To always stay ready and start your car without any external assistance, learn how to start car battery without jumper cables with Car From Japan.
It’s easy to start a car at your place or within the city by using jumper cables or with the assistance of a trained mechanic. But, what if you’re in the middle of nowhere? Hopefully, you won’t leave the car on the road and start walking for miles.
How to Start Car Battery Without Jumper Cables – Tips to Know!
Whether you own a manual or automatic transmission car, there are different basics for starting each type of engine. To know the tips according to your car’s type, explore the information below.
1. Start a Manual Car Without Cables
Hill Push Method
This is one of the most common and preferred methods while people are traveling in the hilly area. All you need is a push vehicle, a hill, and a group of people to push the car down the hill on the road.
Now, firstly, get the car in gear and try to roll it down the road at a speed of 5mph. During this process, take your foot off the brake, simultaneously release the handbrake, and press the clutch for the car to roll. Next, turn the key in the ignition with the clutch still pressed.
If this doesn’t seem to work, finally release the clutch into second gear and push the accelerator with the key turning in the ignition. This method will surely start your car!
Using Battery Charger
In case you are in the plain area, the above method to jump start a car without jumper cables doesn’t make any sense. So, here you can try this out if you have plenty of time in hand.
Just locate an AC plug nearby if possible and attach the inexpensive charger to the plug.

Now, let the car battery charge for certain hours, as this method of how to start car battery without jumper cables will slowly bring the dead battery into action.
Note: List of best trickle charger products recommended for you here.
Using Solar Charger
For a manual car, you can also try charging the dead battery using solar power. Just place the solar panel on the car’s dashboard (in a way that it receives enough sunlight).
Next, plug it into the cigarette lighter point of the car. The process will charge the dead battery ensuring a smooth start without using jumper cables.
Note: If the plug is left unattended for hours, this may top off the car battery.
Use Push Start Method
Another method you can use to jump start car without cables when it suddenly stops is using a push start method.
Push-starting (or bump-starting), is a method you can do yourself to revive an engine by spinning it to life by hand rather than using a battery-powered starter. You’ll need a short, flat stretch of roadway or a modest slope, as well as a strong companion or two to push your car.
Here is the simple tutorials for your references
- Direct your supporters to the back of the automobile and instruct them to prepare to push.
- Get in the driver’s seat and flip the car key on.
- While holding the parking brake, engage the clutch and transfer to the second gear. You should not use the first gear since it may make your automobile back excessively.
- Release the parking brake.

- Let off the brake and start pushing the car with your companions.
- Release the clutch sharply at roughly 5 mph. As the engine engages, it may splutter or buck somewhat.
- If the engine starts, you’ve succeeded.
- If not, repeat the operation at a faster pace.
- If the car still stalls, the problem may not be the battery.
Use a Jump-Start Box
The following method for you to learn more about how to start a car with a dead battery without another car is using a jump-start box. Jump boxes are tiny portable batteries with jumper wires attached to them.
They also employ software to minimize voltage spikes, which can harm your vehicle’s electrical system, making them safer than jumper cables.
Some models have onboard safety lights, AC outlets, and USB charging connectors. They’re also cheap and widely accessible at hardware, car parts, and internet retailers.
For what they can accomplish, it’s worth investing in a jump-start box and having it in your car in case of an emergency.
The steps on how to do it is pretty simple and take not so much time:
- Check the jump-start to see if it is fully-charged
- Most modern jump starters come with integrated cables, but if you don’t have them, connect your wires to the jump starter’s correct (positive and negative) bases.
- Connect the red clamp to the dead battery’s positive post (+ symbol or red cover).
- Connect the black clamp to a bare, unpainted metal surface on the vehicle’s frame.
- Turn on the jump starter as indicated after everything is connected.
- Start the car after a few moments.
- If the engine does not start, wait a few minutes for the battery to charge before trying again.
- Turn off the power switch on the jump starter.
- Remove the clamps in the opposite order: black from the grounded surface, and red from the dead battery.

2. Start an Automatic Car Without Cables
For automatic cars, there’s only one ideal method, which is similar to the one used for manual cars i.e. Rolling down the hill. By following the same principles as with a manual vehicle, try initiating the car’s engine while riding the car down the hill road.
- What Happens If The Car Battery Dies While Driving?
- How Long Does It Take To Charge A DEAD Car Battery?
Amateur Method of Starting the Car Dead Battery
If you have enough strength, then you can also try this method out by using a sufficient rope. Just lift the wheel shaft, wrap it with the rope.
And lastly, pull it using all your strength with the gear in the transmission and the ignition on. This applied motion will help in starting the car’s combustion cycle.
FAQs on How To Start Car Battery Without Jumper Cables
What is the alternative to jumper cables to start a car battery?
A booster pack, jump starter, or jump box is another typical piece of equipment used to restart automotive batteries. Unlike jumper wires, a booster pack does not require a second battery to function.
Can we use normal wire as jumper cable?
Yes, but the outcomes will vary. Wires in the US use the gauge technique, which means that the larger the number, the thinner the wire, and only even numbers are utilized.
It is possible to recharge a battery using 10 or 12 gauge cables, but it will take hours.
Can you jump start a car with your hands?
No. The 12-14v supplied by a decent battery is insufficient to conduct through human flesh.
What common home objects can you use to jump start a car battery?
If you’re in a panic and need to restart your car battery without jumper wires, a drill battery or a can of coke will suffice. But you need to be careful with what you can and should do because not everyone can pull off a successful battery-jumping project at home.

