• 国: Pakistan
  • 日付: 2017-12-13

Dear Lan Phan
Hope you will be fine and ok
As i know Car from Japan is a very impressive one that can help every body In the world who can access that he/ she will also have a car of his/her dream as I have a dream also and with a hope I can be here to have my own car here in my country Pakistan.As we know many others country make car and vehicles but why I love Japan Cars.Getting a car is an intricate process as there are so many factors to consider. Factors that can be daunting if proper research of the vehicle are not done. Everyone wants to make the most of what they pay for and wants to make sure that his or her car is of the best quality. There are a quite few makes of cars available with quality guaranteed but two of the major would be the American and Japanese made cars. Both are excellent car builders and provide good fuel efficiency vehicles that are cost efficient. However, there are some facts and details that can influence buyers to choose one make over the other, this includes: performance, reliability, and resale value.
Some American made cars are not built with the elegance of the Japanese cars. The engine is likely to be larger and can be quite louder, their vehicles are less reliable and safety consideration is even less. So, with this, they are known to be inferior to Japanese cars. Speaking of which, Japanese cars are known for their sleek look and speed capabilities, they are a popular choice among Americans. When in fact the Japanese manufactures, which includes Honda and Toyota have marketed the cars as just that whether or not it's the real deal. Japanese cars have the incentive of having an accelerated performance system that gives their cars more power under the hood and therefore increases the speed. They tend to have a longer life span and repairing them is just as equal with the American made cars.

The domestic response by the US government to the bombing of Pearl Harbor by rounding up Japanese Americans and by issuing the loyalty questionnaires within the camps had many consequences within the Japanese community. Japanese internees questioned the ability of the government to prove loyalty with a questionnaire. This created conflicts among Japanese Americans by fostering divisions among those in the targeted community, persons of Japanese ancestry and undermined the any sense of family or community among them. In reaction to this oppression, those targeted responded in opposite ways: some striving to prove their loyalty; others demanding their rights as US citizens.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the American government took a series of measures aiming at Japanese Americans in the US. All Japanese Americans no matter women, men and children were all suspected of being spies. The media did everything they could to spread the news that Japanese Americans are a treat. People started to believe the media and Japanese American were treated horrible by non-Japanese Americans. "Insurance companies cancelled our insurance. Bank froze out accounts. Milkmen stop delivering our milk." (Otsuka, p. 85) Japanese Americans who were citizens became enemy of the state. Rumors begun to spread throughout the Japanese community about the executive order 9066 issued by President Roosevelt, which called for the eviction and internment of all Japanese Americans. Julie Otsuka in the title "traitors" shows us how she and other Japanese Americans lived in constant fear and apprehension. They were hearing of individuals who have disappeared, and they heard of towns where all Japanese has been gone. "Only people who belonged to our race were on the list. There were Germans and Italians on the list, but their names appeared towards the bottom" (Otsuka, p. 82). The list did not represent white Americans but only the opposite the list represented people of Japanese ancestry

In the early 1940’s, the United States was riddled with emotion as they had just joined the great and bloody World War II. Many Americans blamed this on the Japanese because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, therefore, causing more racism and suspicion of the Japanese Americans living in the United States. On February 19, 1492, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorized the internment of the Japanese within the United States. The Japanese Internment was an order that was immoral and unconstitutional, there was no need for the order other than to satiate the fear of the American people, and the Japanese Americans affected by it were emotionally, physically, and economically harmed by the effects of this tragic and racist motion of the United States Government.
The Japanese Internment was an incredibly immoral order that violated the rights and well-being of human beings. Many of the Japanese Americans that were branded as “threats to society” were for the most part, average, law abiding human beings that were only in the United States to follow their own American dream and to get the best life for themselves and their family. Approximately 110,000 Japanese Americans were forced into internment camps. 62% of these were fully U.S. Citizens, many of them having been born in the United States (War Relocation Authority). If these people actually went through the great work that is required to become a citizen of the United States, they obviously cared about and felt patriotism toward their country to not be considered a threat to American society.
Also, it was morally wrong to intern innocent citizens and human beings just because of their ethnic background. We have absolutely no right to judge the intentions of a person based on where they or their ancestors came from. Judgment of a person can only be based on solid evidence and fact, because it is impossible to determine a person’s intentions without being able to know their thoughts. Although a few messages were intercepted from Japanese officials trying to recruit Japanese Americans as spies, this was a very small number, and to punish the entire race based on the transgressions of a few members of the race is completely immoral and unjustifiable (Le). This does not hold up with the morals and values that we as Americans hold as a society.
The American values are declared in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. The Japanese Internment violates the Constitution and Declaration of Independence in many different ways and so on.
For having a winner of car from Japan


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032


  • 月曜日から金曜日: 9am-6pm
  • 休日: 土曜日と日曜日および日本の祝祭日


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