• ქვეყანა: Tanzania, United Republic Of
  • თარიღი: 2016-11-27

CAR FROM JAPAN i think i should be picked up as a winner because i always used to share this page on my social media like Facebook and Google account, i also visit the site almost every day in order to up grade my points which means am going to be the next winner of the competition. Japan used car is the best company which provides good and quality cars from Japan, every one love to own at least one of the car which is from Japan because we all know that cars from Japan are in good condition and quality and they are also known as the best economy cars which are affordable for every one. CAR FROM JAPAN understand the relationship between PRICE & QUALITY of any Japanese used cars is a hard task to any Japanese car buyer. Most car consumers have resorted to ordering for cars through the Internet because they get cars at LOW PRICE, GOOD SERVICES & CAR ARE OF HIGH QUALITY. The whole world is aware of the fact that used Japanese used cars are the cheapest in the planet.
Moreover ,the used Japanese cars come with many bundles accessories ,which make buying a used Japanese cars more profitable. All the used Japanese cars are that sold will be in top condition. The looks of the used Japanese cars will be as good as the new one. With all these good things, has anyone wondered why these Japaneseused cars are sold for dead cheap prices. Congratulations Japanese used cars company. Japanese used cars,the country is home to a number of companies that produce cars,contraction vehicles, motorcycles A TV, and engender. Japanese used car,automotive manufactures include, Toyota, Honda,Daihatsu, Nissan, Suzuki, Mitsubish, Subaru, Isuzu, Kawasaki, Yamaha, ,and Mitsuvoka. Cars designed in Japan have won the European car of the year, International car of the year and world car of the year awards many times. Japanese Vehicle have had worldwide influence, and no longer have the stigma they had in the 1970s 1960s when they first emerged internationally.CAR FROM JAPAN built tough enough to last a lifetime, the sport utility that meets all our needs at a price we can afford. With the versatility and functionality for daily use, plus the flexibility to make it the ideal vehicle for a range of daily activities, Japanese used car is tough, and just plain fun to drive . Thanks
I think i supposed to be picked up as a winner because i did all i supposed to do a cording to instructions given, and am still keep it up every day, God bless you CAR FROM JAPAN and i wish to be the one of the Japanese used cars winner on this sesson of Xmas. Japanese used car i always appreciate you because, your investments helped grow the auto industry in many countries throughout the last few decades.All in all as we know, Japanese used car is one of most prominent and largest industries in the world, Thank you CAR FROM JAPAN.
In 2011, Japan has seen disruption like never before. Earthquakes and tsunamis have left the nation in turmol. Although despite facing over whelming disaster, Japanese manufacturers are known for their ability to improvise and adapt in times of hardship.
Japan's ability to produce popular reliable and affordable cars throughout the 1990s resulted in Japan becoming the largest car producing nation in the world in 2000. This growth was led by passenger car exports and can be created to various factors including; the improved performance of Japan cars,due partly to the rise of technological levels of manufacturing, Competitive pricing due to cost reductions that follow market development strategies of Japanese manufacturers.
CAR FROM JAPAN improve production line management, digital technology for specific task was broadened when operations went on line, in short creating Computerizing of the in tire manufacturing process.
Japan used car has new robot technologies were also gradually implemented throughout the 1970s,which removed humans from dangerous operations the manufacturing process.
Japan used car is one of the most prominent and largest industries in the world. Japan has been in the top three of the countries with most cars manufactured since the 1960s, surpassing Germany. The automotive industry in Japan rapidly increased from the 1970s to the 1990s (when it was oriented both for domestic use and worldwide export ) and in the 1970s and 1990s, overtook the US as the production leader with up to 13 million cars per year manufactured and significant exports. After massive ramp up by China I the 200 and fluctuating U.S, output , Japan is now currently the third largest automotive production of 9.9 million automobiles in 2012.Japanese investment helped grow the auto industry in many countries throughout the last few decades.
Japanese ability to produce popular,and affordable cars throughout the 1990s resulted in Japan becoming the largest car producing nation in the world in 2000. Unfortunately this disaster will push Japan's automobile manufactures to their limits in terms of ingenuity and resourcefulness.CAR FROM JAPAN thank you very much for this competition of Xmas Car give away, i hope to win the a car this sesson, but i would like to remind you that to corporate with my country habour authority to reduce the importing cars from Japan taxes, this will help and encourage many people from Tanzania to import cars from Japan, it will be easy even for those business men who used to importing cars from Japan for sale.


