• País: Uganda
  • Data: 2016-12-15

I am called Muloki John. One of the participants in the Car from Japan Competition, a Christmas Campaign that started on the 22nd/ November /2016.
I joined this competition on the 15th/December/2016, when I got to know about the campaign, but am now ranked among the top 20 in the competition. Isn’t that amazing? And what does it imply or reflect?
Indeed it is a proof to the fact that I am a determined marketer of the Cars from Japan, with much love for such quality cars. I have always loved Cars from Japan right from child hood and I have been longing to find an opportunity to talk about them and express my great love for these wonderfully made quality cars at a world class standard.
For such reasons, it will be of a great disappointment to me if I don’t get selected as a winner of this competition.
Japan makes a variety of Car Models which Include: Honda, Mazda, Toyota, Isuzu, Mitsubishi to mention but a few and they are several reasons why Japanese Cars are so good as explained below:
People say that Toyota car s is so long lasting, and that is not far from the truth. Statistics show that eighty percent of Toyotas that were sold 20 years ago are still on the road today. This is one proof that Japanese Used car are so good.
By any measure (defects per vehicle), failure rate per 1000 miles, initial quality, Japanese made cars are good. Makes like LEXUS have very few initial problems, and the vehicle systems (like radio, alternator, water pumps, etc.), show a very low failure rate, over the life of the vehicle. So Japanese manufacturers clearly enjoy a premium over even highly rated European mfgs. Like Mercedes-Benz. What makes them so good? Is it better materials? Tighter tolerances? Or simply better design?
The whole world is aware of the fact that used Japanese used cars are the cheapest in this planet. Moreover, the used Japanese cars come with many bundled accessories, which make buying a used Japanese car more profitable. All the used Japanese cars that are sold will be in top condition. The looks of the used Japanese cars will be as good as the new ones. With all these good things, has anyone wondered why these Japanese used cars are sold for dead cheap prices?
The top 3 reasons behind the cheap pricing of the used Japanese cars and the great availability are:
The price of cars is the Cheapest in Asia.
You are very aware of the fact that the pricing of the Japanese cars are cheapest in the Asian countries. When it comes to Japan, the prices of the cars are even dead cheap. That is the reason why the Japanese people buy new cars frequently as the new models are introduced. This makes their old used Japan car to be sold at very low prices. As the old cars will be well maintained by the owner, you can see many good used cars for sale at very cheap prices. The Japanese used car inventory expands as people keep on buying
The very special Japanese loan system.
The outline of the car loan system in Japan is that you can buy a new car for almost half the original price of the vehicle. Here is how it works; Let’s take an example that you are buying a car that costs US$50,000 which has a resale value of 50%.Through the unique Japanese loan system, you will have to pay only US$25,000 for the vehicle.
The car loan system provides an opportunity to deduct the resale value of the car. After some 2 years, you have to resell the car to the dealer and get a new car in the same manner. This makes used Japan cars accumulate to the inventory.
People around the globe really have a hard time when importing luxurious used cars from other countries. There are certain situations where the import tax of the used car will be very much greater than the price for which you bought the car. However, things are very different in the case of importing used cars directly from Japan. You should have heard that importing used Japan cars are not associated with any import tax. Yes that is absolutely true. You don't have to pay even a single penny as import tax while importing used cars from Japan. Moreover, all the car related taxes are very low for the used Japan cars when compared to the others.
Besides, the production of small and fuel efficient cars has made cars from Japan favourable and user friendly. Subaru is considered to be the safest car for pets. Recently, Edmunds.com announced that the Subaru Tribeca is the safest vehicle for pets. This is one other reason why I love Cars from Japan.
Cheap Japanese Used cars with all their extraordinary, interesting and useful features got the attention of the whole world. They are reliable, affordable, safe and really interesting.
In conclusion,generally Japanese cars are what I can recommend any one willing to buy a car to buy,as they are durable,comfortable and affordable.

Patrocinado por

  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

Horário de Funcionamento

  • Segunda-Sexta: 9am-6pm
  • Férias: Sábados e Domingos, Feriados Japoneses

Nossa Empresa

CAR FROM JAPAN é um produto da CAR FROM JAPAN Co., Ltd.

Nós damos a você direto e fácil acesso a milhares de carros usados do Japão a preços imbatíveis.

Temos a confiança de centenas dos maiores exportadores japoneses de carros usados em todo o Japão com um portefólio incomparável de carros a preços baixos. Nós tratamos de toda a papelada por si, certifique-se de que o seu pagamento é seguro, e você obterá o que pagou, em perfeitas condições.

Pagamento Seguro.Zero custos escondidos. Paz de espírito absoluta.

Nós trabalhamos para si - o comprador, e não o vendedor. Nós só autorizamos o pagamento para o vendedor depois do carro ter sido enviado para si. E nós trabalhamos muito para certificar que o seu carro é enviado de forma segura e rápida. No evento improvável do seu carro não ser enviado, você recebe 100% do seu dinheiro de volta.

Uma equipa global que consegue fazer com que sinta a negociar com um local.

Na CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muito orgulhosos da nossa equipe multi-cultural. Nós vivemos em diferentes fusos horários e podemos falar línguas diferentes. Você nunca terá qualquer problema de comunicação connosco - haverá sempre alguém que fala a sua língua. E que esteja em algum lugar perto de si!

Todas as marcas. Todos os modelos. Toda a variedade de preços. Nós temos tudo assegurado.

Nós temos uma das maiores coleções de carros usados do Japão que você pode encontrar na internet. E nós estamos a expandir o nosso portefólio agressivamente, para que cresça todos os dias ainda mais e mais rápido. Tudo a preços imbatíveis. Sim, de verdade. Dirija se à página das listas e veja por si mesmo.