Smoke from the car’s exhaust speaks a lot about the present status of the vehicle. Things may seem to be running fine but black smoke from exhaust clearly indicates poor health of the engine.
To know what exactly the reasons for black smoke from cars are, look at the causes stated below by our experts so that the maintenance tips for the same can be followed later.
6 Most Common Causes Of Black Smoke From Exhaust
Before heading towards the reasons related to this problem, let’s first understand what exactly black smoke is. To commence, it is mainly the fumes consisting of dirt, which blow out of the car’s exhaust system. So, if there are thick and black colored vapors, this means that the fuel burns with less amount of air in the engine.
Now the question is what causes the formation of black smoke out of exhaust? Well, the answer to this lies with the faulty car’s components like the air filter and the fuel injectors.
1. Clogged air filters
With dust blocking the air filter, there are chances that sufficient air amount is not reaching the cylinder. As a result, more fuel is being burnt. And, ultimately this causes black smoke from exhaust irrespective of the fact that the fuel injectors are working properly.
Besides this, due to the heavy load or during hard acceleration also black smoke can be found, as the fuel is not injected at the right time.
2. Damaged fuel injectors
In the case of a good fuel injector, the fuel is properly atomized, which means the fine droplets of fuel are spreading equally in the cylinder. However, if the injectors don’t close on time or they are clogged, there are chances that more fuel is injected in a certain area called as rich mixture area of the car. In this situation, even the amount of air is insufficient for the combustion of fuel due to blocked injectors (and the few opened ones inject only fuel).

As a result, solid carbon is formed from the fuel not burnt, which is emitted as a black smoke from the tailpipe of the car.
3. Faulty MAF sensors
The work of the Mass Airflow sensor is to determine the volume of air entering the engine, which in turn, helps in measuring the amount of fuel to be injected inside the cylinder. This entire functioning is important for the complete combustion of fuel in the engine. Otherwise, a malfunctioning MAF sensor can lead to a poor-performing engine.
4. Bad EGR valve
The EGR reduces the emission of nitrogen oxides by re-circulating a portion of an engine’s exhaust gas to the internal combustion engine. If this component is damaged, it emits all the black smoke out of exhaust.

5. Damaged piston rings
One possible reason behind the black smoke from exhaust pipes is damaged piston rings. Piston Rings are designed to prevent the infiltration of engine oil inside the combustion chamber. If there is any problem with the piston rings, the engine oil starts flowing into the combustion chamber. The combustion of the mixture of this engine oil and the fuel delivers black smoke.
6. Engine deposits

Engine deposits are another reason causing black smoke from tailpipe. When the engine is new, it will run fluently without any problems. But after a long period of use, the engine conditions get worse and worse and this consists of getting accumulations of combustion products in important areas like combustion chambers and injectors. And these interfere with the best functioning.
>> Check out how to fix white smoke from exhaust <<
How To Get Rid Of Black Smoke From Exhaust Pipe?
If you observe black smoke coming out of exhaust pipe, here are ways you can do to fix this problem.

1. Clean air system
The internal combustion process requires the correct amount of air intake to burn the fuel completely. If there is a lack of air coming into the engine, the fuel will be burnt partially then leads to black smoke from tailpipe. Fuel needs to be burnt fully as it will only emit CO2 and water, which do not cause black smoke. That is why the correct combination of fuel and air is so important if you want to avoid black smoke. Thus, check your air cleaner system to see if it is dirty or clogged as this might prevent air from coming inside. If your air cleaner system is dirty or clogged, you will need to clean it or replace it if necessary.
2. Use a common -rail fuel injection system
All the newest diesel-powered vehicles use a common rail fuel injection system which is a high-pressure injection system feeding fuel directly to the solenoid valves. By using this high-tech injection system, there will be hard for any emissions or black smoke to come out at all. So when you want to buy a diesel vehicle, pick the one that uses the common rail fuel injection. Then you don’t have to worry about black smoke from exhaust anymore.
3. Use fuel additives

