• 国: United States
  • 日付: 2018-01-24

CAR FROM JAPAN Japanese used car should be me as the pick because I’m a Christian , widow with proper enforcement to win in veracity ina possibility of AFFIRMANCE .I determined that according to a demand for a motor vehicle a positive mind set is the sufficient and precise reference to win this award. In relevance to the competition I hereby certify that the vehicle is mine, I claimed it as mine, I will reveal it as mine, I ACCEPT it as mine, and it is upon your knowledge of understanding that it is what it is meaning my vehicle with due diligence of an ex post facto with Writ of Mandamus, and speedy accounts receivables of my win acclaimed to me. I this day requireof you to agree that I believe and in truth of writing this as my consideration of a precise relief sought to a statement of the Claim for verification of my choice of the Mercedes is to be submitted to me and granted in all aspects of positive reviews of my humble endeavors to be the upfront level of prizes served to me. In my gain for number one level of accomplishment it is hereby granted this day and on the day of reference that I shall and will claim to be the name of the win,but if not you will acknowledge my actual optimistic writing to in the realm of the view of driving a vehicle soon. It is mine I write it’s mine, and I believe that you can make this mine. I think a car from Japan is a choice even though I’m an American that knew that Mercedes is a part of an American made car manufacturer. I new that Mercedes is affiliated with Mazda that I once owned a Mazda3 that was an excellent vehicle for me at the time of ownership. My AmericanCountry and the Mercedes from Japan connected our countries for business absolute. I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge . I submitted this in “ good faith”, and none delay.


  • Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
  • Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032


  • 月曜日から金曜日: 9am-6pm
  • 休日: 土曜日と日曜日および日本の祝祭日


CAR FROM JAPANは「株式会社Car From Japan」の商品です。


We are entrusted by hundreds of major Japanese used car exporters across Japan with an unmatched portfolio of cars at bargain prices. We will take care of all the paperwork for you, make sure that your payment is safe, and you get what you pay for, in perfect conditions.


私たちはセラーの為ではなく、あなた - バイヤー - の為に働いています。私たちは出荷された後にのみ、売り手に代金を支払います。私たちはあなたの車があなたに安全かつ迅速に送付されることを確実にするために尽力します。万が一、車両があなたへ発送されない場合は、100%返金を保証します。


CAR FROM JAPANは 多文化のチームを誇りに思います。私たちは異なるタイムゾーンへ住み、異なる言語を話すことができます。私たちとの意思疎通において問題を抱えることはないでしょう - 常にあなたの言語を話す人間がいます。 そしてあなたの近くのどこかに住んでいます!

