Car TalkCar MaintenanceAnti Theft System Won’t Let My Car Start: Clever Tricks to Solve!

Anti Theft System Won’t Let My Car Start: Clever Tricks to Solve!

There is nothing more frustrating than a car that refuses to start. While many potential culprits exist, a malfunctioning anti-theft system is a common cause.

So you might wonder why the anti theft system won’t let my car start. Don’t despair! This guide will walk you through the possible reasons behind this issue and offer solutions to get you back on the road.

Why The Anti Theft System Won’t Let My Car Start

The anti-theft system is designed to protect your car from theft and vandalism. Its mechanism involves an electrical circuit that disconnects in the event of a suspicious activity.

It interrupts the power supply in a fashion that your car won’t start or even die anytime soon. 

So what are the reasons behind this issue of anti theft system car wont start, learn more with the following notices:

  • A key fob or transponder key with a dead or weak battery: Because of improper programming, damage, or other difficulties, the system does not recognize the key fob or transponder key, leading to some anti theft system errors.
  • Alarm system that has been activated and must be disabled
  • Issues with wiring or connections that prohibit communication between the anti-theft system and the vehicle’s computer
  • Anti-theft module or sensor failure: Sensors that detect door openings, ignition tampering, or other events can malfunction and trigger the anti-theft system.
  • A blown fuse 
  • Interference from other electronic equipment that are too near to the automobile Problem with the starter or ignition system
  • Inadequate or out-of-date anti theft system
  • Mechanical issues with the locking mechanism or its associated components
anti theft light on and car won t start
What are the reasons behind this issue of anti theft system car wont start? (Photo: Western61)

Anti Theft System Won’t Let My Car Start: What To Do?

Before calling a tow truck, try these troubleshooting steps:

Check the battery

The first thing you should take a look into when the anti theft system won’t let your car start is the car battery. It could be dead or low and needs charging. In that case, the car’s system won’t be able to read the security code off the key fob. 

Check the battery connections. If they turn out alright, try to jumpstart it. It is likely to solve the problem.

“Theft system” light ON

Apply this trick when you have access to the car’s interior and the ‘Theft System’ light on the dashboard is ON. 

Insert the key in the ignition slot and turn it to the right slightly. Keep it in that position for 10 minutes or a little more. It is likely to turn off the light and start the car.

Remember that this is the state where the vehicle is on but the engine is off. All the necessary components like the radio and dashboard lights will be powered up, which makes it possible to bypass the theft alarm.

Use car key on the side door

Use your car key in the slot on the driver’s side door and hold it for a few seconds after turning it to unlock the door. This trick works sometimes and helps going past the factory alarm. It allows the car’s system to detect that you have the original key. 

It works mostly in models of Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW and is applicable even when the key fob is damaged or has a dead battery.

In case you face an issue of Honda Accord anti theft car wont start, the trick needs a bit of modification. After inserting the key into the driver’s door lock, turn the key to unlock, lock and then lock position again. 

Then, turn it again to the unlock position and the alarm of the anti-theft system is likely to be disabled now. Run the car for at least 10 minutes after cranking the engine to allow the car to reset the alarm.

theft deterrent system car won t start
Try checking and reading the car code (Photo: The Car Stuff)

Reset the car’s computer

This is another way to solve the problem of the anti theft system car wont start. Disconnect the positive terminal of the battery for a minute or two. 

Reconnect it and make sure that both the anode and cathode terminals are tightly attached. It will reset the computer system and your car is likely to kick off. In case the trick fails, reset the factory alarm by activating its built-in kill switch.

Use the key trick with the steering wheel

Sometimes, the service theft deterrent system car won t start locks the steering wheel and does not let the key turn inside the slot. This annoying problem is mostly exclusive to Hondas. 

It mainly happens when you move the steering wheel after turning off the car. It locks the wheel in that position and does not let you move it next time you try to switch on the car.

The wheel is likely to be locked in one direction. Try moving it to the opposite direction and it will budge. Try pulling the car in that direction. At the same time, insert the key into the ignition slot and attempt to turn it. 

If the key is stubborn, pull on the wheel harder as much as possible and keep trying with the key. At one point, you will be able to switch on the ignition and start the engine.

Check the key

The key itself could be the culprit for the anti theft system car won’t start. The keys have a built-in chip that sends a code to the alarm system when you insert it into the ignition. 

That chip won’t work in case of a broken or damaged key. If one key does not respond, try the other one. If nothing happens, take them to the dealer to scan if their transmission system is working.

Another trick you can try is to use the key to start the engine. If the engine does not respond or dies immediately after cranking up, leave the key in that position for 10 minutes. 

When the security light goes off, turn the ignition off, wait 20 seconds, and then start the engine.

Check with a code reader

If you are still struggling with the issue of car anti theft lock, try checking and reading the car code. 

A code reader, like a check engine light, will inform you why the light is on. It’s possible that the receiver isn’t receiving a signal from the key, or that your receiver isn’t receiving any power.

Code reading will not tell you the exact part or sensor to replace, but it will put you on the proper path for a more suitable solution after sticking with directions without any possibility of success.


What are the symptoms of a bad anti theft system?

Trouble starting, lack of ignition power, and unjustified alarms and flashing lights are all common warning signs.
These issues might arise if a system was not installed by an expert with extensive electrical understanding of your car.

Will disconnecting battery reset anti theft?

