Car TalkCar MaintenanceWarning LightsABS Light Stays On? Steps To Fix An ABS Warning Light

ABS Light Stays On? Steps To Fix An ABS Warning Light

Have you got an warning light on? Don’t worry! Anytime a problem occurs in the ABS brake system, the ABS light stays ON.

Let’s find down how the ABS system works and learn how to turn off ABS light now!

How Does An ABS System Work?

Anti-lock brake system (ABS) is very familiar to modern cars. This system maintain control and directional stability of a car when extreme braking happens.

When one or more tires start to skid, they will lose traction causing the vehicle to move in whatever direction it wants, even totally sideways.

Research has proven that a vehicle with an ABS system can decrease the risk of an accident by 18 percent by controlling the rotational speed of each wheel.

Located near the wheel, a wheel speed sensor controls the rotational speed of the wheel. This information is sent to the computer module, which measures all of the data from 4-wheel sensors.

If the computer detects one or more wheels turning slower than the others, it will alert the valve to reduce the pressure of the brake line. Having the pump maintain this pressure to enable the wheel to start rolling again.

This is why you might feel the brake pedal vibrate if the system is activated. If the ABS system detects a problem, a fault code will be generated and stores in the system memory to turn the warning light.

Basically, most of the ABS systems are “real-time”. When a code has been triggered and fixed, it should clear within a few minutes of driving.

Most of the modern car systems are basic and consisted of 4-wheel speed sensors, a main computer module, a valve, and a hydraulic pump assembly at every wheel. This helps to make the price of the parts more affordable as well as simplify repairs.

Your ABS Light Stays On? 7 Reasons And How To Fix Them

To fix ABS light, park your car over a stage with the engine off, and set the transmission and the emergency brake.

If you don’t find a stage, park your car on any level ground and use jacks to lift it for replacing or removing the tires or the control module.

Below are the guideline involved to know how to reset ABS light without scan tool.

Blown ABS fuse

When ABS light won’t go off, most people are not aware that ABS fuse is similar to any other electrical system. It is protected by a fuse that may blow with time.

First, replace the faulty fuse. In case it blows repeatedly, there maybe a problem with the pump motor or ABS computer.

Damaged ABS sensor

The ABS wheel sensor monitors the wheel rotation, controlled by its computer. This sensor works in conjunction with the wheel stator attached to the axle brake rotor, bearing hub, or CV joint.

With time, these sensors may short out as they are subject to vibration or road conditions.

Faulty ABS computer module

abs warning light stays on
ABS light stays on unless you fix the core issue (Photo:

The ABS controller works in monitoring the wheel speed and may stop functioning like any other electronic device. You can see the computer on the top of the pump motor, attached to around five mounting bolts.

If you hear the humming noise from the system or you see any burned-out control coil, it’s time to replace the module when ABS warning light stays on.

Damaged stator ring

The wheel speed sensor and the other sensor work in combination to monitor the rotation speed of the wheel. A damaged wheel ring causes trouble to the whole system.

In any case, the ring damages or dislocates in a way that the teeth remain absent, this, activates the system. Further, the system stays activated assuming the wheel is rotating slower than all others.

If this happens, inspect the rings physically.

Losing hydraulic pressure

One of the causes responsible for ABS light stays on is losing hydraulic pressure.

When inspecting your ABS light, you need to inspect the brake fluid levels in the brake reservoir. Low fluid level is a possible cause of making the warning light stays on.

On the other hand, if the levels are not perfect, you may lose pressure on one side of the vehicle, which can be very dangerous.

Losing hydraulic pressure can result in the brake failing, and as the vehicle rises in speed and the brake system won’t be as efficient in stopping the vehicle. Therefore, you should try to find out how to reset ABS brake system.

Damaged hydraulic circuits

Each vehicle has 2 hydraulic circuits, inspect both of them. They may be what would cause the ABS light to come on. In the situation when the main line fails, the dual hydraulic system works as a fail-safe.

So there is still the opportunity that the second set of brakes will kick in and enable the car to stop. These are built into a check valve system that enables one to turn when the other turns off.

So if you detect damaged parts in the hydraulic circuits, replace them soon.

Read More: Why Oil Pressure Lights Stays on After Oil Change

The not-deep-enough emergency brake

Another reason causing traction control light stays on is the emergency brake. In some cases, the emergency brake won’t go down far enough, keeping the light on, although you don’t actually apply the brakes.

The emergency brake doesn’t work on the same system as the main brake line, but when the main lines fail, the emergency brake (which is in working condition) can still be applied instead.

Also in steep driving terrain, the E-brake can be applied as a preventative measure. However, if you don’t shut off the handle precisely, the light will get stuck.

So when your ABS light won’t go off, be sure to check whether your emergency brake is in the correct down position or not.

Adjust it a few times and see if the light turns off. Listen to unknown sounds and check the performance to figure out a problem for further inspection.

