• Страна: Uganda
  • Дата: 2018-06-16

Car from Japan! Am a Ugandan where many a roaring on the tarmac roads in our city Kampala is from Japan. Our lives have been very much easier moving about our errands due to the use of a car from Japan. Cars of all sizes ranging from the smallest Vitz to the Fuso trucks are all manufactured and customized for our African terrain which means that a car from Japan is designed by the best engineers the world has ever produced! I have had a chance to drive different makes from Japan but the one which struck me most was a Toyota Landcruiser four-wheel hardtop. The other name they call here is buffalo...... I wonder why they call it so but I imagine it refers to its strength. A car from is comfortable that leaves you desiring to tour around the country and around the world. A car from Japan is affordable that even small income earners can also afford. A car from Japan is manageable because the spare parts are not only readily available but also affordable. A car from Japan is durable having a long life span on the African roads . A car from Japan is dependable that you don't need to worry whether you will make it to the next destination without getting a mechanical problem. A car from Japan is made with the state of art design for beauty and comfort both internally and externally. A car from Japan especially the recently models come fitted with a GPS tracking system an added and desired facility in the modern world. A car from Japan lately comes with good LCD screen radios and TV which I can't express my happiness as a lover of music while driving. A car from Japan is environmentally friendly because the engine combustion is complete giving less fumes to the environment. A car from Japan is my car. Long live Japan and a car from Japan......!
Our local mechanics are able to work on a car from Japan because it is designed with a hands on friendly technology. A car from Japan has improved the economy of nation as many a people use them for commercial use transporting goods and services and passengers.
A car from is a best seller countrywide and worldwide this makes it a car that has been able to compete and outcompete other car manufacturers in Germany, United States of America, Britain and others to mention but a few in the whole world. How would the world be without a car from Japan???? I have been able to travel to our neighbouring countries but 99% of the cars I saw is a car from from Japan. How lovely is it to travel in a car from Japan.....!! It is unimaginable to own a car from Japan. Personal status is enhanced from the day one owns a car from Japan. I would advise every person to buy and own a car from Japan to get the whole story of the the beauty, luxury, durability, strength, affordability, sustainability of a car from Japan.
Joseph Makwasi


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

График Работы

  • Понедельник-Пятница: 9am-6pm
  • Праздник: Суббота и Воскресенье, Японские Выходные

Наша компания

CAR FROM JAPAN - это продукт компании CAR FROM JAPAN CO., LTD.

Мы даем вам прямой и легкий доступ к тысячам подержанных авто из Японии по конкурентным ценам.

У нас есть база данных автомобилей по специальным ценам от японских компаний-экспортеров авто. Мы сделаем за вас всю бумажную работу, убедимся, что оплата безопасна, и доставим вам то, за что вы заплатили в идеальном состоянии.

Защищенная оплата.Нет скрытых комиссий. Нет никаких забот.

Мы работаем для вам, для покупателя, не для продавца. Мы платим продавцу только тогда, когда авто уже отправлено вам. И мы прилагаем все усилия, чтобы ваш автомобиль дошел до вас в целости и сохранности. В тех редких случаях, когда автомобиль не' 1t отправлен, вы получаете 100% средств обратно на свой счет.

Глобальная команда, благодаря которой вы будете себя комфортно чувствовать.

В нашей компании CAR FROM JAPAN мы гордимся нашей многонациональной командой. Мы живем в разных временных зонах и говорим на разных языках. У вас никогда не будет проблем при общении с нами - мы всегда найдем того, кто говорит на вашем языке. И даже живет где-то рядом с вами!

Любой производитель. Любая модель. Любой уровень цен. Мы можем предложить это все.

У нас одна из самых больших баз данных подержанных автомобилей из Японии, которую только можно найти в интернете. И мы постоянно, каждый день, работаем над увеличением своего портфолио. Все по конкурентным ценам. Да, правда. Перейдите на страницу со списками и посмотрите сами.