• País: Zambia
  • Data: 2016-12-10

hello CAR FROM JAPAN, i just want to say how wonderful this innovation of creating this competition. it is a great idea and will bring more joy into the hearts of many during this festive season. i myself have never owned a car, i don't own a driving license but iv dreamed about owning my own car, but i hope that this will be my dream come true, i have never been picked or won any other competition but a lot of faith that this will be the revolution of my life. with this low economy in my county (ZAMBIA) its hard to buy a simple small car. i have seen the cars that CAR FROM JAPAN has in stock and when i get a steady job with good income i would most definitely buy my cars from car from japan and i would definitely recommend all my friend and everyone even my enemies , to buy their cars from CAR FROM JAPAN. i had a dream that i won, so i got this poem for you, car from japan; Stayed
in the sun
to long
The skin became the bark of a tree
the soul turning to brittle scars
for uncaring worlds to see.
my face
is a pile of
old owl bones
sewn into banks of midnight creeks...
even the plump, over ripened ones
no longer look at me...
but if their car was desert flat,
their oil grim reaper black
they'd paint a wormy, water colored smile...
slide it through my barbed wired heart
so long as I could spin the jack...
so I spin it until their potholes turn to satin-
in the sun
to long
the mind has smoothed over
like pebbles in Saturn rings..
a forgotten spice in the conversation of life
an hour later the word snuggles up to me

Tomorrow or forever( which ever comes first),
I'll stay wrapped inside
till my skin turns back to ivory
to an easter egg yesterday
to a time of bouncing ball and spinning jack,
when the mind was a great silky nest...
the face a flowered meadow place
where watercolors swirled all day,
the heart worms kept at bay.

I'll stay hidden within the weeds,
till the jewels of memories soothe
every scar - every stripe,
the molten knots of cruelty,
till the sweetened fruit reclaims the tree.
until then only my curtains breathe...
...stayed in the sun
to long
car from japan, i will surely be waiting for you.

My dream car is the Ferrari. Ferrari has always been a symbol of speed and prestige and elegance. It has even been described as a ‘passion on wheels’. Owning a Ferrari means that you have arrived in style. But of course it is not easy. Only the very rich can even dream of owning a Ferrari. The Ferrari is the brainchild of Enzo Ferrari, an Italian who started his career as a small carmaker and soon took up car racing.

The 125 Sport was the first ever Ferrari motorcar. Enzo Ferrari did not intend to build road cars, when he formed the Scuderia Ferrari in 1929. He did this as a sponsorship for amateur drivers. After World War I, Ferrari became a driver on the Alfa-Romeo team.

Following a victory at Ravenna, the family of Francesco Baracca, a World War I fighter pilot for the Italian air force, presented him with a small charred plaque. Baracca had died in combat and the plaque was one of the surviving remnants of his plane. It contained their family crest, a black horse on a yellow shield. This prancing horse became the symbol of Ferrari and it appeared on all the cars he drove. car from japan.

Patrocinado por

  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

Horário de Funcionamento

  • Segunda-Sexta: 9am-6pm
  • Férias: Sábados e Domingos, Feriados Japoneses

Nossa Empresa

CAR FROM JAPAN é um produto da CAR FROM JAPAN Co., Ltd.

Nós damos a você direto e fácil acesso a milhares de carros usados do Japão a preços imbatíveis.

Temos a confiança de centenas dos maiores exportadores japoneses de carros usados em todo o Japão com um portefólio incomparável de carros a preços baixos. Nós tratamos de toda a papelada por si, certifique-se de que o seu pagamento é seguro, e você obterá o que pagou, em perfeitas condições.

Pagamento Seguro.Zero custos escondidos. Paz de espírito absoluta.

Nós trabalhamos para si - o comprador, e não o vendedor. Nós só autorizamos o pagamento para o vendedor depois do carro ter sido enviado para si. E nós trabalhamos muito para certificar que o seu carro é enviado de forma segura e rápida. No evento improvável do seu carro não ser enviado, você recebe 100% do seu dinheiro de volta.

Uma equipa global que consegue fazer com que sinta a negociar com um local.

Na CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muito orgulhosos da nossa equipe multi-cultural. Nós vivemos em diferentes fusos horários e podemos falar línguas diferentes. Você nunca terá qualquer problema de comunicação connosco - haverá sempre alguém que fala a sua língua. E que esteja em algum lugar perto de si!

Todas as marcas. Todos os modelos. Toda a variedade de preços. Nós temos tudo assegurado.

Nós temos uma das maiores coleções de carros usados do Japão que você pode encontrar na internet. E nós estamos a expandir o nosso portefólio agressivamente, para que cresça todos os dias ainda mais e mais rápido. Tudo a preços imbatíveis. Sim, de verdade. Dirija se à página das listas e veja por si mesmo.