How long should a car be run after a battery-jumping?
After a battery-jumping, you should let the car run for at least 25 to 30 minutes because it takes at least half an hour to charge a dead battery properly.
In the worst case, how can I contact the supported center if no methods above are working and I’m in the middle of nowhere?
Roadside help is frequently included in the insurance plan for your automobile or motorbike. However, you should check your exact coverage—roadside assistance phone numbers are typically displayed on your insurance card.
Local towing companies will offer jump starts for dead batteries.
- Call Roadside Assistance from AAA
- Allow time for roadside help.
- Tell the service technician about your car’s status
- To express gratitude, you can tip them if you like.
Finally, after gathering all these vital pieces of information on how to start car battery without jumper cables, you can easily maintain the car yourself, irrespective of the place.
Clearly expound on how to start an automatic vehicle without jumpers cables if the battery is dead
In most (if not all) cases, you cannot “bump-start” a car equipped with an automatic transmission by getting it rolling “in gear” (either by pushing, pulling, rolling down a hill, or otherwise).
There are a few reasons, all of which tend to have to do with fluid pressure.
First, many/most automatic transmissions utilize a fluid coupler called a torque converter to connect the engine to the transmission. The engine turns the outer housing of the torque converter, which has vanes inside it. The vanes move through fluid and cause the fluid to begin to flow around within the torque converter. This fluid flow then turns a similar set of vanes on an impeller within the torque converter housing, but not connected to it. The impeller *is* connected to the automatic transmission’s input shaft. If that sounds sorta complicated, imagine two house fans facing each other. If you turn one on, the other will eventually start to rotate as the air moved by the first pushes against the blades of the second. That’s what a torque converter does … but with fluid instead of air, and much higher speeds and pressures.
So, thinking about such an arrangement for a moment, you can imagine that it takes considerable RPM to get the fluid flowing enough to move the impeller. Well, bump-starting would need to obtain an even greater RPM, because you’d be doing the opposite: using the smaller impeller to drive the bigger housing, which is connected to the engine, which tends to resist turning due to compression within the cylinders.
But things don’t even get that close when trying to bump-start a car with an automatic transmission.
To oversimplify things a bit: The input shaft of an automatic transmission drives a fluid pump that forces fluid through the various passages in the transmission to cause the planetary gearset to engage its various gears to ultimately cause the output shaft to rotate. But when the engine isn’t running, the input shaft isn’t turning, so the fluid pump isn’t turning, so there isn’t any fluid pressure to engage the planetary gears . So, even though you can cause the output shaft to rotate by pushing the car, it won’t cause the input shaft to turn.
There are some great “how it works” pages on the web to help explain this better if you want to know more. Just google it.
Could you do a brief demonstration video of how to be doing some of the stuff like jump starting automatic without jumpers…sounds a bit technical…useful episodes u have…keep it up
You have not explained whether to put it in neutral, drive or which gear. This may be a sure way to ruin your cars gearbox.
Start always in neutral
Can u demastrate on how to start car outmatic car with jampers sound funny to me
Yeah I think for the first time I am following a lie from their post,because u can not roll an automatic car down the hill definitely the brakes won’t work
Im an arfent follower of your writing. Thank u for giving us vital information. However this one of today isnot workable. First, im a master of starting manual cars with the pushing method. What u have described is inadequate and confusing. Secondly, u can’t roll an auto car down the hill in drive. The brakes will fail and the ignition wont work. Explain further how the roll method can work safely and successfully in auto cars
Please can you elaborate further on how to start an automatic vehicle.
Very educative
I roled an automatic car downhill in drive and the engine started. I never tried it again thinking that it ruins the engine.
This is my first time to hear that automatic cars can start the engine through rolling
Hello team.
Pls help me. My air blower fan is constantly at high speed. It’s clear the blower resister not okay, I can’t replace it because I don’t know where it is hidden, I have tried to search for it ,no good results. My car is a toyota Nadia Model 1999 . were is the exact location of this blower urgent.
Not clear on automatic vehicle as not well elaborated as manual one
You did not explain if the auto engine batt can be charged by solar as in manual, if not, is there any damage caused by solar charging in Auto engines?
I would like to use a flash for playing music in my car, the system i have does not support, harrier 2004 model. What do I do? Please help
I would love to see a demonstration of starting a car by wrapping a rope around the rear tire. Especially an automatic. I would not attempt it or recommend it, but would love to see some redneck attempt it. Just for the record….. Not all automatic cars can be started by pushing or rolling down a hill. The ones that you CAN start that way have to be going 25 to 35 miles an hour. Even if you live in Pittsburgh or San Francisco you better not try this if you have power steering or power brakes. Going downhill at 35 miles an hour with almost no brakes and poor steering can get you into a heap of trouble. I say the writer should write about something that he has some firsthand knowledge. Squido
Francis i 100% AGREE with u automatic cars brakes are always stiff and cant press down when not in igntion,so one can’t risk sloping a hill with a car whose brakes are not working…so this method may not work at all with automatic cars
For an automatic car the explanation is total crap … suicidal
It would be nice to see a demo vedio of an auto push start. What happens to the controls when there’s no flow of power?
Is it the same way as pushing
the pushing of an automatic car to start on mi side its like a dream ,
Automatic cars cannot be started by rolling..there is no way..youll end up with a broken gearbox
I’m wondering if this guy is really Japanese, rolling a car down a hill with no brakes no steering come on!
If the ECU does not see >9v in the battery it will not let the injectors fire. Going down hill in a car with no PAS or brake servo is not good practice.
40 years ago, due to the low compression of the engine, I could push start my standard transmission VW Beetle on level ground by myself. In neutral, ignition on, push at the open drivers door until rolling good, jump in, clutch in, pop into third gear and release the clutch. Unless you parked at the bottom of a dead end hill, you always have a level or downhill route.
Push starting an auto is total crap!
What if the car is automatic transmission