• 国: Malawi
  • 日付: 2015-04-13

Cars from Japan, this web site offers best cars and its easy to view the vehicles, and the prices are a bit fair than other car dealers from Japan.
If I be a winner I intend to use the car in reaching out to girls in rural areas of Malawi, who face challenges in their education because of long working distances to school, financial support and lack of motivation among others.

Having lived in such rural areas since my child hood, I have gone through this life and I try to mitigate the impact of poverty by encouraging girls through financial empowerment . if girls became self reliant they will avoid teen pregnancies and contracting Sexually transmitted diseases from men who pose like well wishers but in turn for the support they demand sex. some girls are easily carried away by handouts from men, some parents even encourage their children (girls) to indulge in sexual activities as a source of income to support their families.
I want to mobilize into group where we can meet and discuss issues regarding their education, growth, and other motivational talk which can help to grow into responsible citizens both at community and national level.

Most of the girls in Malawi, live below the poverty lines, this makes it hard for them to provide basic to children. Though both boys and girls are affected by poverty , girls are most vulnerable than boys because of cultural values; in some cultural beliefs always favor boys and puts girls aside, they would rather send a boy to school and leave girls at home to attend to household chores, and by doing so, they are training the girls to be good wives. while boys are the ones who will be house hold head who are priotized in every decision.
This segregation demotivates the girls therefore there is need to help in bridging this gap between girl and boys. In most primary school the number of girls is higher than boys during enrollment and the first three classes, but it reduces dramatically upon reaching the high classes. there is a high drop out of girls in schools due to the un favorable sanitation facilities in most schools as the girls grow they need more privacy and better sanitary facilities if these are not provided they prefer to leave the school than be exposed to shame from their male counter part.

it might not be easy to change all this in a twinkling of an eye but it is possible with good collaboration between community members, school teaching staff and involving the girls themselves so that each plays their part to make sure that there are equal opportunities for all the children. What a great opportunity, for you and I to change lives, Japanese used car can really make a difference!

if I can offered this vehicle it will be a dream come true, it will ease my transport problem in visiting the communities and other girls clubs which we meet once in a quarter . I am a better role model for the girls because I have managed to overcome, I went through such circumstances but I over come it, sharing my experience with them is really help fully. As of now I am working and I do support my family despite being a lady and a last born in the family

Thanks to car from Japan for this incredible offer.


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032


  • 月曜日から金曜日: 9am-6pm
  • 休日: 土曜日と日曜日および日本の祝祭日


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We are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices. We will take care of all the paperwork for you, make sure that your payment is safe, and you get what you pay for, in perfect conditions.


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