Sometimes, your car may suddenly make a grinding noise when braking. It’s a warning sign telling you that there’s something wrong either with the brakes or the rotors. Many car owners like to ignore such sounds for fear of an extensive repair.
Well, you shouldn’t make this mistake! Ignore your automobile’s moans and groans and it may cost a fortune to repair down the road.
What Happens When You Ignore Grinding Noise When Braking?
Vehicles can make various sounds and some are normal and harmless. Nonetheless, you should never turn a deaf ear to brakes making a grinding noise because it could endanger your safety!
The car has to generate plenty of heat energy through friction every time you push the brake pedal. As a result, the brake pads can wear out over time, causing the damage of rotor and caliper and the brakes to fail.
Faulty brakes are never good news because they may lead to major accidents. So, ignoring noise when braking will only make the problems worse.
The Causes Of Grinding Noise When Braking?
All the parts and components of a vehicle are supposed to fail or wear out at some point. However, what is important is to identify the problems before they become serious.
So, find out the causes of this kind of brake noise and take the car to the repair shop if necessary.

1. Worn-out Brake Pads
Worn-out brake pads are one of the reasons for making a grinding noise when braking. If your brake pads are used for quite a long time, the backing plates will gradually lose their material.
This causes metal to touch other metal, resulting in squeaking noises. Besides, the rotor can also rub the caliper and scrape its metal surface. Thus, if you do not replace the pads immediately, your brakes will be severely broken.
Moreover, the backing plate and the caliper will destroy each other, causing grooves and damage.
2. Low-Quality Brake Pads
Many people think buying low-quality pads is a good way to save some bucks. But actually, it’s a wrong decision. The poor-quality brake pads often contain metal chunks, which will rub and scrape on the surface of the rotor, causing heavy damage.
So if you are planning to replace the pads, choose good products from a renowned brand.
3. Solid Objects Between Rotor And Caliper
It’s normal for car components to catch dirt, dust, and grime. However, sometimes small rocks or other solid objects from the road can get between the caliper and rotor and create brakes grinding noise whether you push the brake or not.

>> See more: Just Have Had a Brake Failure? Follow these Steps!
4. Broken Shims
Another reason responsible for the grinding noise when braking is broken shims. A worn-out shim will make contact with a piece of the braking system, such as the rotor. When metal comes together with other metal like this, they will create a grinding sound from your braking system.
So anytime you get a brake job done, you must replace the shims. Sometimes, your mechanic may avoid this as they want to do their job rapidly, so make sure that they do replace them for you.
5. Not Driving The Car Often
Rarely driving your car is another reason your car is making brakes scraping sound. Brake pads have an average lifespan of 20,000 miles. Nonetheless, they may not last that much longer for some reasons.
One probable cause is leaving the automobile in your garage for weeks. During these neglected times, idleness and bad weather can cause the forming of rust and corrosion on the rotors.
In that case, the rust can spread to other parts and generally destroy them. So in the end, you should drive the car regularly, at least for a while, to avoid this problem.
6. Worn-out Rotor Discs
Worn-out rotor discs are a possible culprit creating annoying noises from the braking system. Rotor discs that aren’t flat will cause squeaking sounds. Rotor discs that are too worn-out will create scraping sounds instead.
Moreover, worn-out rotors will cause a lot of vibrations from the braking system. These vibrations come in irregular forms and you can easily feel them through the brake pedal. This case is less popular than the first one.

