- Nchi:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
- Tarehe: 2016-11-26
My name is Justine Payovela, I am 23 years old,a Tanzanian living southern highlands of Tanzania, I am studying in Mkwawa university college of education (the constituent of university of Dar es salaam) taking Bachelor of Art with Education (BAEd) second year. I'm here to answer question of "why should we pick you as the winner" The following are the reasons that can help you to pick me as the winner;
1.Simply because I'm participating in the competition, If I will meet the criteria put forward by you for the winner I hope I shall win and I'll thank you much and my God for the prize.
2.I'm interested to work with CAR FROM JAPAN because I have ability to educate mass of people about any thing good and profitable to them. By knowing the quality of used cars from Japan imported by CAR FROM JAPAN, I am ready to work in your marketing board (department of education to the customer)
- I have the dream to help my community on the issue concerning with emergence transportation in case of suddenly sickness because in my locality there are some people dying due to the lack of transport means when they are sick. The most affected groups are the maternity women and children. The car I win apart from my ownership but should be used to tackle this challenge .
- I love the used cars from Japan, this is the fourth reason but I haven't ability to buy it due to the financial problem, I am coming from the poor family of one parent (mother). If I'll get the opportunity to drive CAR FROM JAPAN I'll be very happy.
All in all I take this opportunity to thank you for these offer you provide tou us several times in the year. I say God bless you and i wish you all the best in the development of our company to become the best used cars importation company in Tanzania and through out the world.
I declare that I'm ready to work with you wherever you want me to work for the CAR FROM JAPAN so as to insure progress of our company. I know that large number of cars imported in Tanzania are the used car due to the economic level of Tanzanians,therefore Tanzania is very good market for used cars from Japan. Due to that fact,if we cooperate together we will raise up to the superior used cars importation company in Tanzania even East Africa and Africa in general. Thank you very much CAR FROM JAPAN!!
Kufadhiliwa na

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Masaa ya Biashara
- Jumatatu- Ijumaa: 9am-6pm
- Likizo: Jumamosi na Jumapili, likizo ya Kijapani
Kampuni yetu
Tunakuwezesha kupata maelfu ya magari yaliyotumika kutoka Japani moja kwa moja na kwa urahisi kwa bei nafuu.
Tunaaminika na mamia ya wasafishija wamagari yaliyotumika ya Kijapani wakubwa walio na magari mingi zaidi kwa bei inayoweza kupunguzwa. Tutakufanyia kazi yote ya makaratasi, kuhakikisha malipo yako ni salama na upate kenye umelipia ikiwa hali nzuri.
Malipo salama.Hakuna gharama iliyofichika. Amani halisi ya akili.
Tunakufanyia kazi- Mnunuzi, na wala si mwuuzaji. Tutatoa malipo kwa mwuuzaji tu iwapo gari limesafirishwa kwako. Na tunafanya bidii kuhakikisha kwamba gari limetumwa kwako kwa usalama na haraka. Iwapo gari halijasafirishwa kwako, utapata malipo yako 100%.
Timu ya kimataifa inayoweza kukufanya kuhisi ni kama unafanya biashara na wenyeji.
Katika CAR FROM JAPAN, tuna fahari sana na timu yetu ya kimishenari na tamaduni. Tunaishi katika majira tofauti na tunaweza kuongea lugha tofauti. Kama mteja huwezi pata matatizo yoyote kuwasiliana nasi. Daima kutakuwa na mtu ambaye anaongea lugha yako na hata anakaa mahali fulani karibu na wewe!
Kila muundo. Kila mfano. kila bei. tumezishughulikia zote.
Tuna mkusanyiko mmoja kubwa ya magari unayoweza kupata kwenye tovuti. Na tunazidi kupanua kwingineko, kuifanya kubwa na kwa haraka, kila siku. Bei nafuu. Enda kwenye ukurasa la orodha na ujiangalilie wewe nwenyewe.