed later. 

When it comes to automatic control, this is actually the way to turn on AC correctlyFollow these 4 maintenance tips and you will see the difference in the performance of the AC. 

Also, proper use of car air conditioning will help you save oodles of energy and prolong the battery life as well as increase the mileage.

FAQs on Turning On AC Correctly

1. How long should I wait before closing the windows after turning on the AC?

It’s best to wait a few minutes, typically 2-5 minutes, to allow the AC to start cooling the cabin. Once you feel cooler air, close the windows to seal in the coolness.

2. Should I turn off the AC before reaching my desired temperature?

It’s not necessary. Modern car AC systems are efficient, and it’s often more fuel-efficient to maintain a steady temperature rather than frequently turning the AC on and off.

3. Can I use a sunshade or park in the shade to help the car cool down faster?

Using a sunshade or parking in the shade can significantly reduce the initial heat inside your car, making it easier for the AC to cool down the interior.

4. Is it true that running the car’s AC uses more fuel?

The AC does consume more fuel, but when used efficiently, the extra fuel consumption is relatively low compared to the comfort it provides. Proper usage can minimize this impact.

5. How often should I service my car’s AC to ensure it works efficiently?

It’s recommended to service your car’s AC system annually to check for leaks, clean the filters, and ensure it operates at peak efficiency. Regular maintenance can extend the system’s lifespan.

Check out this video from ChrisFix to learn how to recharge your AC system properly!

6. Are there any eco-friendly alternatives to AC for cooling down the car?

You can use natural ventilation by opening windows when driving at lower speeds, or use the car’s fan without the AC to circulate air. However, these methods may not be as effective in extremely hot conditions.

7. Can I use a remote start feature to cool down my car before entering it?

Many modern cars offer remote start options that can activate the AC before you enter. This can be an efficient way to cool down your car in advance while saving energy.

8. Is it better to use the car’s rear vents or front vents to cool down the car quickly?

To cool down the car quickly, start by using the front vents. Once the cabin temperature becomes more comfortable, you can redirect some airflow to the rear vents to ensure everyone in the vehicle enjoys the cooling effect.

Remember that efficient use of your car’s AC or even when you turn on AC correctly not only keeps you comfortable but also helps reduce your carbon footprint and save on fuel costs.

Proper AC management is a small step that can make a big difference in your driving experience!

Tsukasa Azuma
Tsukasa Azuma
Tsukasa Azuma is the resident car expert at Car From Japan. He owns a car repair shop in downtown Osaka, and his years of hands-on experience shine through in his informative blog posts. Tsukasa provides top-notch car maintenance tips and keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends in the auto industry, offering a unique and insightful perspective on everything car-related. His blog has become a go-to resource for anyone wanting to keep their car in top shape.



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