Your best friend is ready and excited more than ever! Your dog has been waiting for this trip since the day you mentioned it. He cannot wait to smell the fresh air, the new scents and experience the thrill of riding on the car. In order to make the road trip to be the best day of his and your life, here is our word of wisdom when traveling with your dog.
Tips Before Traveling with Your Dog
To make a memorable and pleasant outing, some advance tips and plans will ensure the tails wagging and the mouth smiling.
Pack The First Aid Kit

In every journey, we all need the first aid kit. No one knows what is going to happen and will happen on the road trip, so prepare a safety package is essential.
Whentraveling with your dog, remember to pack the items necessary for both you and him. Driver can even purchase a pet first aid kit to make sure you do not leave anything behind. By doing this, you can have the most fun with your buddy without worry about being injured.
Go to The Animal Doctor

After grabbing the first aid kit, it is time to pay your animal doctor a visit. In order to make sure your dog is in good health, drivers should mention about your upcoming trip to the doctor, along with a general check. The doctor may recommend many useful things, such as tick prevention methods and necessary vaccinations, as well as possibly Lyme disease prevention treatment. Any given medications from doctors can be provided for the first aid kit which you prepared.
Remember, you must carry these items along at all time when traveling with your dog. If you are going for a picnic, there will be chances that you and your dog get lost.
Get Your Dog A Chip

You must be in the vet shop at this point, so why not buy a chip for your buddy?
A responsible pet owners will understand the importance of a collar. A beautiful ones with phone number and name tag is like an ID card for dog, but just like a card, it can come off easily. So we suggest to invest in a micro-chip. Knowing your buddy’s location is one of the most essential thing when traveling with your dog.
Not only it is cheaper and cheaper these day, it can also help you to locate your lovely buddy whenever it is too excited and gets out of your sight.
Carry Contact Information

We suggest you to learn and gather information of 24-hour emergency veterinarian hospital. It should be the place in or near the area of your final destination. This helps you to locate the place to go and the time to get there if there is anything bad happens. Drivers can check the website online with many good information when you are still at home.
Last but not least, you should carry a note along when traveling with your dog. It should has your name, emergency contact information, along with your dog’s name. Remember, you might get in the situation when you cannot assist in an emergency event, and these information is very important.
You might think this sounds like a lot of work to do, yet when traveling with your dog, it is very necessary. In the unlikely event of an emergency, you must be ready and able to give quality care. With good preparations, you can possibly save your four-legged pal’s life.