• 国: Philippines
  • 日付: 2018-07-17

You should pick me as the winner of this giveaway, because my family and I really need a car. Actually we had a car back in 2010, we enjoy going out together using the car that my father bought and it is very easy to go out and go anywhere with a car, there is no hassle in the transportation and no need to commute. after few years my auntie had a cancer, I forgot what's the cancer is, so my father did was sell the car for 100,000 pesos to help my auntie to be cured, but after few weeks my auntie died. Well my father did was good helping my auntie to be cured. i just thought that if I am going to win in this giveaway my father will be so happy to have a car again, because my father is just using a motorcycle for his transportation to work and will be less accident for him. because i just remember that he had an accident in his motorcycle and broke his right arm don't worry it is fix by now, so if i will win it will be a less accident for him and just think about it having a CAR FROM JAPAN he will be so happy because it is a CAR and its FROM JAPAN. And for my mother that have a scoliosis she will need a car because if she will go shopping with my father they can put the things in the trunk so it is easily for them to go home with the things they bought.

now we really need or i really need a car because in the school that I am going when my class is 7:00 in the morning I am going to be late because there running out of tricycle that is the transportation we use. So the thing I do if i have a 7:00 a.m. class is I walk to my school for almost 30 minutes and when I came to my school I'm all sweaty and I really need to change my shirt and this happens too when our class is dismiss around 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. , too much hassle for us students.

How do I think about CAR FROM JAPAN? I think it will be so great even though it is a used Japanese car and it is very okay if it is a used car or not it still have a four wheels, a seat, a door i mean it is still a car right ? having a car form japan here in the Philippines it will be so thankful if I am going to win this raffle/giveaway

so that's it I think I explained everything thank you for reading my message.


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032


  • 月曜日から金曜日: 9am-6pm
  • 休日: 土曜日と日曜日および日本の祝祭日


CAR FROM JAPANは「株式会社Car From Japan」の商品です。


We are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices. We will take care of all the paperwork for you, make sure that your payment is safe, and you get what you pay for, in perfect conditions.


私たちはセラーの為ではなく、あなた - バイヤー - の為に働いています。私たちは出荷された後にのみ、売り手に代金を支払います。私たちはあなたの車があなたに安全かつ迅速に送付されることを確実にするために尽力します。万が一、車両があなたへ発送されない場合は、100%返金を保証します。


CAR FROM JAPANは 多文化のチームを誇りに思います。私たちは異なるタイムゾーンへ住み、異なる言語を話すことができます。私たちとの意思疎通において問題を抱えることはないでしょう - 常にあなたの言語を話す人間がいます。 そしてあなたの近くのどこかに住んでいます!