Resetting the anti-theft system and the car’s computer system requires disconnecting the battery connections for 5 to 10 minutes.
While this may assist to resolve issues with your anti-theft system, it is not guaranteed to work if there are additional concerns.

3. How to perform GMC theft deterrent system reset?

Take these below steps as the reference for your GMC vehicle anti-theft resetting.
– Use the GM key or keyless remote to unlock the door, turn the ignition on
– Leave the car and let the car door open
– For typical key, wait for the light of security stop blinking 
– For keyless remote, after closing the door, press the Lock button on the key. This also activates the theft-deterrent alarm system. 
– The theft-system will be activated if you do not open the doors or click the unlock button on the keyless remote for 10 seconds.
These are the most popular ways to solve the problem of anti theft system car wont start. Most of the cars are likely to respond to at least one of these tricks.


While a malfunctioning anti-theft system can be frustrating, most issues can be resolved with some basic troubleshooting, such as checking the battery, resetting the car computer, or checking your car key…Remember, if you’re unsure about any step, it’s always best to consult a professional mechanic to avoid further damage to your vehicle.


Tsukasa Azuma
Tsukasa Azuma
Tsukasa Azuma is the resident car expert at Car From Japan. He owns a car repair shop in downtown Osaka, and his years of hands-on experience shine through in his informative blog posts. Tsukasa provides top-notch car maintenance tips and keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends in the auto industry, offering a unique and insightful perspective on everything car-related. His blog has become a go-to resource for anyone wanting to keep their car in top shape.


  1. Thank you sooo much. I had 2 kids and another adult trying to go home when my steering wheel locked & the security symbol kept coming on stopping my car from starting.

    Just as u said I turned the wheel while putting the key in and then it started! Thanks a bunch!!!

  2. I have a 1999 Ford explorer I had to replace the ignition and get a new set of keys cause someone tried stealing it now it won’t start cause the anit theif system what do I do.I’m going to try some of these tricks hopefully one will work

  3. Leaving the key to the on position and waiting for ten minutes worked. I had to leave my car in a parking lot overnight because it wasn’t registering my anti theft fob. Went back today after reading this article and was so freaking happy that it worked. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  4. My Japanese mechanic who has worked on my car for years, very successfully, says I need to replace a new anti-theft control module for my 1995 Infiniti G20t/Nissan. I think the part No. is 28590-78J10 [Theft Control Module]. My car’s VIN No. is JNKCP01D0TT531890. My problem is power drain and need to jump the car to start when the car has been idle for a couple of days. The battery, alternator, other parts are fine. I am told the new anti-theft control module will solve the problem. Infinity/Nissan dealers do not carry this part. Can I buy from Japan, address, phone #, email, price?

  5. I have a 2014 chevy Malibu to be honest I’m not really sure what happen the battery was replace and the car worked fine for like a month or so and just out of nowhere and didn’t crack I check the battery then the starter and lastly the fuses and everything was fine I have power going to the interior cuz radio workers and so do the lights and the problem is when I try to crack it. It doesn’t do nothing I though it was the key but it steal opens and closes and turns off and on the alarm so I don’t know the problem. I ask other mechanic’s and they said its most likely that the computer itself log me off. I would like to know how do you reset/ reprogram the system so I can log in again

    • My 2014 Lexus ES 350 will not start . it has done this to me before but after waiting a few minutes it would start. But not this time. Any suggestions?

  6. My 2014 Lexus ES 350 will not start. It has done this to me before and after waiting a few minutes, it started. Not this time. The power comes on but the engine will not start. Any suggestions?

  7. My honda accord 2008 had issue of dying while am driving so it sometime stop me in the road and won’t start except you give it sometime before it start.i took it to diagnose the problem it was code p2127 and the alternator was not also charging. My electrician try to fix the alternator after fixing it my car is now flashing green key light and won’t start. He asks me to change the underhood fuse box which i did. It did not still work he as try programming the key but it will fail while process.PLEASE WHAT SHOULD I DO

  8. My 2012 Subaru Impreza has been locked for 2 months I tried all of these and still nothing. I have sent it to Subaru and bought a new BIU and still locked and can’t program my key. Any more suggestions?

  9. I had to change the steering column in my 2008 Honda Fit. Now I can’t start it because of the anti theft system. How do I reset it so I can drive my car?

  10. Help! I had to change the steering column in my 2008 Honda Fit. Now I can’t start it because of the anti theft system. How do I reset it so I can drive my car?

  11. I lost the keys to my Renault Kangoo and used my spare key which is not programmed and is only really for opening the door lock. It didn’t start the engine of course and when I found the proper key the anti theft immobiliser wouldn’t go off. I tried taking the neutral lead off the battery and putting it on again, and also the trick with the ignition half on. Nothing. Then tried keeping the key in the unlock position on the drivers side for 10 seconds. Bingo! Many many thanks. And the RAC should thank you too as I was about to call them out! This page is now bookmarked.

  12. Thank you for this article. My kid’s Impreza wouldn’t start on this cold, winter morning and the alarm triggered. This was about the 5th article I read and all make the “turn the key slightly” recommendation. Since the steering console is completely locked and the key won’t budge that trick didn’t help.

    I read this and went out to double-check. Yes, he left his lights on last night and I hadn’t noticed that the dome light didn’t turn on when I opened the door (it’s much too early for this).

    I currently have the battery on the charger.


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