Combustion debris and deposits will gradually build in the fuel injectors and cylinder chambers. The mixture of fuel and these deposits will reduce the fuel economy and lower the performance of the engine, causing black smoke emitted from the exhaust pipe. Luckily, you can mix the diesel fuel with a detergent additive to get rid of these harmful deposits. The black smoke will disappear after a few days after you do that.
4. Get the engine rings checked and replaced If damaged
A damaged piston ring can cause black smoke from exhaust when accelerating so you should check them and replace them if necessary to get rid of black exhaust smoke.
Besides it will be better if you regularly maintain your vehicle. When driving for a long, you should give your vehicle some rest. Resume the trip when the engine cools down.
Watch the video below to see more reasons causing smoke in car:
Hopefully, after reading this article, you will get useful knowledge about what causes black smoke and how to get rid of it. If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to leave them in our comment section, and our car experts will answer them for you sooner.
Dear Sir’s .,
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Now the under carriage bushes seems to be worn out and some are cracked , so , beginning to make noise. I would like to change all the 18 bushes including the arm bushes .
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Your suggestion and comments to the above return email is most appreciated .
Thank you in advance .
Kind regards .
Capt. Dol Adinan
Am moses am from Nigeria I ave a Honda Civic 2000 model that is bringing out black smoke gradually what do the car is electric carburetor what do I do
Pls have u fix the black smoke am having same issue
I own a galant viento v6 1994 which have been performing poorly of late. It emits black smoke, picks very slowly and consumes a lot of fuel what is the possible cause to this malfunctions?
Hello Tsukasa San, I have something interesting for you to try in your car. You will love the product as it is natural product and reduce emission significantly. Please do email me and i can get a friend in Osaka to pass you the sample. Thanks
I have a Nissan XTrail Diesel 2.0. Its letting out black smoke from the exhaust. I hv changed the turbo hoping to clear this problem
My toyota conquest16rs have black smoke from the pluqs and exust what is the problem sir
I drive a 1999 Honda civic hatchback, the tailpipe is black around the edge but when I give it gas no black smoke comes out also the check engine light blinks what can cause that
burning any type of oil, Transmission, Engine.. will give you a blue smoke emitted from the tailpipe.
I am Richard Twum Barimah from Ghana, I use hyundai accent 2002 model and have just observed that smaller dark smoke come out from the engine for about the first 3 minutes of starting the engine whenever there car settles for about 30 minutes to one hour. Please, what might be the possible cause.
I am Richard Twum Barimah from Ghana, I use hyundai accent 2002 model and have just observed that smaller dark smoke come out from the exhaust for about the first 3 minutes of starting the engine whenever the car settles for about 30 minutes to one hour. Please, what might be the possible cause.
My T4 Volkswagen bus use to drag after 30 minutes of drive, I have changed the brain box and maf sensor, still doing the same. And I used to see black smoke from the exhaust
I have toyota hiace minivan gets black smoke so I wan to know how to fix? and is it big problem for the engine or d not need worry
Thank you for your wonderful information.
what about Air Fuel Sensor / O2 Sensor ????
Hi I have Nissan sentra 1.6 is using lot of petrol and I take my car to the Carb doctor but still is using lot of petrol.
So can you help me how to do now and still there are smoking black please I need help
I own renault megan 2004 problem is black smoke frm tailpipe and it takes time to start when its the engine is running starting to jack what’s the problem
Hi I have Honda civic 2009 . Manual gear .. my car gives knocking at 2000 to 3000 rpm. It has black exaust hole .. reducing Mobil oil. Else car is going good . But engine is noisy .. suggest me something I can do .. do not afford engine replacement.. thankyou
Hello, I am from Liberia. I have a diesel Hyundai Santa fe 2004 model car that continues to develop one problem after the other and need your advice. The car is smoking, and I have replace two injectors, the turbo charger, the cylinder head gasket, and the radiator, but it is still smoking with the engine dash board lights remaining on after startup, and continues to burn a lot of fuel. The fuel consumption has become so high and causing me additional high cost to drive. Can you please advise what must I do in resolving the issue, cause this is causing me too much.
really, what really happens in diesel pickups means then the pickup has had a DEF delete
My car eats too much fuel