- Nchi:
- Tarehe: 2016-12-07
you should pick me as the winner because firstly I do not own a reliable vehicle to travel to and from work, or for general use. I have the option to use public motor vehicle but it is more convenient to own a reliable private motor vehicle where one has the freedom to go to and from places at anytime, or leave at anytime. My village is 60km outside of town, and I hardly go to the village because as mentioned earlier, it is more convenient to travel on private owned vehicle rather than public motor vehicle, simply because I have my children to travel together with. In Papua New Guinea we have a lot of family traditions and cultures, e.g. family death ceremonies, bride prices, celebrations, were all extended family get together, and to attend these celebrations, for my case, it is more convenient if I have my own private vehicle, so I have the freedom to travel with my immediate family (my children) and freedom to pack our belongings like clothes, beddings, and food, even then we have the freedom to leave at anytime convenient to us. Getting a ride with other members of my extended family will restrict getting all my children and cargo. Also, I will move with their timing, as you can see is a lot of inconvenience. So as mentioned, it is move convenient to own my own private motor vehicle. Another important reason why I should my own vehicle is for emergency cases. In case where I need to urgently to the hospital, in case one of my children fall sick, I have my own vehicle were I can use instantly, where as with public motor vehicle or taxis and sometime inconvenience depends on time of the day, late hours of the day is very unreliable. The question on how I think about CAR FROM JAPAN, my answer is, it gives customers additional options to decide where and how to purchase their car of choice. As for myself, I always dreamt of owning a car from Japan, because the quality is superb in terms of body, engine and all works of any individual unit, more importantly, the millage is very low compared to other used cars in the market. As a matter of fact, I have always like "Toyota" brand vehicle, whether it be sedan, station wagon, ute to landcruisers etc. etc., the quality, standard, durability and guarantee is there for its customers, also importantly, back-up spare parts and readily available in the shops. My elder sisters, some years back, used to own three Toyota Rosa bus, a Toyota Hilux, a Toyota Crown. Probably that is the reason why I like Toyota brand vehicles. Unfortunately, I did not own a vehicle because I was still attending High School. To summarize, in winning this competition will make me a very happy and proud person which my dream for long time has fruited. And also would like to extend my sincere appreciation and thank you to CAR OF JAPAN for giving this extra opportunity to people like me, who always wish to own a private car, to try their luck in entering this completion. THANK YOU.
Kufadhiliwa na

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Masaa ya Biashara
- Jumatatu- Ijumaa: 9am-6pm
- Likizo: Jumamosi na Jumapili, likizo ya Kijapani
Kampuni yetu
Tunakuwezesha kupata maelfu ya magari yaliyotumika kutoka Japani moja kwa moja na kwa urahisi kwa bei nafuu.
Tunaaminika na mamia ya wasafishija wamagari yaliyotumika ya Kijapani wakubwa walio na magari mingi zaidi kwa bei inayoweza kupunguzwa. Tutakufanyia kazi yote ya makaratasi, kuhakikisha malipo yako ni salama na upate kenye umelipia ikiwa hali nzuri.
Malipo salama.Hakuna gharama iliyofichika. Amani halisi ya akili.
Tunakufanyia kazi- Mnunuzi, na wala si mwuuzaji. Tutatoa malipo kwa mwuuzaji tu iwapo gari limesafirishwa kwako. Na tunafanya bidii kuhakikisha kwamba gari limetumwa kwako kwa usalama na haraka. Iwapo gari halijasafirishwa kwako, utapata malipo yako 100%.
Timu ya kimataifa inayoweza kukufanya kuhisi ni kama unafanya biashara na wenyeji.
Katika CAR FROM JAPAN, tuna fahari sana na timu yetu ya kimishenari na tamaduni. Tunaishi katika majira tofauti na tunaweza kuongea lugha tofauti. Kama mteja huwezi pata matatizo yoyote kuwasiliana nasi. Daima kutakuwa na mtu ambaye anaongea lugha yako na hata anakaa mahali fulani karibu na wewe!
Kila muundo. Kila mfano. kila bei. tumezishughulikia zote.
Tuna mkusanyiko mmoja kubwa ya magari unayoweza kupata kwenye tovuti. Na tunazidi kupanua kwingineko, kuifanya kubwa na kwa haraka, kila siku. Bei nafuu. Enda kwenye ukurasa la orodha na ujiangalilie wewe nwenyewe.