- 国:
- 日付: 2016-12-02
CAR FROM JAPAN is a Japanese used car dealer that has shot to prominence within a few years. And should I be picked as the winner of the Xmas giveaway I would help push the brand to even greater heights. On the car that I win would be proudly displayed the phrase 'A gift from Car From Japan'. In bold, for all to see. Being someone who loves traveling, this message would spread far and wide.
In me Car From Japan already has a convert but should I win, the whole of my family and many of my friends would become life-long supporters. Furthermore, my wife is a teacher who would have an ending stream of students to whom she would be preaching the virtues of buying vehicles from Car From Japan.
I would also use my considerable and growing influence on social media and blogosphere to promote the brand. I have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest. In addition, I would use my excellent writing skills to help Car From Japan with their brochures, pamphlets and other marketing materials.
I would do everything possible to make Car From Japan the number 1 brand in Malawi and beyond. It would thus be a win-win situation for both of us, me winning a free car for Xmas, and Car From Japan in turn winning free promotion and publicly from me.
Why do I feel this way? First and foremost, I trust the brand completely, after all Car From Japan is a member of the Japanese Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association (JUMVEA). Reliability and trustworthiness are qualities that are very important in this business because an increasing number of fraudsters and scam artists are taking advantage of the good reputation of most Japanese used car exporters to defraud people. Indeed some people have lost money through being sold stolen vehicles or rebuilt ones. Others get no vehicles at all. But whoever orders vehicles from Car From Japan is always satisfied. Customers always get their vehicles with the specification and condition that is advertised on the website. The vehicles arrive with no last minute extra charges piled onto the price originally agreed upon. No hidden costs at all.
Then there is the fact that Car From Japan has thousands of good quality reliable vehicles for customers to choose from. Yes, all manner of vehicles from over 30 famous vehicle manufacturers.
Of course there there are other reasons I would have no qualms promoting Car From Japan. People who have dealt with it speak highly of its staff. They say the staff are courteous, efficient and always ready to give advice to customers. And the vehicles they sell are of very good quality. As if that is not enough, their prices are very competitive.
Another factor in its favour is that every once in a while, Car From Japan gives back to its customers. Being the giving type myself, I find generosity in a person or company a very endearing trait.
So let us hope I win because Car From Japan---the Japanese used car dealer trusted by many---and I, would both end up winners.

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 5578 0494
- 03 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
- 月曜日から金曜日: 9am-6pm
- 休日: 土曜日と日曜日および日本の祝祭日
CAR FROM JAPANは「株式会社Car From Japan」の商品です。
We are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices. We will take care of all the paperwork for you, make sure that your payment is safe, and you get what you pay for, in perfect conditions.
私たちはセラーの為ではなく、あなた - バイヤー - の為に働いています。私たちは出荷された後にのみ、売り手に代金を支払います。私たちはあなたの車があなたに安全かつ迅速に送付されることを確実にするために尽力します。万が一、車両があなたへ発送されない場合は、100%返金を保証します。
CAR FROM JAPANは 多文化のチームを誇りに思います。私たちは異なるタイムゾーンへ住み、異なる言語を話すことができます。私たちとの意思疎通において問題を抱えることはないでしょう - 常にあなたの言語を話す人間がいます。 そしてあなたの近くのどこかに住んでいます!