- País:
- Fecha: 2016-11-29
I take myself as a winner because I have never failed or lost or gave up on every project I ventured into throughout my life. I have a winning monetarily, a mind ready to face competition and stand out from the many.
I think Japanese cars are good because they are user friendly, durable easy to maintain in case of breakdown. In addition, they are operated under the 'Made In Japan' stigma. Japanese Cars are made to ensure quality fit, finish, and operation. Cars from Japan are made out of a reputation for excellent engineering that’s checks and ensures its usability before being sold. Technologically, Japanese cars are advancing their make to suit the current or recent human needs and wants. The response from Japanese cars to these needs and innovations has been so quick and reliable.
For example, recent data shows that Japanese cars still lead the field when it comes to reliability. Seven out of the top 10 reliable carmakers in the 2015 Auto Express Driver Power survey were from Japan, and around a third of the Reliability Index’s top 100 cars are Japanese.
Basically, in the wake of the Second World War, the Japanese economy was neither ready for nor able to replicate the mass production model pioneered by Henry Ford. Instead, manufacturers had to work smarter, not harder. Japanese Car manufacturers like Toyota couldn’t afford to buy different stamping presses for every part of the manufacturing process, and instead had to use a single press to stamp the different components of their cars’ bodywork.
Compared to a factory run by an American or European manufacturer who subscribed to Ford’s mass-production process, Japan’s setup at the time would have looked shockingly old-school, but the upswing was that there was less on the line that could go wrong. Additionally, there was little room for error and Japan’s automotive employees knew this. Factory workers could stop the entire production process upon spotting a mistake and so could fix it before it was too far into the build.
In contrast, on a mass-production line the process never stopped and issues were only dealt with after the car came off the line, by which time plenty of flaws could have slipped through the net by these other non-Japanese manufactures. This frugal approach to car construction eventually led to the birth of the Toyota Production System, otherwise known as just-in-time manufacturing or lean manufacturing. Essentially a set of socio-technical rules, the Toyota Production System aimed to improve the efficiency of Japan’s production facilities and reduce wastage.
Japanese cars manufacturers also tended to make the mechanicals of their cars very user-friendly. If you did develop an issue you could just pop up the bonnet and fix it with a spanner, unlike the special tooling needed for European cars or the over-use of rivets in American vehicles which made DIY difficult.
Above all, it’s the mentality of companies like Toyota and Honda which cemented Japanese car exports as the gold standard for reliability, with attitudes geared towards constantly refining and streamlining the production processes. It’s the restraint that Japanese car exercise when it comes to changing their productions and adopting unproven new technologies which preserves their high reliability ratings. Even if some of them aren’t the most exciting cars around, their reliability isn’t just a stereotype, it’s a mentality.
With these few reasons, that’s why I like Japanese cars and I hope I have already own one.
Thank you.
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