- Pays:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
- Date: 2016-12-19
Hello, my name is Hadi Omar, I am 22 years old male from Tanzania, everyone has a dream in their life, and to me my current biggest Dream is driving my dream car which is Toyota Porte because it is a very beautiful car, affordable, economic and is reliable to my country, as we all know a car is a very important asset nowdays, its helpful and everyone has to have a car, but not all of them can afford a car, we all dream of owning a car, and thats why I congratulate you guys CAR FROM JAPAN company for bringing this competition to us because we have been waiting for this kind of competition to win a japanese used car, we do not know who will be the winner but everyone including me has all the faith that will win this competition. Not many companies bring this kind of competition but you guys thought about it and also thought about us who we dream of owning a car, this has proven that you care about us and all of your customers, we will not stop competing because if you want to achieve something you have to work hard for it, nothing comes easily nowdays, even you guys worked very hard to reach where you are now, and I believe you will reach to the most successful heights in this business of cars, am very sure a lot of companies will look up to you as their idols considering how professional you are. I also believe reaching that kind of success we all have to be very well disciplined thats why CAR FROM JAPAN company decided to bring this competition which is friendly and considers disciplined customers, I pray to God that he takes you guys to the next level, and I also pray to him that I will win this competition, I will always suggest your company to any person that wants to buy a car from Japan, am very sure he or she will be very happy with your friendly services and support. Because there are many companies that do not offer friendly services comparing to you guys, a customer has to feel at home whenever he is doing any kind of business with anyone and to me that kind of feeling can only be obtained from CAR FROM JAPAN company, even me that I have entered in this competition I feel very relaxed, sure and confident enough to make me win this competition. I will not stop competing because I know how important this competition is to anyone who works hard and chases their dreams daily, it doesn't matter how big or small the dream is, we have to work hard for it to reach successful levels and in order for our dreams to come true. This is a very nice competition and also very challenging, I have invited many of my friends, colleagues, relatives and neighbors to join this competition and try their luck, am very sure they would not want to miss this one time opportunity in their lives. By any chance if any among of whom I have invited gets to win this competition then they will thank me for the rest of his or her life. conclusively all I can is I congratulate you guys by bringing this competition and I hope and pray that I will win this competition, I will try all of my best, I will follow all the rules and regulations of this competition until I become the winner by God's grace.thank you very much may God bless all of you
Sponsorisé par

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 90 1973 4309
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Heures d'ouverture
- Lundi-Vendredi: 9am-6pm
- Vacances: Samedi et Dimanche, Vacances Jours fériés japonais
Notre entreprise
Car From Japan est un produit de CAR FROM JAPAN CO., LTD.
Nous vous donnons accès directement et facilement à des milliers de voitures d'occasion japonaises à des prix imbattables.
Des centaines d'exportateurs de voitures japonaises nous font confiance, nous donnant accès à un portfolio inégalé de voitures à prix avantageux. Nous nous occuperons de la paperasse pour vous, nous assurerons que le paiement est sécurisé et que vous obtiendrez ce pour quoi vous avez payé en parfaite condition.
Paiement sécurisé.Aucun coût caché, une tranquillité absolue.
Nous travaillons pour vous - l’acheteur, pas le vendeur. Nous ne débloquons le paiement qu'une fois que la voiture vous a été envoyée. Et nous travaillons extrêmement dur pour nous assurer que la voiture vous est envoyée rapidement et de façon sécurisée. Dans le cas improbable où votre voiture ne vous serait pas envoyée, vous êtes intégralement remboursé.
Une équipe mondiale qui vous donne l'impression de faire du commerce de proximité.
Chez CAR FROM JAPAN, nous sommes très fiers de notre équipe Multi-culturelle. Nous vivons dans des fuseaux horaires différents et parlons des langues différentes. Vous n'aurez aucun problème de communication avec nous - il y aura toujours quelqu'un qui parle votre langue. Et qui vit près de chez vous !
Toutes les marques, tous les modèles, pour tous les budgets. Nous avons de tout, pour tous.
Nous possèdons l'une des plus grande collection de voitures d'occasion japonaises disponible sur Internet. Et nous agrandissons notre portfolio de façon agressive afin de le faire grandir encore plus vite chaque jour. Tout ça à des prix imbattable. Allez sur la page d’accueil pour le voir par vous-même.