- País:
- Fecha: 2016-11-26
Dear Sirs,
I would like to thank CAR FROM JAPAN for organizing this great competition. It has been a dream to get close to you in terms of vehicles sale interaction and even partnership.
I believe I should win a car from CAR FROM JAPAN for the following reasons:
I am living in Kingston-Jamaica. In Jamaica, there are no car manufacturing companies. There are car dealers, who import cars for resale. If I win a car from CAR FROM JAPAN and become a representative, we could in fact setup a location, "where genuine cars are sold at a more reasonable price, consumers with always rationalize towards greater customer value". A vast majority of imported vehicles are from JAPAN, but unfortunately most of the people here (the place I am living) have no or little knowledge about CAR FROM JAPAN as a Japanese Car Exporter. It is my belief that if I win a vehicle many people here will have knowledge about the existence of this company.
Many of dealers in my country, diversifies their purchase to the best deals. I am known by many individuals for all positive reasons. I believe there is a niche in the market, through this medium, I could influence customers to reconsider their purchases and also further boost the awareness of the existence of CAR FROM JAPAN.
I also think I should win a car from CAR FROM JAPAN because this will build awareness of the company's existence, perhaps; through the company’s logo usually at the rear of the vehicle and with your permission, your logo on shirt's I wear; in my country and especially it's capital - Kingston. People will have an opportunity to know more about CAR FROM JAPAN.
I should win a Car because, this company is really a destination of people who need high quality cheap used vehicles, I say this because I have visited various websites for Used Cars Exporter Companies and found that in comparison, CAR FROM JAPAN has great models of all make, and cheap cheap vehicles prices!!!!
Lastly, I believe it is possible to make deals with CAR FROM JAPAN because it is easy to make communications with the company and receive responses as soon as possible through their sales officers, both online or phone. This company is about extending its borders and so am I.
Yours gratefully.
Esponsorizado por

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
Horario Comercial
- Lunes-Viernes: 9am-6pm
- Vacaciones: Sábado Y Domingo, Festivo en Japón
Nuestra Empresa
Le proporcionamos acceso fácil y directo a miles de automóviles usados japoneses a precios imbatibles.
Cientos de exportadores de automóviles usados japoneses confían en nosotros y tenemos un catálogo inigualable de vehículos a muy buen precio. Nos ocuparemos de todo el papeleo por usted, nos aseguraremos de que su pago es seguro y de que obtiene aquello por lo que ha pagado en perfectas condiciones.
Pago Seguro.Cero coste oculto. Paz mental absoluta.
Trabajamos para usted - el comprador, no el vendedor. Solo hacemos el pago al vendedor una vez que se le ha enviado el automóvil. Y trabajamos muy duro para asegurarnos de su vehículo es enviado rápidamente y de modo seguro. En el hipotético caso de que no se le enviara el automóvil, usted recibe el 100% de su pago.
Un equipo global que le puede hacer sentir como si estuviera con gente local.
En CAR FROM JAPAN, estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro equipo multicultural. Vivimos en diferentes zonas horarias y hablamos diferentes idiomas. Nunca tendrá ningún problema para comunicarse con nosotros - siempre habrá alguien que hable su idioma. ¡E incluso que viva cerca de usted!
Cada tipo. Cada modelo. Cada rango de precios. Lo cubrimos todo.
Tenemos una de las colecciones más grandes de automóviles usados japoneses que usted puede encontrar en internet. Y estamos expandiendo nuestro catálogo para hacerlo crecer más y más rápido, cada día. Todo a precios imbatibles. Sí, de verdad. Vaya a la página de los listados y véalo usted mismo.