- Страна:
- Дата: 2016-12-12
I would like to thank the company and the sponsors for the oppertunity to win a car. I want to win this car, so that I can give my girlfriend a gift that she could use every day. She had an rough year in 2016, and during these last months of the year, she is often sad, because she still misses her departed mother. I would be very grateful if I could win an Volkswagen Golf for her, because she really likes those types of cars. But any other car would also be good to win.
My girlfriend is currently living on her own in a dorm and she is a second year student at a midwifery school. At this moment, she doesn't have her own means of tranport, so she uses the bus to go to school. It would be easier for her to go to school if she has her own car.
I had never bought an car before, but I am really interested to buy an car in the future. I like CAR FROM JAPAN, because they have an variëty of cars with low milages at low prices. I also like the website, because I could see alot of mini vehicles. My favarite type of mini vehicle is the Daihatsu Mira. I love these small vehicles because they are fuel efficiciënt and they are easier to drive in narrow streets of Suriname. I also like the Car Talk section of the website, because there you can read topics for the good maintenance of your car.
Here are some facts about potential costumers in Suriname; most people here drive used Japanese cars, mostly Toyota. People are also encourage to buy a Toyota, because Toyota's are relatively strong cars and you can easily find spare parts for these cars. My personal opinion is that more mini vehicles like the Daihatsu Mira need to be driven in Suriname, because you can get more value out for the money you have paid for these cars and I wilI also promote this to other potential costumers. To come in contact with these people, I will use the social media, because I find that alot of people here are using it.
I will pray that I could win a car, and in case that I don't win, I will also pray that the winners will enjoy there prizes for many years to come.

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
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