A fuel pump relay is a small plug-like creation that goes onto the ignition system. The part consists of several pins that are wrapped in a plastic case, so it goes well with the connecting spot. The primary function of a fuel pump relay is to maintain the voltage supply for the fuel pressure. Many times, this unit malfunctions, and hence, you feel unable to start your car. By identifying the bad fuel pump relay symptoms, you can work to solve them easily.
The write-up is about recognizing these symptoms and replacing a fuel pump relay.
Bad Fuel Pump Relay Symptoms: Learn To Identify
In order to do it yourself or getting it done by a professional, you can head to identifying the symptoms. If you notice any of these happenings with your car, it is a sign about a pump relay that is not in working condition. Here are some of the common symptoms-
If The Engine Does Not Even Buzz
A relay’s work is to maintain the voltage in order to start the fuel supply once you switch on the ignition. But when the relay fails or does not work as it should be, then you become unable to start the engine. This happens because no fuel supply goes to the engine system, and hence, you do not get ready to drive. So this may be one of the signs of a bad fuel pump relay.
Loss Of Power
If the vehicle seems to lose the power in-between the driving, it is an indication of a not-so-good fuel pump relay. In this case, the car seems to lose power when you are still driving it. It makes the car to halt, if not completely, then partially. But, the issue should not be ignored to make the relay completely stop working.

If The Engine Starts Just For A Few Seconds
Well, you may also face a moment when the engine starts effortlessly or as usual. But then you notice that it goes down or turn off without taking you anywhere. However, this may also because of your gas tank or if there are any engine problems; in most cases, it is one of the signs of a bad fuel pump relay.
Of course, when the fuel relay does not work well, you hear no humming sound. So, every time you turn that key on, you hear the sound until there is something wrong with the relay. So, this is another one among the signs of a bad fuel pump relay you get to notice.
Removal And Replacement Of The Fuel Pump Relay
Once you have got all the needed tools, you become ready for the removal and replacement of the fuel pump relay. Here are a few tools you may need:
- A pack of wrenches
- Needle nose pliers
- Wheel chocks
Now, you need to locate the fuel pump relay that in most case is located inside the fuse box. The fuse box can be found in the engine compartment.
Go to your car’s hood and disconnect the battery by taking off the negative cable. Make sure to wrap the cable with black tape, so it does not come in contact with any metal or things. Switching off the battery is always a good idea while you are handling the engine or any associated part.
Now, go to the fuse box and locate the fuel relay. Check the images for getting an idea of how the relay looks like. It is not compulsory that every relay exists in the fuse box. There are different fuel pump relay locations; check the manual or ask your manufacturer.

What After That?
Once you have found the relay, observe its position before taking it out. This way, you would place the new relay rightly without messing up. Make sure you have already got a new relay to keep the job handy and to utilize your precious time. Learn to open a frozen car door and handle other car’s technicalities here Maintenance Tips.
Any car store or the nearby car manufacturer can provide you with a new fuel pump relay. It may charge you anywhere from $12 to $45 that depends on the brand you opt for. You can also check out with a few stores without finalizing one, so you can have a clear idea about the different brand names and overall quality.
Once you know “where is the fuel pump relay” and how to set the new relay by taking off the old one, you are good to go. Get the new relay and carefully place it in the same manner as the old plug. If there are any other connectors that you had to remove, rejoin them too, and you are almost done.
Now put things back on the track such as the battery and close the hood. Try turning on the ignition, repeatedly if necessary. A malfunctioning fuel relay may make the fuel pressure delayed, so it can take some time to start the vehicle and hear that hum again.
Understanding The Fuel Pump Relay’s Working
While we are talking about different aspects of a fuel pump relay, let’s have some more knowledge about the tool by knowing its working
A fuel pump relay is responsible for passing on the fuel to the engine. It sends the signal to the fuel pump to deliver the fuel to the engine. With the right pressure, the fuel enters the combustion chamber, and a fuel pump relay works to create this pressure. The relay ensures that the right amount of pressure is created because if it is too low or too high, it creates troubles for the engine and eventually, the car that takes effect on your driving experience.
A fuel pump relay may be an expensive tool that you can easily own, but its malfunctioning can make you lose hundreds of dollars instantly. That is why it is advised that you keep a check on the relay as soon as you detect something wrong there.

So this is how everyone should go on with the bad fuel pump relay symptoms to identify the issue. Replacing the relay yourself is not any troublesome task to handle. Anyone having a basic knowledge of the engine and battery can perform the relay replacement himself. In case of any doubt, you can always call a professional home and have the replacement.