Headlights are the major part of any vehicle. A dirty headlight can ruin the vision in the night, which is dangerous for night-commuting. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the headlights not just from the outside but from the inside as well. Now the question here is how to clean inside of headlights? You will find its answer right now.
How to Clean Inside of Headlights In The Right Way
You can save a few bucks on your regular cleaning by following the simplest steps to clean inside headlights. Let’s check out the easy steps right now!
How To Clean The Inside Of Headlights
Step 1- Open the hood & lift
First thing first, pull the hood away! Here you will see a few screws that hold the headlight. Take the screwdriver in your hand and take off all the drivers one by one.
Depending on the model and construction of your car, the purpose of each screw may vary.
Knowing how to clean headlight inside will help you save a lot of money for services. (Photo: Youtube) So, ensure that you are lifting the right screw. You can even take the help of a manual as well. So, this is the first step towards how to clean inside of headlights in no time.
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Step 2- Take off the lens & prepare the Solution
After successfully taking off the hood and headlight, it’s time to clean it up. For that purpose, you have to take out the lens or headlight lens from the assembly. Various headlights may have various assemblies.
With the help of a manual, accomplish the task of taking off the lens. Now to clean the lens, all you need is a bucket or big container, hot water, sponge pad, and detergent. Put the hot water inside a container and add some detergent in it.
Step 3- Scrub out the dirt & let it dry
Dip the sponge pad inside the cleaning solution. Scrub out any filth or build up with the sponge pad.
Be careful while cleaning a headlight lens as hard movements can result in scratches on the surface that may lead to further issues. So, be gentle!
Different ways to know how to clean inside of the headlights. (Photo: YouTube)
When you are done with the cleaning and scrubbing, let the headlight dry for a while.
Once it is completely dried, reassemble the lens and reinstall the hood with the help of a screwdriver. And voila! You have finished cleaning the inside of headlights in the right way.
Check out the video below from CATAHA to learn more details on how to clean headlights inside!
How To Clean Inside Headlights Without Removing The Hood
Here is how to clean inside headlights without opening with some simple steps for your references.
Step 1: Prepare a cleaning tool
Make a magnetic tool out of a clean piece of cotton cloth to clean the inside of the headlight. To begin, use scissors to cut the cloth into a tiny rectangular shape. You may use a sponge if you want, but first you must trim it to the size of your hand.
In case you use a sponge, you must cut a little hole inside it. That may sound strange right now, but you’ll understand why later.
Step 2: Place magnet
Learning how to clean inside of headlights with the next steps, you need to add a magnet inside our cleaning equipment. So the magnet is kept in the little pocket within the sponge.
If you want to use a magnet as a cleaning tool, you may make an area for it in the cotton fabric as well. However, after installing the magnet, you will need to sew the sides of each of them.
Step 3. Start with the headlamp
Get the headlamp out and cover it with a towel after reading the owner’s instructions to avoid any form of exploration or mishap.
Now, grab a stick that may be attached to the magnet and move it to the inside of the lens. Now, move the magnetic cleaning tool around until all of the dirt and debris is gone.

Step 4: Switch to rubbing alcohol
After you finish clearing the dirt, you must work on the hazing. You must first clean the cleaning instrument before dipping it in rubbing alcohol.
Then, take the cleaning instrument to the inner side of the lens and gently wipe away all of the debris, dust, and discoloration. It will be extremely tough and time-consuming. For the greatest outcomes, be patient and cautious.
Step 5. End the process
Continue cleaning and washing until your headlights are pristine and gleaming. Read the owner’s handbook one again before reinstalling the headlight.
If the manual isn’t enough, you can search online for your vehicle model and watch several videos, and different car models have distinct headlight unit systems.

FAQs On How To Clean Inside of Headlights
How do you remove moisture from sealed headlights?
Using a hairdryer to blow out the moisture with hot or dry air into the vent is the simplest approach to get the moisture out without even damaging the sealed headlamps.
You must wait for your headlights to cool before going through the process. Repeat the technique until you achieve the desired results.
Can you use WD-40 to clean headlights?
Using a clean microfiber towel, apply WD-40 to the headlight. To clear foggy headlights, use normal WD-40 spray.
Apply the WD-40 on the cloth rather than straight to the headlamp. Work the WD-40 into the headlight covers in circular motions to avoid leaving streaks.
What are some homemade solutions for clearing hazy headlights?
If you look around, you’ll find a lot of things that will come in handy, such as soap, toothpaste, lemon, baking soda, rubbing alcohol, and so on. These are excellent for clearing foggy headlights at home.
How can I restore the clarity of my headlights?
If your headlights are extremely oxidized and hazy, use 400-grit sandpaper to clean them. Wet sand with 1,000 grit sandpaper.
Using your water spray bottle, softly wet sand the surface of your headlights using 1,000 grit wet or wet-dry sandpaper (this acts as a lubricant).
Check out this video for more information on ways to make headlights crystal clear again!
Can I use Coca Cola as a front light car cleaner?
Coca-Cola’s phosphoric acid can help eliminate oxidation from your headlights and give them a good clean. Because it may harm or stain paintwork, it’s preferable to decant it into a spray bottle and spray directly on the headlights rather than pouring it on.
Can you use baking soda and vinegar to clean foggy headlights inside or outside?
Surface dirt and grime may be removed by cleaning or spraying the headlamp with vinegar.
If your headlights have gotten cloudy, foggy, or yellowed, try a baking soda and vinegar solution. You may even use vinegar to produce a headlight wax.
Your safety is in your hands. Never drive with the dirty headlight just for the sake of safety. Moreover, it can also damage the lens of the headlight and the situation of headlight replacement might occur.
So, use the above nifty steps for a DIY solution on how to clean inside of headlights. In the worst-case scenario, use the maintenance tips or simply consult the experts.
bullshit article .. basicly it says ” open hood… remove headlight..open headlight and clean it gently …and you are done” ..
Lol! In depth coverage…
Is this a spoof answer? It tells absolutely nothing. Maybe the author of that article can explain how he wipes his asshole
Agreed, unless it’s bug stuff this is a waste of time. On the outside I’ve found Mothers mag and aluminum polish is cheap and works the best without power tools and very little elbow grease. Can pick it up for around $6.00 for enough to last for several cleanings. (About 10 minutes per side or lens) Apply liberally, rub with an old sock or something similar and then wipe off with another clean rag or a paper towel and rub until paste is removed . A little buffing with clean towel cloth or paper towel and you’re done. I haven’t cleaned an inside yet but I have a van that I’m going to try it on .