• ქვეყანა: Rwanda
  • თარიღი: 2016-11-27

Why you should pick me as the winner?
I am very pleased to join this competition. You should pick me as the winner because of my enthusiasm to become an ambassador for Cars from Japan in my country, region and Africa as well. My communication, innovation, collaboration, negotiation and conflict management skills are key and will add value to the Cars from Japan. In my last 6 years’ experience I had considerable experience in these areas. when I was working as a sponsorship communication data entry clerk at Plan international I both managed to reach and retain 10,000 sponsors and above by proof-reading, responding queries and ensuring the accuracy, quality and timely communications between sponsored communities from Rwanda and sponsoring nations like UK, USA, Korea etc. have the right combination of skills and experience for your company. I also bring the additional quality of strong analytical and problem solving ability as shown above. My success at Plan international in achieving 95% of annual production report support this. One of the first things I learned early on was that hard work is the key to success. I recognize that working hard makes the difference and I have put in the hours and effort to make sure that I do better what I am supposed to do.I enjoy talking to customers and helping them find what they are looking for. I would love to become the representative of your brand, products and service in my country, region and if possible in the world .As you know few months ago Rwanda was working with Japan country to see how we can become Japanese vehicle port, I would like to be number one to ethically help you provide, supply and distribute your products and enlarge the purchasing power in efficient and effective manner in this area. It will attract customers to your company's products and service thereby boosting sales and profits ,increase productivity and protect the business corporate takeover .Ethical behavior is an integral part of everything we do in business and treating stakeholders fairly is seen as an essential part of company reputation and success.in addition to This, the business will be creative and well managed corporate and social responsibility programme will be in the best interests of all our stakeholder not just our customers but our shareowners ,employees,customers,suppliers and other business partners who work together with ours. Moreover, I have integrity and honest in whatever I do. Having integrity and honest in business is one important quality for corporate achievement .It means doing the right thing because it is right to do and treating people fairly even when other people are treating unfairly .That is what what makes success of a company and it helps the business remain successful .
This will proves that Japanese have in common business ethic values which is really very special .It will satisfy the customers interest and needs in terms of your product and services delivered to them

How I think about CAR FROM JAPAN
Car from Japan is a platform to trade Japanese used cars .Customers from all over the world car find and buy Japanese used cars, machinery and spare parts as well. In my view the simple three words that describes Japanese used cars are Safety-quality and Durability .Those are also the qualities that make Japanese cars known all over the world .With online shopping ,the purchase is so easy and the price is very cheap. The market is very close to very one through internet.
Another important “CAR FROM JAPAN's goal to "Enriching Lives by connecting people and facilitating trades. The Japanese used cars’ reputation in satisfying customers/client's desires/needs and development. Your success and growth are important values to me. I sincerely believe I am the right person for this car and for this company and i am really interested by your products and service and the way you communicate and reach to us.
Below are characteristics behind cars from Japan.1.The designs of Japanese cars don't become outdated quickly or go out of style very fast. The truth is that they remains performing and functioning for many years that's why i like them. 2. The quality of cars they produce are outstanding and unbeatable .High quality and good mileage are always my reasons i can buy Japanese cars.3. Fuel-efficiency vehicle is one of the important thing people consider while buying cars.Japanese vehicles are purposely designed to offer that.When one wants a fuel -efficient car, Japanese cars are always the best option .4. Longitivity they dont require much maintenance .Rarely major repairs are required on Japanese vehicle.5.Reliability of Japanese cars have the best track record.Examples are Toyota,Nissan,Honda and Isuzu,Mazda,Mitsubish,Daihatsu.By providing reliable and safe cars ,Japanese automakers have made huge imprints on the hearts of customers.6.The Cost of Japanese vehicles is reasonably placed and they are built with the idea of common man in mind.7.Safety ;When it comes to safety Japanese automakers are leading because they are known for developing technologies that raise the standards of automobile safety even higher
Trading Eco-system:
Car from Japan is working to create necessary tools for a better life, available to people in need. It has devoted its self in creating a global ecosystem to trade cars, machinery & parts. In the ecosystem, everyone can buy and import their desired products from Japan or another country with minimum risk & affordable prices.
Corporate Culture:
This is to satisfy consumers in the best possible way. To accomplish this, the company encourage its teams and partners to constantly listen, collaborate & innovate:

