• Страна: Grenada
  • Дата: 2018-05-20

Hello sir,

Thank you for giving this opportunity to about myself.

My name is YAGANTI MEHERJI. I am from THULLUR, AP.

I have completed B-Tech (CIVIL) in AIMS-MITS COLLEGE.

My strength is sincerely hardworking and self-motivated, with a positive attitude and friendly nature with everyone.

My weakness is I cannot say no whenever someone asked me help and I trust everyone easily.

My hobbies are travelling, watching movies, playing games.

My goal is to get a job and reach the highest position in the company.

My family background;

There are four members in my family.

My father is a teacher and my mother is a good homemaker and one brother is studying BTech.

That's all about me sir.

THANKYOU.Hello sir,

Thank you for giving this opportunity to about myself.

My name is YAGANTI MEHERJI. I am from THULLUR, AP.

I have completed B-Tech (CIVIL) in AIMS-MITS COLLEGE.

My strength is sincerely hardworking and self-motivated, with a positive attitude and friendly nature with everyone.

My weakness is I cannot say no whenever someone asked me help and I trust everyone easily.

My hobbies are travelling, watching movies, playing games.

My goal is to get a job and reach the highest position in the company.

My family background;

There are four members in my family.

My father is a teacher and my mother is a good homemaker and one brother is studying BTech.

That's all about me sir.

THANKYOU.Hello sir,

Thank you for giving this opportunity to about myself.

My name is YAGANTI MEHERJI. I am from THULLUR, AP.

I have completed B-Tech (CIVIL) in AIMS-MITS COLLEGE.

My strength is sincerely hardworking and self-motivated, with a positive attitude and friendly nature with everyone.

My weakness is I cannot say no whenever someone asked me help and I trust everyone easily.

My hobbies are travelling, watching movies, playing games.

My goal is to get a job and reach the highest position in the company.

My family background;

There are four members in my family.

My father is a teacher and my mother is a good homemaker and one brother is studying BTech.

That's all about me sir.



  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

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