• País: Ghana
  • Data: 2016-12-05

Quest. 1
Am so much involve in this competition because I want to become a winner and I pretty sure that I deserve to be selected as a potential winner for this December competition. Also want to win and to show as an evidence so many can get involved in the competition so as there shall be a trust established for people, friends and colleagues to partake without any doubt or any cause to not have believed. For entering into this competition means I have key interest for becoming onew of the potential winners and am glad to be part. I will want to win so shall recognise the good things I mean other gifts that are associated with the main price at stake and with this evidencial proof others will follow suit to be part of this competition if I should win. I must be amongetting the winners of this competition this month so that I can also earn a status of owning a beautiful car of choice so many will bare witness and even question how or when did I make purchase of the vehicle and my answer will be that is by the reason of entering into a competition by name "Car from Japan" so that will get to know of this great competition so that they can get involved to make this competition very viable and accessible to all that will be introduced to it. The main aim for me entering into this programme is to win and be part of the list of winners in your company's line up list of winners.
The competition is very much competitive for all that are involved in it so I think I must do my best to make sure I gain my position in this enviable competition so I can continue involving my self in the up coming competition so I get to win more from Car from Japan and be a continuous prospective winner of the subsequent competition that are yet to come. I am so happy to be part of this competition and pray win through I am putting up now so I can I win without any problems or doubts at all and for this reason I will like to win a car from this competition so I can feel proud of owning a car by myself. For the stage or platform that I find myself on now, hope I will reap the goodness of Car from Japan and all added gifts that are with it. My message is that, as I win the competition I will known to every one as much that I can reach to communicate this message and share the link accordingly to any one that I come across on any social media I find myself on as a member. Come December 24th I have a strong feeling that I will become a proud owner of a new vehicle through your platform to be crown as one of the prospective winner before the finally goes to an end.

Ques. 2
Is a nice platform which to me is the best I have witness and the first I have entered into so far and I know it shall continue in the same way you have and become better as the competition grows in a continuous manner so many can be rolled onto as a platform that will make people who never thought of having to own a car and through a competition like CAR FROM JAPAN programme. I see this competition every incredible field of change that many can trust have bets on if the should because they have any doubts at all but will be a place where many shall strive to do their best to be part of a competition like this at all cost. On this platform, I have realised a lot that are beneficial to each and every one who will want to be on a platform like this and I think it will be a great joy to many.
I see more prospects yet to come that any could tap into and might be a happy one after experiencing what your company has in stock for them. I congratulate you guys on such a pleasant ideas and a way by you and the company are reaching out to many through this medium and I also see this as a good platform for one to interactive on issue, contributions, opinions and suggestions that will aid you you guys to have a Base for growth in you network as a group to extend your lovely packages to the entire world through social media and the Internet as a whole to communicate or to spread out the good information to the masses so that they can buy into your good stuff you have on the market. For a competition like this I am sure many are going to throw their weight behind to make this a reality with the benefits of all that one can think of or boast of in any area of choice or locations he/she finds themselves. So when people begins to own assets like cars, they will say that CAR FROM JAPAN has brought us this far to owners of beautiful cars. In fact your company to me is the first that have come up with such a wonderful opportunities that has resulted in the acceptance of walks of life to rally behind such laudable initiatives that has come to enable us to logged on to such a prominent and aiding programme of choice that anybody that hears of it shall not be put off or disappointed by any means or to be frustrated by any one the platform but as many that shall troop onto the platform shall enjoy your packages in various ways.
Is my wish that anybody that gets on this platform will be a potential winner by understanding the rules and engagements of the competition.
I say good luck to CAR FROM JAPAN.

Patrocinado por

  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

Horário de Funcionamento

  • Segunda-Sexta: 9am-6pm
  • Férias: Sábados e Domingos, Feriados Japoneses

Nossa Empresa

CAR FROM JAPAN é um produto da CAR FROM JAPAN Co., Ltd.

Nós damos a você direto e fácil acesso a milhares de carros usados do Japão a preços imbatíveis.

Temos a confiança de centenas dos maiores exportadores japoneses de carros usados em todo o Japão com um portefólio incomparável de carros a preços baixos. Nós tratamos de toda a papelada por si, certifique-se de que o seu pagamento é seguro, e você obterá o que pagou, em perfeitas condições.

Pagamento Seguro.Zero custos escondidos. Paz de espírito absoluta.

Nós trabalhamos para si - o comprador, e não o vendedor. Nós só autorizamos o pagamento para o vendedor depois do carro ter sido enviado para si. E nós trabalhamos muito para certificar que o seu carro é enviado de forma segura e rápida. No evento improvável do seu carro não ser enviado, você recebe 100% do seu dinheiro de volta.

Uma equipa global que consegue fazer com que sinta a negociar com um local.

Na CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muito orgulhosos da nossa equipe multi-cultural. Nós vivemos em diferentes fusos horários e podemos falar línguas diferentes. Você nunca terá qualquer problema de comunicação connosco - haverá sempre alguém que fala a sua língua. E que esteja em algum lugar perto de si!

Todas as marcas. Todos os modelos. Toda a variedade de preços. Nós temos tudo assegurado.

Nós temos uma das maiores coleções de carros usados do Japão que você pode encontrar na internet. E nós estamos a expandir o nosso portefólio agressivamente, para que cresça todos os dias ainda mais e mais rápido. Tudo a preços imbatíveis. Sim, de verdade. Dirija se à página das listas e veja por si mesmo.