7. Faulty Wheel Bearing
If you hear the grinding noises from your wheels or observe vibrations which alternate from quiet to loud, then you may have a worn-out or damaged wheel bearing. So check the wheel bearings carefully and replace them if needed to get rid of annoying sounds.
8. Unlubricated Caliper Bolts
Caliper bolts will make grinding sound when braking if they lack lubrication. This case rarely occurs, but it could. An auto mechanic will automatically replace new caliper bolts for you during his repair work.
Frequently Asked Questions About Brakes Grinding Issue
1. Are grinding noises from braking systems dangerous?
Your brakes are one of the most important safety parts in your vehicle. So if you notice any warning signs like squeaky or brakes grinding while driving, it’s time to get a pro to check your vehicle or else your safety will be in danger.
2. How much does it cost to have your broken brakes and rotors replaced?
A brake repair job for one wheel including new calipers, pad replacement, new rotors and labor can cost you from $300 to $800 depending on your car model and other factors.
If all of these parts need to be replaced, the fee can easily expand to $1000+. The average cost is around $500.
How to stop your brakes from Squeaking? Check out the video below from ChrisFix to get more notices and tips to deal with this issue.
3. Why are my brakes grinding after new pads and rotors?
Even if the pads or rotors are replaced, debris might become entangled during the repair procedure. As you continue to drive your automobile, this should go away.
If you only replace the brake pads and not the rotors, the grinding noise may be caused by worn-out rotors.
4. Can brake fluid cause grinding noise?
When your braking fluid is filthy or depleted, it is unable to effectively compress your brake pads. This might result in uneven wear or even damage to your brake pads, resulting in grinding, squealing, or squeaking noises when you use the brakes.
5. Does ABS make grinding noise?
The ABS controller may produce a grinding or buzzing sound. A minor vibration may be felt in certain automobiles.
When you hear noises or feel pulsations, maintain your foot on the brake pedal. Continue to put strong pressure to the brake pedal rather than removing your foot from it.
Did you enjoy our article about grinding noise when braking today? If you have any question related to this topic or any car maintenance tips, feel free to leave it in the comment section, then we will answer it for you!
Hallo, why does brake make a cracking sound when I release
I have been following your information because I find them very useful! Thank you.
Thanks for the info – my car has started making a scraping noise and after reading this I’ll get it checked – hope it isn’t going to be too expensive! :/
My dad’s van is making a noise when he is pushing on the breaks and. When he turns a corner. I need to know what could it be.can you please help me
When i press on emergency breaks, the pedal goes down smoothly then some grinding noise, so in case i am speeding, i have to press on the breaks twice to get the instant breaks. I have done skimming, i have changed the pads, the break fluid as well but nothing. Then a springing sound comes out after i park for a long time and start moving on pressing the breaks i hear the sound of the spring. I did diagnose the car and got two errors, C1261 solenoid malfunction, what could it be
Hi I did wheelbearing change on the left of my clio 3 1.4 2006 the Abs light when on the brakes is perfect when the light goes off it gives a grinding sound when brakes is pressed down then the light comes on its works well again please help
I have a 2015 toyota rav 4 with 56,000 Mike’s on it. I have replaced rotors break pads tires and rear windshield wipers. When I drive I dont hear the noise but when I reverse or break u hear a thump sound. I have taken this car back 2 times and they said it’s safe to drive although I dont feel safe driving it. What can be the issue this car. When I turn the steering wheel to park I hear a cracking sound. Please any infor.ation I may get is helpful. Thank you sincerely concerned driver.
Sometimes our car makes grinding noise while braking. It is a warning sign that tells us there is some problem in the brakes or brake rotors. Here the author has mentioned top reasons behind this grinding noise. These are- solid objects between rotor and caliper, low quality brake pads, damaged friction pads and not driving the car often. Many car owners ignore such noises for fear of extensive repairs. But we shouldn’t do that mistake. If the grinding noise persists for long, you should take your car to a certified auto repair shop for brake repair.
HI Kacie Goodman ,
This was a great information about the resolving of issue permanently in a car during driving easily by using the service of Victoria car removal in Melbourne with in a short period of time a start your journey safe and fast without any trouble shoot ,If your car is still running before you sell it to the junkyard due to any kind of issue then you must use the service of car removal in Melbourne , you might want to use up the gasoline in the tank before you have it towed away. Depending on the size of the tank in your car or truck, the value of the gasoline in the tank can represent a substantial portion of the total value of the price you’re getting from the junkyard. If your car isn’t running, be careful if you attempt to siphon gasoline from the tank. Use only approved containers to carry the gasoline, and never start a siphon using your mouth. Don’t worry about the value of the gas to the junkyard. They’ll have to drain all the fluids out of your car before recycling or scrapping the parts, and gasoline in the tank is a nuisance for them.
Thanks .
The braking system is a crucial part of the vehicle which needs regular maintenance like other components of the vehicle. Driving a vehicle with damaged components could lead to an accident. So, the appearance of the abnormal sign while applying the braking system could be due to the use of damaged components. The source of origin of such sign should be identified and repaired in time to ensure the smoother performance of the vehicle.
I have problem with such noise and tried of going to workshops time again till date. I have changed my break pad and the cutting o disc be carried out. But its has not worked out.
Please suggest.
All my brake are fine but the grinding sound still do noises sound, when i remove the abs fuse the grinding sound stop noises
My brake is fine but makes grounding sound when brake pedal is depressed. After a few minutes of driving, ABS fault shows up and grinding sound stops.
Any advise please?
the rear brakes on my 2008 pontiac solstice started making a noise after the brake pads were changed for the first time at around 100,000 miles…there was plenty of pad left but the pads were “dry” and were starting to “squeak” so we decied to change them then.
after several days, the RIGHT rear brakes started to make a “clinking” sound, and then after a few days of that, a noise like “dragging”
since then we’ve changed the new pads (suppossedly they were not original parts) to original pads. the noise went away, but after a few days, the two noises came back again, first the “clinking”, and then eventually the “dragging”
so we changed the pads again to original pads and resurfaced the rotors. noises went away, but after a few days…all over again
so we changed the caliper, noises went away, but after a few days, again the noises have come back..first the “clinking” for 2-3 days, and the the “dragging” noise starts
this is a problem ONLY with the right rear brake
Your advice was so helpful.
I have a 2000 lexus rx300. I replaced all the brake pads and i have constant sqeuling noise coming from front driver side. Except when brake pedal is pressed. I did buy the cheaper pads. But dont think thats the problem. As noise only comes from driver front. How likely is it that its the hardware or guide pins thats creating this noise?
Thanks for this info, I do not do too many miles in my van, I had my pads and disc replaced at my last MOT, I am now thinking the pads were cheap hence why they are worn out in just eight months!!
brakes started grinding – not to bad _on thursday morning by friday afternoon they were grinding so bad i was afraid
to drive the car. IS THIS NORMAL for the brakes to go from barely making a sound to god awful in 24 hrs
my car is 2004 pontiac aztek. the left rear makes a grinding sound as if you were opening a door in a scary movie and scraping sound when applying the brakes.