- País:
- Fecha: 2016-12-08
Car from japan thank for giving me this opportunity to represent my self and talk about Japanese used cars and car from japan company .Car From Japan was founded with the ultimate goal of “Enriching Lives” by connecting people and facilitating trades.Car From Japan is working to create necessary tools for a better life, available to people by creating a global ecosystem to trade cars, machinery & parts.Fastest Shipment Service is also a reason of car from japan company success. Japanese used cars are vastly used in my country Kenya and they are the best when it comes to fuel consumption, maintenance and reliability,with used cars from japan especially from car from japan company you are guaranteed to have the best ever. Car from japan company offers the best deals in terms of pocket friendly and also good and quality cars. Japanese used cars are vastly used in East Africa because they are cost effective,comfortable and also environmental friendly by this i mean that it is very rare to see a Japanese used car smoking like a chimney. Japanese used cars are of very high quality. Overall condition is also immaculate. This is because of strict quality tests of Japanese government. If a Japanese used car does not pass this quality test then it is it is banned and not allowed to go on the road. Japanese used car are equipped with latest features which make the drive of this car more comfortable and enjoyable. These Features also enhance the safety of these vehicles.Japanese used cars are reliable and will never ditch you on the road, if taken proper care. Most of the Japanese used cars which were sold several years ago are still running on the road and in very good condition too.The trend of Japanese used cars is enhancing day by day. Most of the people are not able to afford brand new cars due to the short budget. Particularly in Africa it is really difficult to manage a new car. That is why Africans are now moving towards the buying of Japanese used cars. People living in all the African countries have strengthen the Japanese used cars market as there is a tremendous demand for it. Today 50% of Japanese used cars are exporting in African region.we have 5 benefits one gets from Japanese used cars.(1) Japanese used cars are known for their outstanding fit, finish, build and reliability. (2)Durability makes the Japanese used cars long lasting with many lasting hundreds of thousands of miles.(3)Japanese used cars have Low maintenance requirements mean saving money during the course of ownership.(4) Japanese used cars tend to retain their value longer giving them a higher resale value.(5) Gas mileage is typically higher in both city and highway driving saving money at the pump and reducing vehicle emissions.Japanese used cars are known for being mostly trouble-free when it comes to major issues regarding mechanical breakdown or failure. In fact, many owners of Japanese used cars( vehicles) report being able to drive 200,000 or 300,000 miles before major repairs are required. This is a testament to the durability of many Japanese auto designs.Therefor i have confidence with car from Japan company when it comes to best quality supply of Japanese used cars.with i believe i qualify to be the winner of one of the best ever Japanese used car.The Japanese used car that i will win will be a present to my daughter Khloe who is turning 4 years in December 28 and who has been pushing me to buy another car with a good music system.
Thank you CAR FROM JAPAN COMPANY for giving me this golden opportunity to participate in this important competition.
Thank you.
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- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Horario Comercial
- Lunes-Viernes: 9am-6pm
- Vacaciones: Sábado Y Domingo, Festivo en Japón
Nuestra Empresa
Le proporcionamos acceso fácil y directo a miles de automóviles usados japoneses a precios imbatibles.
Cientos de exportadores de automóviles usados japoneses confían en nosotros y tenemos un catálogo inigualable de vehículos a muy buen precio. Nos ocuparemos de todo el papeleo por usted, nos aseguraremos de que su pago es seguro y de que obtiene aquello por lo que ha pagado en perfectas condiciones.
Pago Seguro.Cero coste oculto. Paz mental absoluta.
Trabajamos para usted - el comprador, no el vendedor. Solo hacemos el pago al vendedor una vez que se le ha enviado el automóvil. Y trabajamos muy duro para asegurarnos de su vehículo es enviado rápidamente y de modo seguro. En el hipotético caso de que no se le enviara el automóvil, usted recibe el 100% de su pago.
Un equipo global que le puede hacer sentir como si estuviera con gente local.
En CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro equipo multicultural. Vivimos en diferentes zonas horarias y hablamos diferentes idiomas. Nunca tendrá ningún problema para comunicarse con nosotros - siempre habrá alguien que hable su idioma. ¡E incluso que viva cerca de usted!
Cada tipo. Cada modelo. Cada rango de precios. Lo cubrimos todo.
Tenemos una de las colecciones más grandes de automóviles usados japoneses que usted puede encontrar en internet. Y estamos expandiendo nuestro catálogo para hacerlo crecer más y más rápido, cada día. Todo a precios imbatibles. Sí, de verdad. Vaya a la página de los listados y véalo usted mismo.