Most American cars do not require any type of code clearing. While some ancient models the European and Japanese models still need to clear ABS code reader. If the light came on even after the code cleaning, it means the problem persists.

trailer abs light comes on when brakes applied
If you don’t shut off the handle precisely, the light will be on. (Photo: bizoo_n

Frequently Asked Questions On ABS Lights

What causes the ABS light to come on and go off?

ABS warning light

Here’s what causes the ABS light stays on in most cases:
– A fuse in the system has blown
– A wheel-speed sensor that is damaged or covered with road dust
– Faulty wiring between the sensors and the ABS controller
– An ABS controller that no longer works

After the broken ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) has been fixed and worked properly again, the light will go off.

Leaning how to turn off the ABS light is actually to get the ABS fixed.

Can you drive with an ABS light on?

Yes, but it does not mean you can drive safely when your ABS light turns on.

The car will still operate as normal, it will start up just fine, its brakes will work.

But now, let’s think about some cars cutting you off or a deer jumping out to the middle of the road, there will be nothing to guarantee that the ABS system will work.

And you may face the danger of locking up your wheels which leads to uncontrollably skid into any direction.

Is it safe to drive with the ABS light on?

Yes and no. Your car will just operate normally and safety remains the same on the road. But in the moment of sudden brake, the ABS may not work.

And depending on your steering and braking in those seconds, there may be a hit or slam, or nothing bad happens then.

Your car would become a normal old car without ABS. Therefore safety in such an emergency depends on your driving skill.

How much does it cost to fix ABS system?

The cost to repair the ABS system varies based on the severity of your problem along with the make, model, and year of your car.

ABS control modules cost anywhere from $200 up to $600 each, while ABS wheel sensors run from $100 to $200 each. So the overall price tag can range from $100 to over 800$.

Is my car prone to this issue of ABS light coming on?

Here are models prone to this issue: Toyota (Toyota Camry, Prius, Toyota Corolla), Honda (Honda Accord, Civic), Subaru, Ford, and Volkswagen.

Final Words

Yes, sometimes the ABS light stays on. There is nothing too much to worry about; however, checking for the fault is important.

Learn some maintenance tips in order to keep the car in its best condition with Car From Japan today!

Tsukasa Azuma
Tsukasa Azuma
Tsukasa Azuma is the resident car expert at Car From Japan. He owns a car repair shop in downtown Osaka, and his years of hands-on experience shine through in his informative blog posts. Tsukasa provides top-notch car maintenance tips and keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends in the auto industry, offering a unique and insightful perspective on everything car-related. His blog has become a go-to resource for anyone wanting to keep their car in top shape.


  1. I have learned something, but tell me this, what causes a check engine not to come on, thus causing the car not to start despite cranking?

  2. I have learnt alot
    Now help me this
    I always see that ABS each time i start my engine but when it starts it desappear same with other engine signs
    They ‘re not there constantly they just appear when I start the engine

  3. This is great..I would take this chance to thank you for coming up with such good information concerning vehicles ..This is goner help the users to mentain the cars and reduce on the expensens on repairs. Thank you again God bless .

  4. Now i am driving Toyota Foutuner modle 2012
    One time the airbag light apeared and after two days went off.
    Now again it on and does not go off.
    The horn is working well .
    what can i do with this.?
    Change the fiber or some thing else?

  5. Iam an auto electrician but am very much interested to learn about motor vehicle diagnosis kindly assist me with the information of how I can go about it

  6. I observed will driving my 2002 honda civic that the backlight in my a/c and a/c mode setting nobes are not lighting up.the backlight in the fuel gage is also not showing .i would like to know why?

  7. I have noted that my ABS and Break light come on at the same time while and driving and once I park the car for somerime, it clears. This happens again while am driving especially in the jam or rough road. Please help.

  8. in my Aqua car show ABC light puls hand break light. its display suddenly. sometimes its disappear 3 or more km. and sometimes when I start my car its display on screen. when ABS warning the break system,and pandle working sencond staples. means when ABS not show that break working like touch.
    ASB sometimes display and some time disappear. where is the problem.
    here 3 days ago I when to workshop they change break show. after 2 days its comeback.
    what I could do. I can’t understand. please tell me solution of it

  9. I recently change cv joints on my 2007 vw polo, the abs light came on and when its of the brake pedal vibrates when I brake, please assist I need to know what might be the problem.

  10. Hi !! how are you doing?
    i have a mitsubishi l200 2007. i replace the clock spring but a mistake put the steering wheel wrong after a drive test the abs light in the traction control light stay on. please what can i do to fix this problem cause i put th steering wheel back the light still on could somebody help me please. cause when i scan the car with the maxisys the say on the web i need a mitsubishi scanner to reset it. i don’t know what to do help me please.

  11. Its not a comment but a question. I brought my car to car wash. They wash even to the engine. When starting it, it showed ABS and when releasing
    E- brake iits sign was seen faintly. But now for E-brake it is disappearing normally.

    ABS is still showing. I am suspecting that it is was that nhas caused it. What can I do so that it goes?


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