- Nchi:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
- Tarehe: 2016-11-27
Japan cars are the most affodable and durable cars in the world.
I do appreciate cars from Japan for giving us the wide challenges and forums where we share ideas and comment about your cars.
The safety of these cars is high compared to the most cars produced and imported in different areas around the global and especially in my country Tanzania.
I hope that i will have a chance to win and own one and my dream car from this competition of Chrismas give away 2016.
The most thing interesting in the Cars from Japan is the technology used which is friendly user to both kind of people.
I am sure that when i own this car from Japan even my mother from the village will be able to operate some of the functions in the car because its easier to understand each function and operational keys. It is not a complicated design like other cars we used to see.
The most cars from Japan are affodable in terms of purchasing and running costs( they does not comsume much fuel) not only that but also in mantaining and repairing is very cheap because the spare parts are available in most garages and store for affodable prices here at Tanzania and the nearby countries such as Kenya and Uganda.
Almost 90 percent of the cars i had seen and used as means of transport from one region to another, since i was in primary school are Cars From Japan.
Once again i would like to appreciate you cars from Japan and your sponsors for giving us a chance to express and share our feelings and comments on cars from Japan.
Much respect and appreciate to you Madame Lan Phan,chief marketing officer at CARS FROM Japan for the welcoming and encouraging word in this competition.
I wish you the best of Lucy in providing us good services from your comany, on behalf of your customers around the world. I,Charles Ignatio i wish you all MARY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017. Cars from Japan Boom! Boom! Boom!t
Kufadhiliwa na

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Masaa ya Biashara
- Jumatatu- Ijumaa: 9am-6pm
- Likizo: Jumamosi na Jumapili, likizo ya Kijapani
Kampuni yetu
Tunakuwezesha kupata maelfu ya magari yaliyotumika kutoka Japani moja kwa moja na kwa urahisi kwa bei nafuu.
Tunaaminika na mamia ya wasafishija wamagari yaliyotumika ya Kijapani wakubwa walio na magari mingi zaidi kwa bei inayoweza kupunguzwa. Tutakufanyia kazi yote ya makaratasi, kuhakikisha malipo yako ni salama na upate kenye umelipia ikiwa hali nzuri.
Malipo salama.Hakuna gharama iliyofichika. Amani halisi ya akili.
Tunakufanyia kazi- Mnunuzi, na wala si mwuuzaji. Tutatoa malipo kwa mwuuzaji tu iwapo gari limesafirishwa kwako. Na tunafanya bidii kuhakikisha kwamba gari limetumwa kwako kwa usalama na haraka. Iwapo gari halijasafirishwa kwako, utapata malipo yako 100%.
Timu ya kimataifa inayoweza kukufanya kuhisi ni kama unafanya biashara na wenyeji.
Katika CAR FROM JAPAN, tuna fahari sana na timu yetu ya kimishenari na tamaduni. Tunaishi katika majira tofauti na tunaweza kuongea lugha tofauti. Kama mteja huwezi pata matatizo yoyote kuwasiliana nasi. Daima kutakuwa na mtu ambaye anaongea lugha yako na hata anakaa mahali fulani karibu na wewe!
Kila muundo. Kila mfano. kila bei. tumezishughulikia zote.
Tuna mkusanyiko mmoja kubwa ya magari unayoweza kupata kwenye tovuti. Na tunazidi kupanua kwingineko, kuifanya kubwa na kwa haraka, kila siku. Bei nafuu. Enda kwenye ukurasa la orodha na ujiangalilie wewe nwenyewe.