Car ownership has many perks but not without a couple of drawbacks. One thing that people should especially be careful about is the car theft. Most of us don’t think about it unless we fall victim to the crime. But, the truth is whether you drive a cheap Toyota or a high-end Volkswagen, your car can be the target of professional thieves or joy riders. So, it’s necessary to think of preventing measures to avoid car theft.
The Types of Criminals Involved in Stolen Car Crimes
You may have to deal with thieves of different sorts. There are professional groups of organized criminals that target the high-performance but less exotic and more familiar models. They dismantle the vehicles and sell the parts or sell them to other countries after modification. There could be carjackers who look for the opportunity to snip the valuables you leave inside the car and take the parts that can be quickly dismantled such as the rear view mirrors, plates, and the tires.

There are joy riders too who aim for luxury cars. They don’t technically steal the vehicle, but you will hardly recognize it after their fun trips.
How to Avoid Car Theft: Follow These 5 Tips
Learn how to avoid car theft should you not want to see a criminal driving your favorite car. Follow these tips to ensure the maximum security for your automobile.
1. Don’t Forget the Keys
How many times have you left a spare key under the wheel or the car in fear of getting locked out? Don’t you think that car thieves have already caught on to this trick? Having an extra key is smart but leaving it somewhere within reach of a third party is not a good tactic. Think about the potential hassle you have to face for the stolen car.
2. Close and Lock the Windows
You may think that you’re too smart for this advice but many people actually make this mistake, especially during the summertime. Well, don’t do it even if it’s scorching heat outside. If the windows are cracked, repair them as soon as possible.
3. Keep the Vehicle Locked
Yes, keep it locked even when you are driving! If you are in a crime-prone or less populated area, carjackers will wait for the moment you stop at a signal. They will take just a minute or two to enter the vehicle and take control of it.
Confronting a carjacker is unfortunate. But, if this happens, don’t resist. You can have a new car but not your life back.

4. Park the Vehicle Somewhere Safe
Automobiles can be stolen from anywhere, but you can decrease the chances by taking some preventive measures. To avoid car theft, always park it in a well-lit place or somewhere close to your office, home, or any building. If you go to a restaurant, park in a spot so that you can have a view from the inside.
5. Install an Anti-Theft System
It’s necessary because most thieves will leave a vehicle that can be tracked down. Many car insurers offer discounts for these systems and tools, so you don’t have to spend much money from your pocket.
Check out the video below to see more tips about protecting your car from theft:
Hopefully the information will help you against car theft effectively. If you have any question about avoiding car theft or any question about car maintenance tips, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment below.
In today’s time I feel it is a necessity to install an anti-theft device in your car. I mean a car is a real investment can’t let it get stolen in the hands of thieves.