- País:
- Fecha: 2016-12-01
Hello Lan Phan.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to win the best cars ever. i am grateful and i am looking forward to doing great business with you.
I believe i am the rightful candidate to win in this contest. I am a very active marketing personnel and project manager. I can handle all opportunities laid before more and meet their deadlines on budget and on time.
I have a Company trading on outsourcing and supplying products and solutions in Botswana. It is called Millenia Life (Pty) Ltd with its website is still under construction therefore I am proposing that i run a partnership with your company and be its representative in Botswana Africa where i can easily get customers and have cars in stock for sales. If given such an opportunity i will quickly register a it as a subsidiary company and will appear like Millenia Life trading as CAR FROM JAPAN. The branding of the showroom will resemble the one that you have in Japan and all the processes and procedures will be lawfully followed.
I therefore further pray that the management of CAR FROM JAPAN look into my request for partnership with favor and confidence that the market in Botswana is still open for imports. This is a result that Botswana have no manufacturers for cars at the moment we rely on imports and locally assembled vehicles. Since the invasion of the Japanese cars markets for locally assembled vehicles have changed and taken focus to Japanese cars imports and it is totally a lucrative market. statistics have showed that today Botswana have more cars than its population because the imported cars are more affordable than the local ones.
Where i used to work in, a union, we are looking for existing companies of different products including car dealers like CAR FROM JAPAN TO sell vehicles to our members with subsidized prices or discounted prices of about 0.5%-2%. The Workers'union have at least 1200 members who are potential buyers of the vehicles procured from CAR FROM JAPAN. I am confident enough that with the deal of this nature Millenia Life t/a CAR FROM JAPAN will take shape the first day we lay the foot on the ground when stock arrives.
With the information above i believe this gives me a chance not only to win but to run a sustainable business with CAR FROM JAPAN.
Kelennetse Muzila
Esponsorizado por

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Horario Comercial
- Lunes-Viernes: 9am-6pm
- Vacaciones: Sábado Y Domingo, Festivo en Japón
Nuestra Empresa
Le proporcionamos acceso fácil y directo a miles de automóviles usados japoneses a precios imbatibles.
Cientos de exportadores de automóviles usados japoneses confían en nosotros y tenemos un catálogo inigualable de vehículos a muy buen precio. Nos ocuparemos de todo el papeleo por usted, nos aseguraremos de que su pago es seguro y de que obtiene aquello por lo que ha pagado en perfectas condiciones.
Pago Seguro.Cero coste oculto. Paz mental absoluta.
Trabajamos para usted - el comprador, no el vendedor. Solo hacemos el pago al vendedor una vez que se le ha enviado el automóvil. Y trabajamos muy duro para asegurarnos de su vehículo es enviado rápidamente y de modo seguro. En el hipotético caso de que no se le enviara el automóvil, usted recibe el 100% de su pago.
Un equipo global que le puede hacer sentir como si estuviera con gente local.
En CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro equipo multicultural. Vivimos en diferentes zonas horarias y hablamos diferentes idiomas. Nunca tendrá ningún problema para comunicarse con nosotros - siempre habrá alguien que hable su idioma. ¡E incluso que viva cerca de usted!
Cada tipo. Cada modelo. Cada rango de precios. Lo cubrimos todo.
Tenemos una de las colecciones más grandes de automóviles usados japoneses que usted puede encontrar en internet. Y estamos expandiendo nuestro catálogo para hacerlo crecer más y más rápido, cada día. Todo a precios imbatibles. Sí, de verdad. Vaya a la página de los listados y véalo usted mismo.