- País:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
- Data: 2016-12-17
You should pick me as the winner due to my Points I reached comparing with other people who are in this competition regarding of their Points. I know you have a good planning for helping the lower classes to own a Japanese used car so as the winner can enjoy his life situations in this world. The car from Japan is the best car in the world if we compare with other car from Germany, USA and others. The following are the general characteristics of Japan used car,
They can travel a long distance per days for example they can move from Tanzania to South Africa without repairs of any materials this make the Japanese used car to be the best in the World.
Fuel consumption, the consumption of fuel for the Japanese used car is at minimum level compare with Germany car. for example one litre for ten kilometers and above this also make the car from Japan to be the best in the World.
Spare availability, the most Japan used car it's spares are mostly available in each corner of the world compare to the German car where when it is made with its material no repairs.
Strong engine, the car from Japan are made up of strong engine which can survive a number of years since from made day and the start day to use comparing with other car in the world.
Availability of skilled labour, the Present of skilled Labour in Japan led the country to be the first in the world to produce better Japanese car.
The influence of government, the government from Japan support very much in their industries to make sure that the country becomes the the best in the World for the present and future .
Rapid growth of science and technology, these also make the country to be the best due to the expansion of science and technology in the country. This make to produce the best Japanese car.
It is marketable, the car from Japan has the great value to the world market compares to the other countries which make the cars.
Good support from the foreigners, the Japanese have a good company with other people from outside of the country thus lead to them to become a developed nation. The following are the general factors which could be followed so to influence the development of car building in Japan.
Availability of raw materials, in Japan the material like iron which is used for car making are easily available, this lead the development of the Japanese.
Price fluctuation in the World market, this can undermine the development of car making in Japanese, but even if of that the car from Japan would be best and the best in the World.
Natural disasters like Earthquake, this also hindering the development of car building in Japan due to the destruction of the properties.
The car from Japan is the best in the World. Why let me win a car from Japan is due to the influence factor and general characteristics of the car from Japan. Therefore May God empower Japanese to continue to be the best country in the World countries.
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- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
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- Segunda-Sexta: 9am-6pm
- Férias: Sábados e Domingos, Feriados Japoneses
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CAR FROM JAPAN é um produto da CAR FROM JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Nós damos a você direto e fácil acesso a milhares de carros usados do Japão a preços imbatíveis.
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Todas as marcas. Todos os modelos. Toda a variedade de preços. Nós temos tudo assegurado.
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