You have a nice car mind you would like to upgrade to or you would like to free up space at home by getting rid of one of your cars. Getting a buyer can be challenging but when you use the right advertising method, selling your car will be easier than you thought.
Knowing the right place to advertise is not the only important thing. You also need to know how to advertise. When writing a car sale advertisement, you should have in mind your target audience. If you have no idea how write such an ad, here are some tips on how you can write a good online ad to sell your car.
Include Relevant Details
You want to sell your car fast and may be tempted to include a lot of details on the ad. Be descriptive while writing the car details but be brief. Many people want to get all the important details first and may not have time to read a long advertisement. What are some details to include?
- Year
- Make
- Model
- Color
- Mileage (be specific, do not give an estimate)
- Number of owners
- Transmission type
- Fuel type
- Warranty
- Price (be clear on whether the price is fixed or you are open to negotiating)
- Acceptable forms of payment
When writing these details, avoid using abbreviations. Some of your readers may not have a lot of knowledge on cars and may not know the meaning of the abbreviations. If readers do not understand the description written, they are less likely to consider buying from you.
If you are limited in the number of words to use in the ad, you can include abbreviations for common terms such as AC (Air Conditioning) and PAS (Power Assisted Steering) among others.
Include all the Positive Details
When considering what to write when selling a car privately, always remember to include all the positive aspects of the car. The good details are what will get people’s attention and prompt them to buy.
One of the important things to include is the service history of the vehicle. A well-serviced vehicle is more likely to be bought as it is a sign of a well-maintained vehicle. Other important details to include are if the car has never been in an accident, the upgrades made to the car that increase its value and of you are the original owner of the vehicle.
Be Honest
Your vehicle is bound to have a few negative features unless you just got it from the showroom and want to sell immediately. It is important to list these negative features of the vehicle in the car advertisement so that potential buyers can know exactly what they are buying. If some problems are detected and you had shared the information, you may be deemed as untrustworthy thus lessening your chances of selling the vehicle quickly. You can also include an honest reason why you are selling the car.
Spelling and good grammar are important when writing the ad. If your language skills are not good, you can get help from a professional writer to write the ad for you. To get an essay writer free online you have to register and then can post the job to be done with the specified amount of time you would like.
Upload High Quality Photos
A good description of the vehicle is important. When photos are included, the chances of getting an offer rise. Most people are less likely to read through your whole advertisement if you have no photos of the vehicle. Including photos helps potential buyers see how the vehicle looks and if it close to what they had in mind.

High quality photos are required, not just any regular photo. Take photos from different angles of the car for both the exterior and interior parts of the car. If there are any scratches or dents, take a photo of them too to ensure you are completely transparent about the details of the vehicle.
If possible, use a professional camera instead of your phone. You should also take photos at the right time to ensure they come out clearly. Early morning hours or late afternoon hours are best. Something important to consider is the background of the photo. The background of the photos is important. If the background you have is not appealing, you can drive to a park or somewhere appropriate and take photos from there.
What to Consider Before Posting an Ad
Apart from knowing how to make an ad, you need to know where you are going to place the ad. There are many online platforms hence you need to know which one will work best with the budget you have. Some of the important things to consider include:
Ad Reach
Consider the popularity of the platform. If it has high traffic, your ad will be shown to many people thus increasing your chances of selling your car fast. There are many tools online that can help you determine a website’s traffic so that you can decide on the best platform to post the ad
Placement Cost
Some sites will offer free listing but will charge a small fee to show your ad to a wider audience. Once you identify the platform you want to use, consider the different packages they have as well as their cost.
Running Time
Consider how long the ad will run. Many sites have an offer ranging from a few hours to a whole month. Determine if there is an extra cost for running the ad for a longer time.
What to Avoid When Writing an Ad
Too Much Personal Information
Be careful when including your personal information. To be on the safe side, include one name instead of two. Get another phone number where a potential buyer can contact you on or open an alternative email to be contacted on.
Overpricing and Changing Price
Avoid overpricing your vehicle as it will slow down the selling process. If you are not sure of the vehicle’s price, get a professional to do a valuation considering the upgrades and the flaws.
If you will be posting on more than one platform, avoid indicating different prices as this may deem you untrustworthy.
Frequent changes of price may also lower your chances of selling your car quickly.
Selling your car can be done easily and quickly. The right site to post your ad is important. The higher the traffic to the site, the higher the chances your ad will lead to a sale.
Another important thing to consider is how to write the ad. It should be descriptive, containing all the relevant information in the beginning. Most people have no time to read through the whole advertisement and thus focus on the beginning of the ad. When writing the description for the ad, include all the good details about the vehicle. Honesty is important so do not forget to list any flaws the vehicle has including any breakdowns or accidents.