• Страна: Tanzania, United Republic Of
  • Дата: 2016-11-24

i would like to thank you very much CAR FROM JAPAN for this wonderful campaign, i have been working so hard to advertise the company in many ways, i also thank you for your corporation from the start of the campaign till today where it ends.God bless you for this.
As for my side i like cars and i would like to win this campaign because i promise that i will be proud to advertise your company for sure. I will also be so glad to win in this campaign because i real worked since the starting of the campaign. This is my second campaign to participate. i real like to have a Japanese used car to help me in my dairly life.
There are many car company dealers but CAR FROM JAPAN is unique from all the rest, Is the best company that has this campaign, this campaign so helpful in our less developed countries because it real helps people to increase their dairy earnings. most of the people buys Japanese used cars from family and economic purposes.
I also like CAR FROM JAPAN because of offering so many important offers like campaigns, free shipping, buy 2 get one for free., this so nice. You real care much even for the people who cant afford buying a car to have bought it from CAR FROM JAPAN because the cars are in good condition and affordable price.
In days to come am expecting to have one or more Japanese used cars.From my heart i just like CAR FROM JAPAN and if possible please i wish i could work with you, am so obedient and hard working. Soon i will be done with my Bachelor degree studies and ask for employment in CAR FROM JAPAN. Most of the people in our country Tanzania say nice about your company, They say that they like you because you have very nice good Japanese used cars with cheap prices and many offers and different types of Japanese used cars. We real appreciate that.
Japanese used cars have hit the market. I love them. They're efficient and easy to maintain as spare parts can be got anywhere in the word.
I love indeed for they are great, I appreciate cars from Japan due to their reliability, better condition ,good fuel consumption and environmental friend especial to our country Tanzania. Not only that but also cars with high durability than any other cars last but not least easy spare availability than any other cars' spare all over the world.
I always tell my people that "When i think of buying a car, my first choice is CAR FROM JAPAN, because of good reputation, clean and excellent condition of your cars.
I am always sure when I order a car from CAR FROM JAPAN I will get a very good car therefore I get value for my money.Your prices are pocket friendly for all categories of your customers all over the world."
I find it generous to create and fund such a competition, it takes initiative which we are all grateful because it has given us participants all a chance to win such lucrative prizes. Even a person such as I from a far off country on the opposite side of the planet, giving us a chance to win gives me something to look forward to.
This campaign is so exciting, i have many things to speak about it but i thank you so much once more this wonderful campaign. I will be so happy when you pick me as the 1ST or 2nd price winner. Am looking forward to that.
I like you guys, "CAR FROM JAPAN" My favorite company..Says me JOSAYA CHIKOKA


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

График Работы

  • Понедельник-Пятница: 9am-6pm
  • Праздник: Суббота и Воскресенье, Японские Выходные

Наша компания

CAR FROM JAPAN - это продукт компании CAR FROM JAPAN CO., LTD.

Мы даем вам прямой и легкий доступ к тысячам подержанных авто из Японии по конкурентным ценам.

У нас есть база данных автомобилей по специальным ценам от японских компаний-экспортеров авто. Мы сделаем за вас всю бумажную работу, убедимся, что оплата безопасна, и доставим вам то, за что вы заплатили в идеальном состоянии.

Защищенная оплата.Нет скрытых комиссий. Нет никаких забот.

Мы работаем для вам, для покупателя, не для продавца. Мы платим продавцу только тогда, когда авто уже отправлено вам. И мы прилагаем все усилия, чтобы ваш автомобиль дошел до вас в целости и сохранности. В тех редких случаях, когда автомобиль не' 1t отправлен, вы получаете 100% средств обратно на свой счет.

Глобальная команда, благодаря которой вы будете себя комфортно чувствовать.

В нашей компании CAR FROM JAPAN мы гордимся нашей многонациональной командой. Мы живем в разных временных зонах и говорим на разных языках. У вас никогда не будет проблем при общении с нами - мы всегда найдем того, кто говорит на вашем языке. И даже живет где-то рядом с вами!

Любой производитель. Любая модель. Любой уровень цен. Мы можем предложить это все.

У нас одна из самых больших баз данных подержанных автомобилей из Японии, которую только можно найти в интернете. И мы постоянно, каждый день, работаем над увеличением своего портфолио. Все по конкурентным ценам. Да, правда. Перейдите на страницу со списками и посмотрите сами.