- Nchi:
- Tarehe: 2016-11-25
Growing up wasn't a rosey life. My mother passed away and we had to be taken of by my father. Since the age of 8 years my father had to take care of my siblings and I. He would work almost everyday to ensure we get the best education and also the best care. As a man he had to do both parenting of being a father and a mother and that was not easy. I grew up looking up to him and now I am 31 years old and ever grateful for all he has done for my siblings and I. Along the way my father had to sell his cars to pay for school fees and upkeep so we can have food on the table. After a long time He decided to buy himself a car and it was stolen sadly he had to use company car till he had to retire. He bought another car and still gave him a lot of problems which even stressed him. I lost a good job and I have always wanted to buy a car for my fathet just to thank him for all he has done for me. I have grown to a grown up and educated woman though it's unfortunate that my country employment status hasn't been good in Zimbabwe. There are no jobs and life isn't so easy. If I win this car I would like to give my father the car so he can be able to drive everywhere he want to go and that he may also be grateful for all the years he sacrificed just for us to have the best. My father is my pillar and my biggest icon as well as my best friend. My Father loves Toyota cars and I know that if he gets a good Toyota double cab or land cruiser or a Rav 4 He will be happy to be able to see the love I have and the desire I have for him. I love my Father and winning this car for him would be the best present ever he will get from a grateful child like me. I am grateful that CAR FROM JAPAN has given me the opportunity to share my story and an opportunity to win for my wonderful father JAPANESE USED CAR😊😊
Kufadhiliwa na

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Masaa ya Biashara
- Jumatatu- Ijumaa: 9am-6pm
- Likizo: Jumamosi na Jumapili, likizo ya Kijapani
Kampuni yetu
Tunakuwezesha kupata maelfu ya magari yaliyotumika kutoka Japani moja kwa moja na kwa urahisi kwa bei nafuu.
Tunaaminika na mamia ya wasafishija wamagari yaliyotumika ya Kijapani wakubwa walio na magari mingi zaidi kwa bei inayoweza kupunguzwa. Tutakufanyia kazi yote ya makaratasi, kuhakikisha malipo yako ni salama na upate kenye umelipia ikiwa hali nzuri.
Malipo salama.Hakuna gharama iliyofichika. Amani halisi ya akili.
Tunakufanyia kazi- Mnunuzi, na wala si mwuuzaji. Tutatoa malipo kwa mwuuzaji tu iwapo gari limesafirishwa kwako. Na tunafanya bidii kuhakikisha kwamba gari limetumwa kwako kwa usalama na haraka. Iwapo gari halijasafirishwa kwako, utapata malipo yako 100%.
Timu ya kimataifa inayoweza kukufanya kuhisi ni kama unafanya biashara na wenyeji.
Katika CAR FROM JAPAN, tuna fahari sana na timu yetu ya kimishenari na tamaduni. Tunaishi katika majira tofauti na tunaweza kuongea lugha tofauti. Kama mteja huwezi pata matatizo yoyote kuwasiliana nasi. Daima kutakuwa na mtu ambaye anaongea lugha yako na hata anakaa mahali fulani karibu na wewe!
Kila muundo. Kila mfano. kila bei. tumezishughulikia zote.
Tuna mkusanyiko mmoja kubwa ya magari unayoweza kupata kwenye tovuti. Na tunazidi kupanua kwingineko, kuifanya kubwa na kwa haraka, kila siku. Bei nafuu. Enda kwenye ukurasa la orodha na ujiangalilie wewe nwenyewe.