What To Do When There Is A Coolant In Engine Oil?

The coolant inside your car plays a vital role by keeping all the parts functioning at optimum temperature and improving the engine performance. At times, a small coolant leak might happen, which is repairable without spending too much time or money. However, in case if the leak is not kept in check until the coolant system empties, it can be quite expensive to handle the repairs. Vehicle owners need to remember that having coolant in engine oil is never a good idea for the car.

Let us understand as to what will happen once the coolant leaks into the engine oil. The coolant is a useful element in your car to keep it cool. However, it can become a source of headache if it leaks into the engine.

How To Handle Leak Of Coolant In Engine Oil

In case, there is a slight loss of coolant in the car then your vehicle can overheat and breakdown. It would leave you stranded in the middle of the road. However, if the coolant does happen to leak into the engine oil, then the damage would be costly to repair.

On the other hand, if you try to drive the vehicle without a coolant, then there is a high chance that it would damage the heat gasket. Apart from your car being left in the mechanic shop for repair, there would be a big repair bill waiting for you. The worst-case scenario is that the car engine would completely breakdown and need a complete replacement. You can browse online to find the best maintenance tips for smooth functioning of your vehicle.

We will help you understand what would happen in case there is coolant present in the oil of your vehicle.

1. Changes In Lubricant

The mixing of coolant and engine oil can completely change the properties of the lubricant. Antifreeze would lead to thickening of the oil, and stop it from flowing as smoothly as before. It further moves to other parts of the engine, which require a less thick fluid for lubrication and protection. Due to the leaking of coolant in engine oil, it creates an acidic environment inside the oil thereby leading to internal corrosion of the system. Besides, the additives within the oil get compromised.

Gigantic influences of coolant in engine oil
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2. Oil Balls

Once there is coolant in oil, it leads to the formation of small oil balls. These balls size from 5 to 40 microns but can cause significant damage to your vehicle. These are abrasive and lead to surface erosion. The most common area to check is the inside walls of the car cylinder where these balls cut and gouge the wall. They can quickly produce any surface fatigue and might even lead to lubrication failure.

Coolant in engine oil
Coolant in engine oil

Summing Up

Thus, when you notice the leakage of coolant in engine oil, then immediately connect with a car repair specialist to get the issue sorted on time.