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Why Car Drive System Use Front Wheel Steering and Not The Back Wheels?

ByMatsumoto Naoki-January 25, 2021

Everyone is familiar with the idea that usually, the front wheel steering causes the car to steer on bends and sharp curves of the road. However, very few are aware of the facts, which explain, “why the car steer only with the front wheels and not the rear wheels.”

Compiling the main reasons, here’s a list of four causes, justifying the turning of front wheels alone while car steers.

Car Drive System Uses Front Wheel Steering: The Main Causes

The technological advancement in the steering system has bestowed modern vehicles with the 4×4 wheel turning operation. However, irrespective of the wheel drive installed in a car, the front wheel steering is the usual standard followed in industries. So, without any further ado, let’s check the reasons.

1. Maintain Equilibrium Between Forces

There are mainly two types of forces, which influence the movement of the wheel, named mechanic and pneumatic trail.

The mechanic trail here is the difference between the actual contact patch (a meeting point of tire and road) and the steering axis. On the other hand, the pneumatic trail is the contact area between the road and the tire.

So, when the wheels turn, the self-righting force provided by the mechanic trail is balanced along with the torque produced by another trail. And, it is this equilibrium that allows both the wheels to return at the right location

However, with the rear-wheel-drive system, these forces do not work.

2. Avoid Oversteering

Front wheel steering used in the car. Source: WallpaperSafari

Secondly, the front wheel steering protects the car against drifting. Because, when a car with front-wheel drive takes a sharp turn on high speed, the rear-end wheels don’t move in opposite direction. In other words, it prevents the torque produced in rear tires from moving against the torque generated in front wheels.

Finally, which creates a stable and comfortable drive because the car moves in the same direction, the wheels are aligned.


3. Prevent Accidents

As discussed earlier, the front wheel system steers the back wheels in the same direction, as the car is intended to move. Hence, this provides directional stability at both the ends (front as well as rear), which in turn protects the car from clashing with the vehicle at the rear-side.

In case, the car steer with the back wheels, an accident may occur.

4. Minimize Wear and Tear on Tires

As the wheels push and rotate against the surface, they’ve more chances of being worn out. But compared with the rear wheel steering, the front wheel drive causes treads on wheels to wear and tear slowly.

Tips for front wheel steering. Source: Carbuyer

Gaining these essential driving tips can now possibly make you understand, why car manufacturers prefer to design front wheel steering system over rear wheels.  So, next time you are buying a car, ask about this feature in it.

Matsumoto Naoki is senior car blogger at Car From Japan. Having background in mechanical engineering, he has a unique perspective on a lot of new car innovations. Prior to Car From Japan, Matsumoto was Mechanical Design Engineer at Yajima Plant, Subaru Corporation. His articles provide detailed DIY instructions and how-tos to help you get your new car on the road. If you want to save money and feel more confident when working on your cars, you should not ignore Matsumoto’s sharing posts. He presents driving tips and tricks for everyone through easy-following steps and mechanically but friendly writing.