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

სამუშაო საათები

  • ორშაბათი-პარასკევი: 9am-6pm
  • დასვენება: შაბათი და კვირა, იაპონური დასვენება

ჩვენი კომპანია

"CAR FROM JAPAN" არის "CAR FROM JAPAN CO.", LTD.-ის პროდუქტი.

ჩვენ გაძლევთ პირდაპირ წვდომას ათასობით მეორად ავტომობილზე იაპონიიდან შეუდარებელ ფასებში.

ჩვენ გვენდობა იაპონური ავტომობილების ასობით მთავარი ექსპორტიორი, რომელთაც გააჩნიათ ავტომობილების უპრეცენდენტო მარაგი შეღავათიან ფასებში. თქვენს ნაცვლად დოკუმენტაციას ჩვენ მოვაგვარებთ, თქვენ მხოლოდ დარწმუნდით, რომ ტრანზაქციას უსაფრთხოდ განახორციელებთ და რასაც შეუკვეთავთ მიიღებთ საუკეთესო მდგომარეობაში.

დაცული ტრანსაქცია.არანაირი ფარული ხარჯი. აბსოლუტური კომფორტი.

ჩვენ ვმუშაობთ თქვენთვის - მყიდველისთვის, და არა გამყიდველისთვის. ჩვენ თანხას გამყიდველს მხოლოდ მას შემდეგ ვურიცხავთ, რაც ავტომობილი თქვენამდე მოვა. და ჩვენ ძალზედ გულმოდგინედ ვმუშაობთ, რათა დავრწმუნდეთ, რომ თქვენი ავტომობილი თქვენამდე უსაფრთხოდ და სწრაფად გამოიგზავნება. იმ შემთხვევაში კი, თუ ავტომობილი თქვენამდე ვერ მოვა, გადახდილი თანხის 100% უკან დაგიბრუნდებათ.

გლობალური გუნდი რომელიც ადგილობრივ გუნდთან მუშაობის შეგრძნებას განიჭებთ.

"CAR FROM JAPAN"-ში ჩვენ ვამაყობთ ჩვენი მულტიკულტურული გუნდით. ჩვენ ვცხოვრობთ სხვადასხვა სასაათო სარტყლებში და სხვადასხვა ენაზე ვსაუბრობთ. თქვენ არასოდეს შეგექმნებათ ჩვენთან კომუნიკაციის პრობლემა - ყოველთვის იქნება ვინმე ისეთი ვინც თქვენს ენაზე დაგელაპარაკებათ და ის შეიძლება სადმე თქვენს მახლობლად ცხოვრობდეს!

თითოეული მარკა. თითოეული მოდელი. თითოეული ფასთა დიაპაზონი. ჩვენთან ეს ყველაფერი ხელმისაწვდომია.

ჩვენ გაგვაჩნია მეორადი იაპონური ავტომობილების ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე დიდი კოლექცია, რომელიც თქვენ შეგიძლიათ იპოვოთ ინტერნეტში. და ჩვენ, ყოველდღიურად აგრესიულად ვაფართოებთ ჩვენს პორტფოლიოს, რათა გავხადოთ ის კიდევ უფრო დიდი და სწრაფი. დიახ, სწორედ ეგრეა. ეს ყველაფერი კი კონკურენტულ ფასებში. გადადით ჩამონათვალის გვერდზე და თავადვე შეაფასეთ.