The company focus is on retaining customers rather than making sales, because it believes that every great business is built upon customer satisfaction.
Communication, understanding & collaboration is the essence of the global team. This enables them to bring out the best qualities from each team member to provide the highest level of services to their customers at a global scale.
They are bold enough to walk the undiscovered path, humble enough to keep learning, and ambitious enough to never settle down with the current “good”. Hence, they continuously challenge their own common senses to bring out new excellences, making innovation a common culture across their organization.
They are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices.
A global team does local business:
At CAR FROM JAPAN, they are very proud of their multi-cultural team. Their live in different time zones and can speak different languages. You would never have any problem communicating with them - there will always be someone who speaks your language. And even lives somewhere near us!
Secure payment. Zero hidden cost. Absolute peace of mind.
CAR FROM JAPAN works for customers- the buyer, not the seller. They only release the payment to the seller after the car has been shipped to you. And they work extremely hard to make sure your car is sent to you safely and quickly. In the unlikely event that the car isn't shipped, you get 100% of your payment back. Wide range of brands, models and prices:
CAR FROM JAPAN has one of the largest collections of used Japanese cars that you could find on the Internet. And they are aggressively expanding their portfolio to make it grow even larger and faster, every day all at unbeatable prices.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032

სამუშაო საათები

  • ორშაბათი-პარასკევი: 9am-6pm
  • დასვენება: შაბათი და კვირა, იაპონური დასვენება

ჩვენი კომპანია

"CAR FROM JAPAN" არის "CAR FROM JAPAN CO.", LTD.-ის პროდუქტი.

ჩვენ გაძლევთ პირდაპირ წვდომას ათასობით მეორად ავტომობილზე იაპონიიდან შეუდარებელ ფასებში.

ჩვენ გვენდობა იაპონური ავტომობილების ასობით მთავარი ექსპორტიორი, რომელთაც გააჩნიათ ავტომობილების უპრეცენდენტო მარაგი შეღავათიან ფასებში. თქვენს ნაცვლად დოკუმენტაციას ჩვენ მოვაგვარებთ, თქვენ მხოლოდ დარწმუნდით, რომ ტრანზაქციას უსაფრთხოდ განახორციელებთ და რასაც შეუკვეთავთ მიიღებთ საუკეთესო მდგომარეობაში.

დაცული ტრანსაქცია.არანაირი ფარული ხარჯი. აბსოლუტური კომფორტი.

ჩვენ ვმუშაობთ თქვენთვის - მყიდველისთვის, და არა გამყიდველისთვის. ჩვენ თანხას გამყიდველს მხოლოდ მას შემდეგ ვურიცხავთ, რაც ავტომობილი თქვენამდე მოვა. და ჩვენ ძალზედ გულმოდგინედ ვმუშაობთ, რათა დავრწმუნდეთ, რომ თქვენი ავტომობილი თქვენამდე უსაფრთხოდ და სწრაფად გამოიგზავნება. იმ შემთხვევაში კი, თუ ავტომობილი თქვენამდე ვერ მოვა, გადახდილი თანხის 100% უკან დაგიბრუნდებათ.

გლობალური გუნდი რომელიც ადგილობრივ გუნდთან მუშაობის შეგრძნებას განიჭებთ.

"CAR FROM JAPAN"-ში ჩვენ ვამაყობთ ჩვენი მულტიკულტურული გუნდით. ჩვენ ვცხოვრობთ სხვადასხვა სასაათო სარტყლებში და სხვადასხვა ენაზე ვსაუბრობთ. თქვენ არასოდეს შეგექმნებათ ჩვენთან კომუნიკაციის პრობლემა - ყოველთვის იქნება ვინმე ისეთი ვინც თქვენს ენაზე დაგელაპარაკებათ და ის შეიძლება სადმე თქვენს მახლობლად ცხოვრობდეს!

თითოეული მარკა. თითოეული მოდელი. თითოეული ფასთა დიაპაზონი. ჩვენთან ეს ყველაფერი ხელმისაწვდომია.

ჩვენ გაგვაჩნია მეორადი იაპონური ავტომობილების ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე დიდი კოლექცია, რომელიც თქვენ შეგიძლიათ იპოვოთ ინტერნეტში. და ჩვენ, ყოველდღიურად აგრესიულად ვაფართოებთ ჩვენს პორტფოლიოს, რათა გავხადოთ ის კიდევ უფრო დიდი და სწრაფი. დიახ, სწორედ ეგრეა. ეს ყველაფერი კი კონკურენტულ ფასებში. გადადით ჩამონათვალის გვერდზე და თავადვე შეაფასეთ.