- País:
- Data: 2016-11-26
Its with great pleasure that I take this precious moment to sincerely thank CAR FROM JAPAN and their wonderful sponsors for this golden opportunity for people like me to own a Japanese used car. This becomes more exiting when combined with this Christmas season and the new year celebrations thus bringing great excitement and a smile to imagine the great news of owning a Japanese used car.
I must admit my ever growing admiration of cars from Japan and more so those offered by CAR FROM JAPAN. Japan is one of the technologically advanced countries and the leading country in motor vehicle manufacturing. The implication of this is that one can only get the best from the best manufacturer which is Japan. Its known world over that Japan has one of the best road infrastructures in the world if not the best. This means a Japanese used car has the likelihood of being in good shape and condition and therefore more reliable to the end user. Am glad this is an assurance CAR FROM JAPAN has consistently guaranteed their customers across the world not forgetting the guaranteed money back assurance. Kudos CAR FROM JAPAN for this incredible job.
Being a regular visitor to your site to check for the many Japanese used cars on offer for sale, I must admit the superb job by CAR FROM JAPAN staff to keep their fans and customers world over with the best information ever regarding the many cars on offer, recommending the suitable ones for specific countries, how one can take care of their car and information touching on various countries and their regulations on importing Japanese used cars for example my country Kenya. This has kept me abreast with all the useful information on importing a Japanese used car from CAR FROM JAPAN.
As the saying goes "if wishes were horses beggars would ride", it has been my great desire to own the wonderful Japanese used car via CAR FROM JAPAN but this has never come to realization. I therefore strongly feel that this is my golden opportunity to own one courtesy of CAR FROM JAPAN through this wonderful Xmas Car Giveaway 2016 campaign. Thanks once more for giving us this rare chance and the important hints on how to earn more more points. This coupled with constant update of our ranking has kept our hopes alive.
As you may know the demand for Japanese used cars has been increasing exponentially and one of the leading destination is Kenya. Am glad that Kenyans have realized the impact these vehicles can bring to our economy. This becomes more important considering that most Kenyans are middle level income earners thus necessitating the provision of cheaper and reliable vehicles to those who cannot afford a brand new car on their own of which CAR FROM JAPAN has been able to provide. Am thus delighted as I look forward to becoming a winner in this campaign. Am sure I would make a good ambassador of CAR FROM JAPAN and their sponsors here in Kenya and possibly in the east African region.
My vision has been to provide reliable cars for taxi and car hire enterprise to the ever increasing number of tourists visiting this wonderful country of Kenya and more so our wonderful town of Naivasha. If am selected as a winner of Xmas Car Giveaway 2016 campaign, I promise to start this wonderful business in our town of Naivasha and with a good and sound management from me, it will grow into a big business enterprise through importing subsequent cars through CAR FROM JAPAN and effectively becoming a reliable ambassador of CAR FROM JAPAN. I therefore have a passionate appeal to CAR FROM JAPAN to help me make this great vision into a reality by selecting me as the winner of this campaign. Thanks for keeping my hopes alive and thus giving me a reason to smile during this festive season of Christmas and new year 2017. Long live Kenya, long live Japan and long live CAR FROM JAPAN and their wonderful sponsors.
Patrocinado por

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Horário de Funcionamento
- Segunda-Sexta: 9am-6pm
- Férias: Sábados e Domingos, Feriados Japoneses
Nossa Empresa
CAR FROM JAPAN é um produto da CAR FROM JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Nós damos a você direto e fácil acesso a milhares de carros usados do Japão a preços imbatíveis.
Temos a confiança de centenas dos maiores exportadores japoneses de carros usados em todo o Japão com um portefólio incomparável de carros a preços baixos. Nós tratamos de toda a papelada por si, certifique-se de que o seu pagamento é seguro, e você obterá o que pagou, em perfeitas condições.
Pagamento Seguro.Zero custos escondidos. Paz de espírito absoluta.
Nós trabalhamos para si - o comprador, e não o vendedor. Nós só autorizamos o pagamento para o vendedor depois do carro ter sido enviado para si. E nós trabalhamos muito para certificar que o seu carro é enviado de forma segura e rápida. No evento improvável do seu carro não ser enviado, você recebe 100% do seu dinheiro de volta.
Uma equipa global que consegue fazer com que sinta a negociar com um local.
Na CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muito orgulhosos da nossa equipe multi-cultural. Nós vivemos em diferentes fusos horários e podemos falar línguas diferentes. Você nunca terá qualquer problema de comunicação connosco - haverá sempre alguém que fala a sua língua. E que esteja em algum lugar perto de si!
Todas as marcas. Todos os modelos. Toda a variedade de preços. Nós temos tudo assegurado.
Nós temos uma das maiores coleções de carros usados do Japão que você pode encontrar na internet. E nós estamos a expandir o nosso portefólio agressivamente, para que cresça todos os dias ainda mais e mais rápido. Tudo a preços imbatíveis. Sim, de verdade. Dirija se à página das listas e veja por si mesmo.