• 国: Jamaica
  • 日付: 2018-06-21

A pleasant afternoon to the family of Car From Japan. My name is Moya Kayee Graham from Jamaica and I am nineteen years old. I've heard many of my friends speak good things about this company in previous years and so I decided to check this page out. I have applied for a free Lexus RX because it is my mother's dream car and I would like to get her something that she'd love. My mother has had her driver's license since 2008 but she was never able to buy a car for herself. I live in an extended family consisting of both my grandparents, my two aunts, three cousins, my sister, my mom and myself. Due to household expenses my mom has not been in a good financial position to purchase a car. She is a good driver though I've seen her drive her co-worker's car from work to home and she is very good at it. It has been a struggle not having a car. She goes to the market alone and returns with 6 big market bags and in order to help her carry them we have to wait for her at the bus stop whenever the bus she's on is nearby. I really hate seeing her with all those bags it is really a struggle. Don't get me wrong sometimes the struggles are what pulls our family closer but I do want her to have her dream car because she deserves it for all her hard work not only at work but at home I call her my personal chef, teacher, hairdresser and dressmaker simply because she is gifted with the versatility of completing these tasks on a weekly basis. If I could I would've given her the world. I really really really wish that you would take into consideration everything that I have stated in this essay.
Thank you for your time and may you have a wonderful day.


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032


  • 月曜日から金曜日: 9am-6pm
  • 休日: 土曜日と日曜日および日本の祝祭日


CAR FROM JAPANは「株式会社Car From Japan」の商品です。


We are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices. We will take care of all the paperwork for you, make sure that your payment is safe, and you get what you pay for, in perfect conditions.


私たちはセラーの為ではなく、あなた - バイヤー - の為に働いています。私たちは出荷された後にのみ、売り手に代金を支払います。私たちはあなたの車があなたに安全かつ迅速に送付されることを確実にするために尽力します。万が一、車両があなたへ発送されない場合は、100%返金を保証します。


CAR FROM JAPANは 多文化のチームを誇りに思います。私たちは異なるタイムゾーンへ住み、異なる言語を話すことができます。私たちとの意思疎通において問題を抱えることはないでしょう - 常にあなたの言語を話す人間がいます。 そしてあなたの近くのどこかに住んでいます!

